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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Dropdown menu

  Capture screenshot of dropdown menu

As a IT professional, we often need to capture screenshot of what we are working on to give proof of what we are doing and why we do it. The screenshot will provide a good sense to other people. You may be familiar with taking screenshot with different tools such as snagit, snipping tool or the Windows PrtSc button. But do you know how to take a screenshot of a dropdown menu? Here we show you how to capture screeenshot of dropdown menu with the snipping tool provided since Windows 7. Below are t...

   Widnows,Screenshot,Dropdown menu,Capture     2014-11-20 06:20:20

  How to Convert Images on Mac Finder

If you have a lot of images in different formats and you want to convert them to a common format, you can use the Mac Finder to do it easily and quickly. Here are the steps to follow: 1. Open the Finder and navigate to the folder where your images are stored. 2. Select the images that you want to convert. You can use the Shift key or the Command key to select multiple images at once. 3. Right-click on the selected images and choose Services > Preview from the context menu. This will open the ...

   MACOS,FINDER,IMAGE CONVERSION     2023-04-16 02:09:54

  Snipping Tool is moving on Windows 10

There is some recent change for a built-in tool on Windows 10 where the Snipping Tool is moving. Snipping Tool is a tool on Windows for taking screenshots and editing screenshots taken. But now it's moving to a new tool called Snip & Sketch which has enhanced features. Now if you try to launch Snipping Tool, you will notice there is a notification telling that the Snipping tool is moving to a new tool called Snip & Sketch. And you can click Try Snip & Sketch to launch the new tool. ...


  Add Sublime Text to your context menu on right click

When opening a text file, you may be used to right click on the file to be opened and then choose the application which can open the file from the context menu. On the context menu, you may see a menu item like "Edit with Notepad++". Nowadays many people especially programmers like to use Sublime Text, but by default this application will not show on the context menu when you right click on a file. There is now frequent request to add this application to the context menu. Here we show a simple b...

   SUBLIME TEXT,CONTEXT MENU,WINDOWS     2015-10-19 08:51:25

  Add ContextMenu to a customized View in Android

In Android, we may sometimes need to add ContextMenu to a View, it's not so easy to add ContextMenu to a customized View. Here we explain how to add ContextMenu to a customized View. First, we may need to create View.OnCreateContextMenuListener so that the customized view can register for it. Here is the class definition: public class GraphView extends View {     private View.OnCreateContextMenuListener vC = new View.OnCreateContextMenuListener() {       &...

   Android, ContextMenu,Customized view     2012-11-04 07:10:40

  Extension context menu is missing in Firefox after restart

If you have experience of writing Chrome extension, you may be familiar with how you can add a context menu for your extension. The code would be similar to below: chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function() { chrome.contextMenus.removeAll(); chrome.contextMenus.create({ "id": "your_id", "title": "Your Title", "contexts": ["all"] }); }); You need to add a listener listening to the extension install event. Once the extension is installed, create a contex...


  CSS3 animated dropdown menu

It’s a sure thing that CSS3 features like transitions, animations and transforms can add extra spice to your designs.In this article you will see how you can build an awesome CSS3 animated dropdown menu with some of these cool features.View demoHere’s a quick preview for the CSS3 animated dropdown menu that we’re going to create today:Remember the previous CSS3 dropdown menu? That menu is awesome, and thanks to you is the most popular tutorial around here (at this time)...

   CSS3,Drop down menu,Animation,Animated menu     2011-11-15 12:47:05

  Show drop down list or menu above of a flash in webpage

How to make a drop down menu show above of a  flash in webpage?Normally when we embed a flash or swf file into our webpage, it is not one component of our webpage.So sometimes the flash will always show above of the webpage, it will not interact with our HTML page.To solve this problem,we need to use wmode property of object tag.wmode has three properties: window,opaque and transparent.window : the flash will show in its own rectangular window,which will not interact with    ...

   HTML,Flash,Block,Drop down menu,Solution     2012-03-12 17:13:57

  Welcome the new Google logo

Google today changed their logo, the new logo adopts the flat design with a lighter color scheme. Apart from these, there are no major changes on the font style, character color etc. Old logo New logo Along with the new logo, Google also released a new navigation menu that sits next to the Share and account info. The launcher, which looks just like the app launcher on Chrome OS, brings up an App grid with your favorite Google services. Actually, Google wanted to replace the top black navigati...

   Google logo,Chrome OS,App menu     2013-09-19 23:06:36

  12 useful Chrome commands

Many useful features of Chrome don't show up on its menus. You can access them through the chrome:// command. In this article we will introduce 12 useful chrome:// commands. 1. chrome://flags It can be used to turn on or turn off some chrome features. 2. chrome://dns This command will show the domain name list caught by the browser. 3. chrome://downloads You can access this through chrome menu as well. The shortcut is Ctrl+J 4. chrome://extensions This command equals to Menu->Tools->Ext...

   Chrome,chrome://     2013-01-25 04:38:03