Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT

SEARCH KEYWORD -- Responsibility

  How to praise yourself in resume

When finding a job, we first need to send our CV and resume to the employer. Among many candidates, how do we make our resume prominent and noticed by the employer. We need some impressive information. We can praise ourselves in the resume so that the employer can have a good impression on me. Here we summarized a list about how to praise ourselves in our resume.Mature, dynamic and honest.Excellent, ability of systematical management.Ability to work independently, mature and resourceful.A person...

   Resume,Career,Job,Content     2012-06-09 00:27:14

  Apple And SAP Joined To Grow A New Development Community

SAP has teamed up with Apple. The two big worlds where at one end, Apple’s world-renowned user experiences and SAP’s unparalleled end-to-end business processes and software at the other end have successfully combined. As a result, the partnership opens up new opportunities, revolutionizing the entire digital experience for customers allowing numerous app development companies and developers to make a huge difference.   “I believe what’s going to happen with the relea...


  GitHub Copilot may generate code containing GPL code

GitHub Copilot is a new AI-powered code completion tool that can generate code snippets from natural language descriptions. It is powered by OpenAI Codex, a deep learning system that has been trained on billions of lines of public code. GitHub Copilot claims to be a “copilot, not a pilot”, meaning that it is not intended to write code for you, but rather to help you write code faster and better. However, some developers have raised concerns about the legal and ethical implications of...

   GITHUB COPILOT,GPL     2023-04-21 14:21:29

  Public Vs. Private Cryptocurrency Keys

Before investing in any form of cryptocurrency, you must become familiar with the terminology used in the industry. This will prevent mistakes that could jeopardize your entire investment, and no one should be investing in any type of security or asset that they don't fully understand first. Crypto Wallets Before we even delve into what public and private keys are, we first need to discuss what the keys are for. Your Bitcoin or crypto wallet is basically the account that you store your cryptocur...

   SECURITY,CRYPTOCURRENCY     2022-03-06 08:17:30

  HeartBleed: Should C be blamed for the HeartBleed bug?

There is a discussion about the security of applications written in C on Hacker News recently after the report of HeartBleed bug in OpenSSL. In this discussion, some people are saying that the applications written in C are unsafe. It seems all or most of the faults should be laid on C. I think this is biased. The language itself should not be blamed.Safety is a relative term for programming languages. No language is absolutely safe. We claim some languages like Java and C# are safer than C/C++ b...

   C,HeartBleed,Analysis,Code review     2014-04-14 03:52:55

  Let 's write some front end codes

I've seen a lot of arguments that there is no much technical value writing web portal, I think that the vast majority of good programmers will try many different things. The low level development and machine learning are not the only technologies which are  full of wisdom and challenges, I wrote web site for a few years, it is difficult to say that this is my initial interest, although I touched on other technologies as well, I still feel building website is challenging. Front end developme...

   Front end development, JavaScript,CSS     2013-01-22 04:00:24

  Web Technologies Need an Owner

Many people seem to assume that the Web will one day become the one and only client computing platform on Earth, therefore it must not be controlled by anyone. This is a dangerous assumption. The HTML, CSS, and JavaScript triumvirate are just another platform, like Windows and Android and iOS, except that unlike those platforms, they do not have an owner to take responsibility for them.The Web has no one who can ensure that the platform acquires cutting edge capabilities in a timely manner (came...

   Web domain,Owner,Lead,Change,Innovation,     2011-09-28 09:12:12

  Step-by-Step Guide: How to Choose a Website Developer

A software development partner greatly affects the success and performance of your online project it is involved in. Therefore, it is so important to approach your IT partner selection with special care and responsibility. Find below the main steps and decisions you need to make in order not to fail in this business.  Step 1: Decide What Tasks the New Site Should Perform The main goal of any business (and a website) is to generate and grow profits. You shouldn't create or update a site just...

   WEBSITE DEVELOPER,WEB DESIGN     2020-08-26 03:56:41

  Some thoughts about microservice adoption

Nowadays microservice is very popular among companies with the increasing complexity of systems. The goal is to make each microservice to handle one specific job and handle it well. This normally would provide the benefit of maintaining the service easily and isolating errors and making the service more reliable and scalable. The benefits of adopting microservice are obvious. Maintainability. Decouple functions so that each function can be maintained separately which reduces the risk of issue ...


  Haskell’s effect on my C++: exploit the type system

Like most programmers, I was attracted to Scheme by the promise that it would make me a better programmer. I came to appreciate the functional style, but swapped to Haskell, a more developed language with a rapidly developing standard library. Unfortunately, for me, Haskell can’t yet replace C++ on a day to day basis, so I reluctantly spend my days tapping away at C++. So, were the promises true? has functional programming made me a better programmer? Better is a tough question,...

   Haskell,C++,Type system,Comparison     2012-02-06 07:44:35