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  Traditional recursion vs Tail recursion

Recursion is a frequently adopted pattern for solving some sort of algorithm problems which need to divide and conquer a big issue and solve the smaller but the same issue first. For example, calculating fibonacci  accumulating sum and calculating factorials. In these kinds of issues, recursion is more straightforward than their loop counterpart. Furthermore, recursion may need less code and looks more concise. For example, let's calculate sum of a set of numbers starting with 0 and st...


  Difference between sans-serif and serif font

When we design website, we will often need to choose which font to use while displaying contents on the page. Basically what's the criteria for the choice? There are two big families of fonts : sans-serif and serif. We need to first understand what the difference is between these two. The word sans is from French, the meaning of it is without. So the difference between sans-serif and serif is serif font will have lines in all ends of the character while sans-serif fonts don't have. Some examples...

   Sans-serif,Serif,French     2013-06-10 05:11:57

  Designing Great API Docs

Writing documentation is one of those things that is dreaded by many developers. It takes a lot of effort and time to get right. And too often, people take shortcuts. This is sad, because well designed documentation is the key to getting people excited about your project, whether it's open source or a developer focused product. In fact, I argue that the most important piece of UX for a developer product isn't the homepage or the sign up process or the SDK download. It's the API documentati...

   API docs,Design API docs,Advice     2012-03-09 23:15:00 is down

UPDATE : The service is back now! is now inaccessible. It shows below "Access denied" message on its official site. It is still unknown why the service is down. And there is no ETA on when the service will be back to normal. From the error message, some people think this happens because Apple uses Akamai's security product and the security policy in place is violated. It's basically a WAF. The big issue is it takes 45 minutes for changes to propagate through Akamai's network. So, you ...

   IPHONE 6S,IPHONE 6S PLUS,APPLE     2015-09-12 00:50:17

  There are no free lunches on the internet

Hot data: An IT technician checks the network servers at a data farm. Alamy Photograph: Juice Images/AlamyPhysics has Newton's first law ("Every body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed"). The equivalent forinternet services is simpler, though just as general in its applicability: it says that there is no such thing as a free lunch.The strange thing is that most use...

   Free lunch,Facebook,Google,Privacy information     2011-11-21 03:03:31

  Unicode over 60 percent of the web

Computers store every piece of text using a “character encoding,” which gives a number to each character. For example, the byte 61 stands for ‘a’ and 62 stands for ‘b’ in the ASCII encoding, which was launched in 1963. Before the web, computer systems were siloed, and there were hundreds of different encodings. Depending on the encoding, C1 could mean any of ¡, Ё, Ä„, Ħ, ‘, ”, or parts of thousands of characters, from æ to å...

   Unicode,Encoding,Website,Percentage,Statustic     2012-02-07 06:19:34

  Is Singapore a good place for startups?

Singapore is long time being considered as a perfect place for living and investing given its beautiful environment, warmly climate,  well-polished legal system and well-known richness. Its government is relatively young and open-minded. They like to take new challenges and embrace new technologies. It's the first country to open its government data to the world online. Many of you may consider that Singapore would be a perfect place for you to start your next startup. But the tr...

   SINGAPORE,STARTUP     2016-03-09 09:06:32

  Use progressive JPEG to improve user experience

JPEG image files can have two different save types : Baseline JPEG and Progressive JPEG. Both of them have the same extension name but with different display effect. Baseline JPEG This type of JPEG files are scanned from top to bottom consecutively, each line of the image data will be saved sequentially. When opening this kind of images, data will be displayed with the save order line by line until all the data are read. If the image size is very large or network speed is very slow, the image wi...


  Huawei is open to acquire Nokia

Last night Huawei unveiled a new flagship smartphone Ascend P6 in London. It may be the thinnest smartphone in the world and its potential competitor is Samsung Galaxy S4. Before the press event, an article from FT said that Huawei was open to buy Nokia. "We are considering these sorts of acquisitions,maybe the combination has some synerges but depends on the willingness of Nokia. We are open-minded." remarked by Huawei's Richard Yu. After this news, Nokia's share price surges 11% to $4.10 per ...

   Huawei,Nokia     2013-06-19 00:43:38

  Pay Your Programmers $200/hour

If you are hiring programmers, you should pay them $200/hr. This breaks through otherwise impenetrable psychological barriers, helps solve the agency problem, and ensures you are only hiring programmers when you really need them. Expectations $200/hr is an open declaration of your expectations. It states that you are expecting to hire both a professional and an expert in the field. As a programmer, I treat contracts that pay me $200/hr differently from jobs/contracts that pay me $65/hr eq...

   Salary,Programmer,Responsibility,Urgency,Value     2011-12-31 15:34:57