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SEARCH KEYWORD -- mobile apps


As the list of *-as-a-service’s continues to grow, I thought I’d throw one into the mix. What about the idea of a backend-as-a-service (BaaS)? The recent surge of client side Javascript frameworks along with the attractiveness of simple RESTful APIs has created an environment where server-side interaction can be reduced to simply database interaction (including validation and some computation). But why stop there? What if the server-side of the equation was simply a RESTful, ...

   Web design,Backend,Service,BaaS,Client JavaScript     2011-12-29 09:07:38

  How Do You Find the Best Password Managers?

Looking for a smart way to protect your range of electronic devices? Most of us access tons of websites and it could be difficult to store our passwords. It is important to not reuse store passwords that are easily identifiable. Keeping your information secure is more important than ever. Data breaches can occur anytime and sometimes takes months to discover. Sometimes, maybe, they aren’t. Target is a data breach, for instance, took months to discover. Information was leaked online from ce...

       2017-05-11 06:33:55

  How to Create Custom Textures using Filters & Layers?

Textures are an important and integral part of the design world. You would find textures in every nook and corner of your life, in every space across your home. For a long time people have looked at Photoshop as a tool to manipulate photos and make them look the way you want it to appear. But, that’s not all to Photoshop. You can create interesting textures, and create amazing design works using Photoshop too. All you need is a design hand, and some basic understanding of how to use it. He...

   Photoshop     2014-08-01 05:46:07

  Android and Security

The last year has been a phenomenal one for the Android ecosystem. Device activations grew 250% year-on-year, and the total number of app downloads from Android Market topped 11 billion. As the platform continues to grow, we’re focused on bringing you the best new features and innovations - including in security.Adding a new layer to Android securityToday we’re revealing a service we’ve developed, codenamed Bouncer, which provides automated scanning of Android Market ...

   Android,Security,Android Apps,App market,Bouncer     2012-02-03 08:03:51

  WeChat owns 70 million users now out of China

According to 36 Kr, on this year's Tencent Partner Conference, Tencent president Zhiping Liu announced that WeChat had more than 70 million users out of China, it entered Malaysia, Thailand, India, Indonesia, the Middle East, Mexico and other countries. And it has become the No.1 IM app in Mexico .While in early April, WeChat had only 40 million users abroad. In just three months, 30 million news users started to use WeChat.Tencent spares no effort to promote WeChat to the international market. ...

   WeChat,Internationalization,China,Tencent     2013-07-03 03:09:34

  Google starts to clean up its service again

Google announced on its official blog that they would clean up its service again following the fall of 2011. They will close some features and services to stay focused and make good use of other opportunities.Google Reader and Snapseed are listed in the cleaning list. Google will switch off Google Reader on July 1 this year and end its service which exists in the past eight years, Users can export feeds using Google Takeout. Google said that this product did have loyal customers, but these year...

   Google, Google Reader,Close     2013-03-13 20:30:34

  Pagination or continuous scrolling? It's a question

No matter in web page or mobile applications, information often can not be displayed on one page all alone, there needs some interactive modes which can expand page information: Pagination and Continuous Scrolling are very common interactive modes. Every day we may see them, they are so common that we do not even feel their presence, when browsing to the bottom of the page, we will see it. But it's difficult to choose which mode to use in design. Here we have a discussion on these two modes. Pag...

   Pagination,Continuous scrolling,Design     2012-09-12 19:55:51

  PopCap’s 10 rules for commercial failure in mobile games development

PopCap, the company behind social gaming hits as Plants vs. Zombies and Bejeweled, has a way of doing presentations at conferences. Last year’s Social Gaming Summit presentation was insightful in the sense that developers were advised to postpone trying to make money from their game until there is some serious traction. At yesterday’s London Games Conference, PopCap’s presentation was equally remarkable. During a brief presentation David Bishop (Senior Game Designer) ...

   Game design,Rules,Smart phone     2012-04-16 13:25:27

  Kualitee: For better Test Management in the year 2020

New IT trends will dominate in 2020. Big data management, customer satisfaction, security concerns, mobile apps, artificial intelligence (AI), test automation, DevOps and agile methodologies are a few of these rising technologies and trends.  With their rise, Quality assurance (QA) has to take the testing game a notch up, especially with using smart test management tools for their testing.  Test Automation Stays A report by Research and Markets estimates the global automation testing ...

   TESTING,KUALITEE     2019-09-04 07:33:25

  The big four in Taiwan can compete with Samsung

Taiwan's IT industry has a tense competition with South Korea, TSMC chairman Morris Chang said that although Samsung Electronics is a powerful opponent, ,there is only one Samsung in South Korean; in contrast, Taiwan has the TSMC, HTC, MediaTek and Hon Hai, they can challenge Samsung altogether.Morris Chang pointed out that Samsung Electronics is the  company with biggest market capitalization in South Korea, the market value is roughly $200 billion; but the second largest company in S...

   Taiwan,Samsung,IT     2013-06-12 06:46:16