Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  The story behind Twitter Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a free front end framework used for creating websites and web applications. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. It now becomes a very popular front end frameworks for web designers. This framework was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter. Later this framework was open sourced and hosted on GitHub and it now becomes one of the most popular projects on GitHub. Some people may be curious about why Bootstrap is open sourced. One of the ...


  Crash your Chrome with %%30%30

Have you ever wondered a simple string can crash one of the most sophisticated designed web browsers -- Chrome? There is a finding from Andris Atteka who found that a null string "%%30%30" appended to an URL can crash Chrome. For example, if you have below URL in your browser address bar or you mouse over below URL, Chrome will crash: the browser crashed, it may show :Or on Windows, you will see :This bug has been reported to Google at Issue 533361. And the engineers are still working on fixing this bug....


  8 powerful Chrome extensions

Chrome is a powerful browser, one reason why it's so powerful is that it has abundant extensions. There are various extensions in Chrome Web Store. They can meet all kinds of needs you have and they are very easy to install as well. Here we share with you 8 powerful extensions on Chrome. All of them can be downloaded from Chrome Web StoreHolmesA bookmark search tool, if you have lots of bookmarks and you even don't know where they are. Hplmes can help you find them in real time by matching title and address.LastPassA password management tool. You can store all your password information so that...

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  Measure the improvement of Google search algorithm

On the day of Google's 15th birthday, Google released its new "Hummingbird" search algorithm, this is the first time that Google changes its search algorithm since 2010 after the Caffeine algorithm. It will affect 90% of search results, according to Amit Singhal, Lead of Google Search.Some may be curious about how Google measures the improvement of a new search algorithm. There are many factors need to be considered, for example, accuracy, relevance, search depth etc. According to Amit Singhal, they have the entire web in a sandbox that only their engineers can see, and their engineers can tak...


  Google is missing in the photo with Chinese president Xi Jinping

Chinese president Xi Jinping has started his formal visit to US on 22nd September. The first stop is Seattle where Microsoft and Amazon headquarters are located. On 23rd September (Wednesday), Xi Jinping attended a forum named "The 8th US-China Internet Industry Forum" in Seattle. On this forum, president Xi expressed the attitude of Chinese government to Internet. He advocated to build an peaceful, secure, open and collaborative Internet environment so that every country can benefit from it. He emphasized that both US and China are two giants of Internet industry, there are many tech gia...


  What has Google done on improving programming languages

Google is now becoming the most innovative IT company in the world. Every now and then they would deliver one revolutionary product to us such as Google Glass, Google Fiber, Automatic Mobile Cars etc. All these great products are backed up by the powerful software system built into. Google has used many programming languages to develop these software and they have put much resource in improving the programming languages they use and we use today.What has Google done in improving programming languages? Simon Willison,gives some proofs of what Google has done. Google invest vast resources in to ...


  Is Singapore a good place for startups?

Singapore is long time being considered as a perfect place for living and investing given its beautiful environment, warmly climate,  well-polished legal system and well-known richness. Its government is relatively young and open-minded. They like to take new challenges and embrace new technologies. It's the first country to open its government data to the world online. Many of you may consider that Singapore would be a perfect place for you to start your next startup.But the truth may disappoint you. Singapore is not the ideal place for startups, especially for Internet startup...


  The 10 most expensive domains on the Internet

Domain name is the name which we usually type on the web browser address bar. For example, we may type on the address bar, here is the domain name. Can you imagine that this domain is worth millions of dollars? We believe that most domains are initially for starting related business and easy for users to remember. But with the popularity of the business, some of the domains become valuable and they are more expensive than some small companies.Below are some most expensive domains on the Internet.No. 10 : Shopping.deA domain in Germany, it was bought by Uniste...

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