Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Evolution mail configuration with Hotmail on Ubuntu

Evolution mail now is the default Email client on Ubuntu. When we configure this mail client with Hotmail. The steps should be followed. Step 1: Open Evolution mail through Applications->Internet->Evolution mail  Step 2: Goto Edit->Preferences Step 3 : Click Add button or double click on the added mail account. Step 4 : On the Identity tab, fill the Hotmail account you want to use.  Step 5 : On "Receiving email" Tab,              Server Type select "POP",              Ser...


  Concise bash programming skills

The following are some concise bash programming skills which we may need in our daily programming work.1. Check status of command execution The usual way:echo abcdee | grep -q abcd if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Found"else echo "Not found"fiConcise way:if echo abcdee | grep -q abc; then echo "Found"else echo "Not found"fiOf course you can remove if...else with following code[Sun Nov 04 05:58 AM] [kodango@devops] ~/workspace $ echo abcdee | grep -q abc && echo "Found" || echo "Not found"Found2. Redirect standard out and standard error to /dev/nullThe usual way:grep"abc" te...

10,229 2       TIP BASH SKILL

  9 reasons to use Zsh

Like majority *nix users, I have been using bash for many years. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable with bash. I tried use some other shells as well such as ksh, tcsh and zsh which I am going to talk about. A few days ago, I found an open source project ranking in the 6th named oh-my-zsh on Github, I downloaded it and had a try with it. It's amazing. We should use zsh to replace bash now.Why do we need to use zsh?Here is a 4 minutes YouTube video which shows many reasons why we should switch from bash to zsh.Reason 0 : zsh is compatible with bashCompatible with bash means that we don't need to spe...


  Install and setup vsftpd on AWS server

When developing websites, frequently we may need to upload source codes to the remote server. To ease of thew work, many website developers set up FTPs to upload the files. This post is a tutorial on how to install and setup vsftpd on a server. vsftpd is a very popular FTP service on Unix-like systems.Open command terminal, then install the vftpd by issuing commandyum install vsftpdorsudo apt-get install vsftpdAfter installing the vsftpd, the config file needs to be updated based on the operating mode preferred. The first thing to be done is to disable the anonymous login in vsftpd.conf# Disab...


  VirtualBox Q&A(Host OS: Windows; Guest OS: Ubuntu)

This is a Q&A post after sharing Guide for installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox on Windows1. If the resolution of the installed guest OS on the VirtualBox is too small(For example 640x480) and you cannot adjust it through System Settings -> Display, what should you do?A: In this case, it is mostly probably you don't have the VirtualBox Guest Additions installed. You can install the Guest Additions on your guest OS by:sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkmsThen restart the VM and you will see the resolution you want.2. How to share a folder from guest OS to host OS. The guest OS is Ubuntu ...


  Mount DD image on Linux

Yesterday, my Raspberry Pi running Arch Linux was not able to boot with error: Kernel Panic, not syncing: no init found. I spent a night on it, but could not find a working solution. The last option is easy: reinstall the system. That is really the last resort, for I do not want to re-setup everything I have done: samba server, Time Machine server, Xunlei Offline Downloader…Unable to mount the SD cardThe system does not boot, so I need to find a way to get into the file system to identify what is wrong, or at least backup all the configuration files.I cannot directly mount it on my Mac,...

9,517 2       LINUX DD IMAGE

  Shortest command on Linux

Usually when we log in to a Linux system,. we may type some frequently used Linux commands such as pwd,ls, ps etc. All these commands are really simple but powerful with different options. But do you know what is the shortest command on Linux? The answer is w.According to Linux manual, w will show who is logged on and what they are doing on the system. w displays information about the users currently on the machine, and their processes. The header shows, in this order, the current time, how long the system has been running, how many users are currently logged on, and the system load averages ...


  How to check a port is taken by which program on Linux

Lots of you may have encountered some error message stating that the port has been taken by another program while trying to start a program on Linux. And you would want to know which program takes the port you want to use. This post will provide some feasible ways to check out which program is taking a specific port.lsof -i:[port]lsof is the command to list open files on Linux. And if you know more about Linux you should get to know everything on Linux is a file even including network connection. Hence you can use lsof to list the network programs which are running.The -i option will...