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SEARCH KEYWORD -- long process

  Do you have this kind of comments in your source code?

Writing runnable code is the essential skill of a programmer, writing understandable comment is also a skill a programmer should acquire. There is some famous saying that bad comment is worth than no comment. Usually your code will be maintained by other people, if you provide them some difficult to understand or misguided comments, this will be nightmare to them. While at some other time, programmers may put some funny comments in their codes which may make others laugh. Today we...

   COMMENT,HUMOR     2016-08-01 10:25:14

  8 Optimization Rules To Improve Visibility Of your Ecommerce Store

The success of an Ecommerce store depends on its page rank. If your store pops up in first page then there are higher chances of getting noticed. But getting a spot in page 1 is no mean task as web crawlers are very smart in identifying a quality content. These crawlers follow a specific pattern in setting up a yardstick for a quality content. You need to understand what does a quality content mean from a search engine perspective. Here are the rules to be followed.   #1 Unique content is ...

   marketplace apptha, multi vendor marketplace, magento marketplace     2015-03-09 07:16:16

  Gaussian Blur Algorithm

Usually, image processing software will provide blur filter to make images blur. There are many algorithms to implement blur, one of them is called Gaussian Blur Algorithm. It utilizes Gaussian distribution to process images. This article is to introduce Gaussian Blur algorithm, you will find this is a simple algorithm. In fact, it is a kind of data smoothing which can be used in many situations. 1. Gaussian Blur theory The so called blur can be understood as taking a pixel as the average valu...

   ALGORITHM,GAUSSIAN BLUR, IMAGE BLUR     2020-09-12 02:34:40

  How to find which process a file is being written by in Linux?

Some people ask a file is being written by one process and they want to check this process, but they cannot find the process even with sof. This question is very common and there are many solutions, here we introduce a straightforward method. In Linux, each file will be stored on one device and of course there will be a relative inode, then we can use vfs.write to know who is writing the inode on one specified device continuously. Luckily there is inodewatch.stp in the installation package of s...

   Linux,process,file write     2013-03-16 21:44:35

  Should Small IT Companies Compete for Government Projects

No matter where in the world you look, you will find that various government agencies spend enormous amounts of money to procure products and services from outside companies. And while most of us immediately think about construction projects and perhaps defense contractors, a huge portion of government projects over the last decade or so were in the IT sector. In essence, governments on all levels often require services that their existing employees cannot handle and they invite outside IT comp...

   IT, BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS     2017-12-28 17:51:09

  Run code with multiple files in the same main package in GoLang

To run a GoLang program, there needs to be a main() function defined. In some cases when developing some demo program which has multiple files and just wanna put them in the same main package and this folder is not in GOPATH, how to run the program? Let's say we have following folder structure where the main() function is defined in main.go. If you just run below command, it would fail to start to run the program and gives some error if some struct is defined in other files and being used. PS D...


  Facebook : App Center is more suitable for developers

Facebook recently announced that they will release their own app store named App Center. It will be released in a few weeks. At the same time, Facebook also released the introduction page of the App Center, it introduces to developers the process of app submission and the standards of app approval.Facebook allows developer to provide charged apps via App Center. Since it has over 900 million active users globally, so many developers are willing to develop apps on this platform. Facebook will dec...

   Facebook,App Center,Introduction     2012-05-13 01:03:56

  Web Consistency Testing

Introduction Web Consistency Testing is a new form of Web testing that aims to answer the simple question: does this page look right? It's an automated approach to making sure a page looks the way we expect, whether that be cross-browser, over time (regression), in multiple locales, or whatever else we can think of. Kevin Menard, founder of Mogotest, presented an in-depth talk about what Web Consistency Testi...

   Website,Consistency,Testing,Consistency testing,Advice     2011-12-01 02:52:30

  Gracefully exiting from console programs in Ruby

Imagine you write a CLI program or a Rake task which loops through some data performing some work on it. You run it and then you remembered something. You’d love to kill the process with ctrl-c, but that will raise an exception somewhere in the loop. What you want is for the iteration to complete and then you want the program to quit. You could handle the Interrupt exception or add some conditions. But how about a cleaner and reusable way? No problem - you can trap signals, which...

   Ruby,Exit,Command window,Console,Graceful     2012-03-14 13:42:16

  C++ for the Real-Time Web

C++? Why on Earth? C++ seems like one of the least likely languages to write a web application in. C++ is associated with complexity, both with language design and the need to manually manage memory. Programming in C++ unleashes a whole class of bugs associated with memory corruption and memory allocation. This is a trade off for giving more power to the developer along generally being much faster than equivalent programs in languages such as Python or Ruby. Real-time Web as a Use Case Making...

   C++,Web development,Real time     2012-01-30 06:00:20