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  Understand Virtual DOM

With the popularity of React, the internals and implementation of Virtual DOM has becoming top discussed topic in tech communities and interviews. This post will give an introduction of Virtual DOM and how to implement a simple Virtual DOM logic. How to understand Virtual DOM In early days, front end developers would update a webpage view based on the data status change(usually after making AJAX call). But it brings performance penalties when there is frequent update as it would cause page reflo...

   JAVASCRIPT,DOM,VIRTUAL DOM     2019-12-07 23:43:04

  Convert HTML to DOM elements using JavaScript

In some cases, one would want to convert a HTML string to the DOM elements so that JavaScript can handle them easily. This is frequently used when one get some data from third party APIs where the data is in HTML format. In JavaScript, there are a couple of ways one can use to convert HTML to DOM elements. DOMParser document.createElement DOMParser DOMParser can parse XML or HTML source stored in a string into a DOM Document. After the conversion, the normal JavaScript call of h...


  JavaScript JVM runs Java

The world of software is made slightly crazy because of the huge flexibility within any computer language. Once you have absorbed the idea of a compiler written in the language it compiles what else is there left to gawp at? But... a Java Virtual Machine JVM written in JavaScript seems like another level of insanity.In fact it is a quite reasonable idea which is only made mad by the usual positions that Java, the top dog, and JavaScript the underling, usually occupy. Java is compiled not to mach...

   JavaScript,JVM,BicaVM,Cross platform,JavaScript written JVM     2011-11-22 02:51:38

  The first 30 tweets on Twitter

Six years ago, we didn't know what a tweet was. But now, there are 340 million tweets posted every day. Looking back, do you know what are the earliest tweets on Twitter when it was released? Let's check them out. Before that, let's check Twitter's background first. Six years ago, Twitter was called twttr (similar to Flickr), the earliest version was similar to an SMS broadcast service, i.e sending short message to friends to tell them what I am doing. It was put online on 22nd October, 2006, J...

   Twitter,history,story     2012-10-11 20:03:22

  Create host only network on VirtualBox

Previously we showed how to install Ubuntu in VirtualBox. What if we want to communicate with the host OS from within the Guest OS on VirtualBox? There are a few ways to do this. For example, bridged network, Host only networks. Today we will show you how to enable network communication between host OS and guest OS using host only networks. A host only network will not need to access the physical network interface of the host OS. It will create a network between different virtual machines and th...


  Google open sources Leak Finder for JavaScript

Google recently open sourced a tools for finding memory leaks in JavaScript programs. In JavaScript you cannot have "memory leaks" in the traditional sense, but you can have objects which are unintentionally kept alive and which in turn keep alive other objects, e.g., large parts of DOM. Leak Finder for JavaScript works against the Developer tools remote inspecting protocol of Chrome, retrieves heap snapshots, and detects objects which are "memory leaks" according to a given leak definition. The...

   Google,Open source,JavaScript     2012-08-15 13:45:34

  How ScrollerJS works

ScrollerJS is a light weight number scroller module to be embedded in web apps. It provides fancy number scrolling animations. ScrollerJS supports both CSS transition and DOM animation to handle the animation needed. If CSS transition is supported in a browser, CSS transition will be the preferred option for animation. If in old browsers where CSS transition is not supported. DOM animation will be chosen automatically. How does the number scrolling actually work? To transition a number from 0 to...

   ScrollerJS,JavaScript,CSS,GitHub     2015-06-11 06:54:44

  7 misunderstandings of DNS resolution

DNS resolution is generally considered as providing mapping between domain name and IP address, for example maps to There are two important reasons for doing DNS resolution: IP address is hard to remember, while domain name is human friendly Virtual host may access different contents according to the header of the host domain name(sub-domain name) Some webmasters may have some unreasonable requirements when doing DNS resolution. It mainly because they are not very...

   DNS resolution,misunderstanding     2012-10-20 12:57:16

  How to be jQuery-free?

jQuery is now the most famous JavaScript library. There are around 57.3% websites in the world using jQuery, i.e, 6 out of 10 websites are using jQuery. If we only consider those websites which use libraries, then the percentage is even higher which is 91.7%. Although jQuery is very popular, its size is still a headache to many websites maintainers. The uncompressed jQuery 2.0 has a size of 235KB, the size is 81KB after optimization.The jQuery 1.8.3 which supports IE 6/7/8 has a uncompressed si...

   jQuery,JavaScript,ECMAScript,CSS3     2013-05-13 11:53:20

  Building the new AJAX mail UI part 2: Better than templates, building highly dynamic web pages

This is part 2 of a series of technical posts documenting some of the interesting work and technologies we’ve used to power the new interface (see also part 1, Instant notifications of new emails via eventsource/server-sent events). Regular users can skip these posts, but we hope technical users find them interesting. As dynamic websites constructed entirely on the client side become de rigueur, there are a number of templating languages battling it out to become the One True Wayâ„...

   Web design,Dynamic,Ajax,UI     2012-02-21 05:32:29