Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  SpaceX's Starlink satellites were endangering other satellites

On 3 Dec 2021, The Permanent Mission of China sent a note to UN General Assembly complaining two dangerous approaches to China's Shenzhou space station from SpaceX's Starlink satellites during 2021. These two dangerous approaches were happening in July and October respectively and they almost caused collisions of the Starlink satellites and the Shenzhou space station because the two SpaceX satellites manoeuvred continuously to the orbit of China's space station. These dangerous approaches forced...


  Have Apple considered to develop iPad for aerospace use?

Today, I read article about China's Shenzhou 9 Spacecraft which is expected to be launched in middle of June. In this article, it mentions that the Chinese astronauts may bring some mobile devices with them in order for them to relax in such a long journey to outer space. The most probable devices they may bring are some tablets because laptops are too heavy to be placed in spacecraft which has limit space and weight capacity., while smartphones are too small and not so convenient for astronauts...

   Apple,iPad,Aerospace,Shenzhou 9     2012-06-14 05:41:20

  One interesting story about Chinese software development

I have once seen an interesting complaint written by one foreigner about Beijing South Railway Station (China) on foursquare. It says: "There is simply no way to buy a ticket at the machine unless you have a Chinese ID. What the hell they have English interface for then?" Apparently,the foreigner cannot buy ticket because he doesn’t have Chinese ID but there still presents an English interface for foreigners on the vending machine. Because of my profession, I find this awkward situation w...

   Software design,User experience,Importance     2012-03-26 14:42:50

  What's wrong with us in Mobile Era?

Every day when I surf the Internet, I find much news about new smartphones and Android, iOS apps. Also I can find many people use iPhones and other smartphones with Android OS. Apparently we are now in Mobile era. People can find tons of news that says how Mobile has changed our life, made our life simpler and how easy we can know the world with mobile technology. Yes, it's true, now we only need to press a button, we can know what happens in USA which is thousands kilometres away from us. We ca...

   Mobile,Cold,Stay away,Smartphone     2012-01-07 12:10:35

  Optional arguments in PHP function

In PHP, we can define our own functions which can accept optional number of arguments. In this kind of functions, the optional argument should be set with default value.Fox example, the next code example will illustrate this:<?php function func($name,$type=NULL) { echo "$name $type"; } func("Hello"); echo "<br />"; func("Hello","world"); echo "<br />";?>Here $type is an optional argument. It must be set with a default value either NULL or some other value. Quite simple....

   PHP,optional,arguments,user defined func     2011-03-28 12:35:20

  JSP connect MySQL

To connect MySQL with Java Server Page(JSP). Some steps should be followed:Step 1: Download MySQL JDBC connector driver from the Internet. URL: 2: Put the jar file downloaded in Step 1 in the Tomcat common lib folder and add this jar file to the CLASSPATH so that the JSP page can find the specified class.Step 3: Create the JSP page with MySQL connection : Example is shown below:        <% String driver="com.mysql.j...

   MySQL,JSP,Connection,Driver,Download     2011-05-11 10:04:57

  Permutation algorithm with JavaScript

In secondary school, we have learned permutation. Basically, for n numbers, the number of permutations for these n numbers can be calculated to n! which is called 'n factorial'. But to display all the permutations on the screen, we need to use a recursive function. The problem is how to write this function.  Next I write a program to display the permutations for n numbers with JavaScript. First, we need to understand that from these n numbers, we can first take any one number from it, and t...

   JavaScript,Permutation,Algorithm,Impleme     2011-09-21 12:02:35

  SkyDrive may be banned on App Store

Apple App Store may block Microsoft SkyDrive, because Microsoft is not willing to pay for SkyDrive to be on App Store.According to App Store agreement, 30% income of an app on App Store should be paid to Apple, However, Microsoft said it was difficult for them to accept it.SkyDrive provides users with 7GB of free storage space, after which the user should pay for extra storage space up to 100 GB. Apple insists that 30% of sales of SkyDrive storage space should be paid to Apple, Microsoft thinks...

   App Store, SkyDrive,Ban     2012-12-11 13:41:11

  CSS box-shadow Can Slow Down Scrolling

Working on one of the Chromebooks Google lets you borrow on Virgin America flights, I noticed scrolling down the page on my dashboard was much slower than on my normal laptop. I chalked it up to weak Chromebook hardware, but other sites were scrolling just fine. box-shadow had caused slow scrolling on our search results page before, so I did some investigation.I used Chrome's Timeline tab to see the duration of paint events on the page. Before each test I forced a garbage collection a...

   CSS,box-shadow,performance,Timeline,Chromebook     2011-11-13 08:13:48

  Read white space with scanf()

Usually, when we want to enter string with white spaces in C, we need to call gets() or fgets(0 method. We usually will not use scanf(0 or fscanf() because they cannot accept white spaces when scan user inputs.   But when we specify the format in scanf() function, we may read strings with white space. the code section below illustrate this: #include <stdio.h>   int main(int argc,char **argv){        char name[30];      fprintf(stdout,"Please en...

   C,scanf,white space, string format     2011-09-26 11:45:43