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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Remove all children

  Removing all child nodes from an element

When manipulating the DOM, it's often useful to remove all child nodes from a specific element. This typically comes in handy when you're looking to replace the content of an element with a separate form element, such as an <input>, so the user can edit the actual value.Here's an example of something I recently created that illustrates my point:Get the Flash Player to see this player.These "dynamic form elements" are written to the page only when the...

   Js,DOM,Remove all children,Clear,JavaScript,Code     2011-10-19 10:04:23

  Understand Virtual DOM

With the popularity of React, the internals and implementation of Virtual DOM has becoming top discussed topic in tech communities and interviews. This post will give an introduction of Virtual DOM and how to implement a simple Virtual DOM logic. How to understand Virtual DOM In early days, front end developers would update a webpage view based on the data status change(usually after making AJAX call). But it brings performance penalties when there is frequent update as it would cause page reflo...

   JAVASCRIPT,DOM,VIRTUAL DOM     2019-12-07 23:43:04

  3 ways to remove duplicates in List

Frequently, we may have an ArrayList which stores many values, and we need to process the ArrayList and get what are the distinct values in the list, or we may want to count occurrence of each value in the ArrayList. We can remove the duplicates in a few ways. Here we propose 3 methods :     public static void main(String[] args){        //SuperClass sub=new SubClass();                String[...

   Java,List,Duplicate,Clear     2012-09-03 09:44:32

  A simple way to remove the small arrow on on desktop application shortcut

Maybe many of us will see a small arrow on desktop application shortcut after we install the application on Windows. Some may like it but some people may think it doesn't look beautiful enough. We may need to remove these small arrows somehow the desktop can be clean. So how? Many people may use a third party software to remove the small arrows, then they must go to download the software and install them. But do we necessary do this in order to remove the small arrow?The answer is no. Here I ...

   Small Arrow,Shortcut,Desktop,Application,Windows     2014-10-25 08:39:58

  Office 2013 RT for Windows RT tablets may rule out macros and VBA

Office 2013 RT is the office suite optimized for Windows RT system running on ARM tablet PC, Microsoft plans to release a preview version later this year. However, according to TheVerge, Microsoft may remove some features in this version of the Office suite.The so-called optimization, certainly require some changes to Office based on ARM tablet architecture. To remove some features may be because of battery life and machine reliability considerations. Macrso, third-party add-ons, and VBA will be...

   Office 2013,Macro,Window RT     2012-08-07 14:17:53

  Permutation algorithm with JavaScript

In secondary school, we have learned permutation. Basically, for n numbers, the number of permutations for these n numbers can be calculated to n! which is called 'n factorial'. But to display all the permutations on the screen, we need to use a recursive function. The problem is how to write this function.  Next I write a program to display the permutations for n numbers with JavaScript. First, we need to understand that from these n numbers, we can first take any one number from it, and t...

   JavaScript,Permutation,Algorithm,Impleme     2011-09-21 12:02:35

  Why exception would be thrown when deleting element while looping through HashMap in Java

HashMap and other Collection types are frequently used in Java application programming. This post will explain why exception would be thrown when deleting element with Map.remove() while looping through a Map using Iterator. This issue would also occur to other Collection types such as Set, List. Below is a sample code snippet demonstrating the exception thrown. Map<String,String> map = Collections.synchronizedMap(new TreeMap<String,String>()); map.put("key1","value1"); map.put("ke...


  Algorithm : Delete middle node from singly linked list

Questions about singly linked list are frequently asked during technical interviews. Today we will share with you one algorithm question about singly linked list. Here is the problem description. Assuming the only information you are giving is there is a pointer to a middle node of a singly linked list, no other information about the linked list is given. Please delete this node and don't affect the structure of the linked list. Initially you may think this question is easy if you know the hea...

   ALGORITHM,C,LINKED LIST     2015-10-30 05:21:25

  Remove browse button from input type=file

In Web 2.0 era, many websites will ask the user to upload their avatar when creating their profile. In HTML, the input control we should use is input="file". This is a file control provided by the browser vendor and it should be ran in a sandbox for security consideration. Browsers don't provide ways to choose file from local and upload to the remote server without the input="file" control.  There is one annoying part about the input="file", which is a default button named "Choose File" or...

   file,html,browse,remove browse button     2015-07-12 05:17:51

  Remove duplicated elements in JavaScript array

During interviews, one frequent question asked would be something like how to remove duplicated elements in a JavaScript array and how many different ways you can think of. The interviewee would also be asked to write the code down. In real applications, normally front end would not need to handle this case since normally it would be done by backend, but still it's necessary for front end developers to know different ways of doing this. This post will share some of the common ways to remove dupl...