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  A Sip of Go Log

Logging is indispensable in any code that we need its support both in debugging and in statistics. However, a package that filled withfmt.Println/fmt.Printf printing various messages can never be considered a read-to-be-adopted package, which can be optimized by a simple change, using Golang’s native log package to print information to standard output or to a file.Then, how to apply the log package? Are there any limitations? If so, can we seek open-source packages? Let’s find the answers together.Golang logpackage mainimport "log"func main() { log.Println("Log pri...

1,375 0       GOLANG LOGGING

  Publish Your Go Package on is a site where various resources for Go developers are shared, such as “Get Started”, Tutorial, Packages (, and all the official blogs. Among them, Packages is where I visit most, which allows free access to all the open-source Go packages submitted by communities including the native Golang packages. Thanks to all the contributors, I enjoy the great benefit, and sometimes I want to be a contributor myself.Let’s submit a “complete” package to today.Came into beingBefore’s birth...


  When and Where to Use Pointers in Go

When declaring variables in Go, we usually have two syntax options: In some scenarios, pointers; in others, reference; sometimes, either. It’s great to have choices, but it is also confusing sometimes as to which one in which scenario.To be more reasonable in choice-making, I started from pointers, walked through their natures, and summarized some rules in using them in Go.from unsplash, Jordan LadikosPointersGo has pointers. A pointer holds the memory address of a value.— from A Tour of GoThe data is stored in the memory when the program runs and each has a num...

2,354 0       POINTER GOLANG

  Our Go Cache Library Choices

In Build a Go KV Cache from Scratch in 20 minutes, I walked you through what matters when writing a local cache, and eventually implemented one, whose performance was beaten badly by that of the popular go-cache on Github though. However, the bright side is that we can learn a lot from those excellent Github Go cache products, studying their features, applicable scenarios, and implementations, and extracting what we need.In this article, I will mainly analyze and compare the four cache libraries of go-cache, bigcache, golang-lru, and groupcache, which are all...


  golangci-lint to enable comment check for exported functions

golangci-lint is a command line tool which aggregates a list of different go linters to check whether the source code is in correct condition from different aspects. It is built to run during the CI pipeline so that there is no obvious coding issues before compiling and building the program.It is easy to run it with just below command$ golangci-lint run -vINFO [config_reader] Config search paths: [./ /Users /] INFO [config_reader] Used config file .golangci.yml INFO [lintersdb] Active 10 linters: [deadcode errcheck gosimple govet ineffassign staticcheck structcheck typecheck unused varcheck] I...


  The magic of go:linkname

When writing Go program, there is frequent need on using time.Sleep() function to pause the logic for some time. And if jumping to the definition of this function, can see below definition:// Sleep pauses the current goroutine for at least the duration d.// A negative or zero duration causes Sleep to return immediately.func Sleep(d Duration)I's strange that there is no function body defined here. What happened? The actual definition of the function body is residing at runtime/time.go indeed.// timeSleep puts the current goroutine to sleep for at least ns nanoseconds.//go:linkname tim...


  SkipList in Go

Algorithmic thinking is the must-have in the coding world, so I have been keeping the routine of algorithm practice every week, consolidating my knowledge of data structures on one hand, and improving my coding skills as well.A difficult one happened to be stuck in my mind- Implement SkipList with Go, which took me quite a weekend. Below is the front-line report of how I finally got the hang of it.First, from its concept. Wiki has explained it well.a skip list is a probabilistic data structure that allows O(log n) search complexity as well as O(log n) insertion co...

3,152 2       GOLANG SKIPLIST

  Restore mocked variables in GoLang unit test

One of the guarding principles of writing unit test is that there should be no real external calls for dependant services. Unit test should run by its own and can run without issues on any environment including local, build, test environment. This indicates there should be some mock responses whenever an external call is needed so that different unit test scenarios can be covered.How can this be done in GoLang? In GoLang, anything can be assigned to a variable even including functions. A variable can be created to reference a function and it can be called just like a normal function when neede...