Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Programming Language Readability

Lets compare some Python to Haskell for solving the same problem.  The problem we’ll pick is Trie data-structure for auto-completions.  We are interested not so much in the nitty gritty of the algorithm, but in the language style itself.  Auto-complete has been in the programming news a lot recently; both a Python and a Haskell solver have turned up. (I suspect this post got flagged on Hacker News :(  It never got on the front-page despite the rapid upvoting on a n...

   Programming,Readability,Python,Haskell     2012-02-27 04:52:02

  Windows 8 price is unveiled

Although it's still half month away from releases of Windows 8, Microsoft releases price of all versions of Windows 8 on Windowsteam blog. From now on, users can pre-order this product on Amazon, Bestbuy, Staples and Office Depot. The prices for different version : Windows 8 Professional Upgrade : $69.99 Windows 8 Pro Pack-Product Key Card : $69.99 Windows 8 64 bit(Full Version) -- OEM : $99.99 Windows 8 32 bit (Full Version) -- OEM : $99.99 Windows 8 Professional 32 bit (Full Version) -- OEM ...

   Windows 8, Price     2012-10-12 20:03:55

  What have been Facebook’s greatest technical accomplishments?

To maintain a large website which gets billions of requests er day and keeps very fast response speed is not an easy task. Many big companies are trying best to improve user experience by adopting different techniques. There is a question on Quora which asks "What have been Facebook’s greatest technical accomplishments?". There is a person who worked in Facebook before provided an answer which helps us understanding how Facebook handles huge amount of traffic each day. Here is the answer f...

   Facebook, Design, Efficiency     2013-01-15 07:32:07

  World leaders who know how to code

World leaders are those people who have extraordinary speaking skills and are a group of very busy people in most people's impression. But among them, there are a few who know how to program as well. Today we are going to summarize some of them. Lee Hsien Loong -- Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore Prime Minister posted a C++ program about Sudoku which he wrote several years ago. He shared the source code on Google Drive as well.  In 1971, Mr. Lee studied Mathema...

   World leader, Coding, Programming     2015-08-02 05:56:20


长期以来,REST是构建API的唯一“标准”。它取代了混乱的“太多XML”的SOAP。但是近年来,出现了新的替代品。2015 年,Facebook 向公众发布了GraphQL,而 2016 年,Google 推出了gRPC。本文将重点介绍 gRPC,并与仍广泛使用的 REST 进行比较。 概述 以下表格将为您提供讨论点的概述,并显示 REST 和 gRPC 的优劣之处。 主题 REST gRPC 标准化 没有标准 定义明确 范式 基于资源...

   COMPARISON,GRPC,REST     2023-04-29 06:44:09

  Alibaba subreddit has been banned from Reddit

The subreddit of Alibaba, the biggest e-commerce giant in China, has been banned from Reddit.The reason given is that this community has violated the Reddit rules. But no details about what rules are violated given by Reddit. If we now try to access, we will see below page. From the page, it says this subrredit has been banned 6 months ago. It's unknown whether this subreddit was created by Alibaba Group or by some other people. And it's unclear w...

   CHINA,ALIBABA,REDDIT     2015-09-28 03:20:12

  What we still can’t do client-side

With the rise of all these APIs and the browser race to implement them, you’d think that currently we can do pretty much everything in JavaScript and even if we currently can’t due to browser support issues, we will once the specs are implemented. Unfortunately, that’s not true. There are still things we can’t do, and there’s no specification to address them at the time of this writing and no way to do them with the APIs we already have (or if there is a ...

   Chanllenge,Client side,Server side     2012-01-10 07:22:31

  Singapore ISP SingTel experiences nation wide service down

On 3 Dec, 2016, many people from Singapore found that they were disconnected from the world the moment they waked up. Their Internet Service Provider(ISP) SingTel, the largest ISP in the country, experienced a nation wide service down incident. The incident started at 8:21 am according to SingTel and all Internet service subscribers across the country are affected. The incident lasted for over 15 hours(The time this post is being written) and there is still no timeline for when the service will ...

   SINGAPORE,SERVICE DOWN,NEWS,SINGTEL     2016-12-03 09:33:46

  A simple example of drawing bar chart with label using d3.js

D3.js is a very popular graph library to help developers draw various kind of charts using JavaScript in a webpage. It utilizes the SVG format supported by all major modern browsers and can help developers get rid of the old age of Flash or server side graph drawing libraries. In this post, we will introduce some simple examples of drawing bar chart with labels using D3.js.  First, let's see what will be the final look of the graph drawn. Below is the complete source code for this example....

   JAVASCIPT,D3,BAR CHART,LABEL,TUTORIAL     2020-05-16 23:25:40

  How to Increase your Instagram Followers

Instagram is a fantastic network that allows its users to share photos and it’s a lot of fun especially when people are following you. If you are a new Instagram user, there are high chances that you don’t have many followers. The following are some simple techniques you can use to get followers on Instagram: 1.     Ensure that your account has a clear focus Pick a clear focus for your Instagram account. This is because if you intend to showcase your best photogra...

       2016-02-04 06:04:46