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  Empty slice vs nil slice in GoLang

In Go, there is a type called slice which is built on top of array. It's a very convenient type when we want to handle a group of data. This post will explain a subtle but tricky difference between empty slice and nil slice. A nil slice is a slice has a length and capacity of zero and has no underlying array. The zero value of slice is nil. If a slice is declared like below, it is a nil slice. package main import "fmt" func main() { var a []string fmt.Println(a == nil) } The output will be t...

   GOLANG,JSON,EMPTY SLICE,NIL SLICE     2018-10-18 09:25:21

  Package Control doesn't show up in Sublime Text 3

Package Control is a package management console for managing packages in Sublime Text. It is frequently used to install, update packages. In Sublime Text 3, the Package Control package can be installed by following instructions at After installation, when you press Ctrl + Shift + P, a dialog with a text field will show up and package control commands can be typed and executed.  However, if you don't see the expected package control commands ...


  The magic of go:linkname

When writing Go program, there is frequent need on using time.Sleep() function to pause the logic for some time. And if jumping to the definition of this function, can see below definition: // Sleep pauses the current goroutine for at least the duration d. // A negative or zero duration causes Sleep to return immediately. func Sleep(d Duration) I's strange that there is no function body defined here. What happened? The actual definition of the function body is residing at runtime/time.go&nb...

   TRICKS,GO:LINKNAME,GOLANG     2022-04-10 08:39:00

  Be careful about printing error as string in GoLang

In GoLang, we can format and produce string using fmt.Printf(), just like C, GoLang also supports format verbs like %s, %d which can be placeholder for different types of values. But please pay attention when printing error as string so that you will not fall into some trap. Let's first take an example code snippet and see what trap we are talking about. package main import "fmt" type A string func (a A) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s is an error", a) } func main() { a := A("hello...

   STACKOVERFLOW,GOLANG,FMT     2019-01-23 09:17:15

  Can two new objects point to the same memory address in GoLang?

Do you have any idea what the output will be for below GoLang snippet? package main import ( "fmt" ) type obj struct{} func main() { a := &obj{} fmt.Printf("%p\n", a) c := &obj{} fmt.Printf("%p\n", c) fmt.Println(a == c) } Many people would think that a and c are two different object instances which have different memory addresses. Hence a == c will be false. But if you try to run the above program, you would see below output 0x5781c8 0x5781c8 true To get to know the reason wh...

   GO,GOLANG,VARIABLE ESCAPE,ZEROBASE     2019-04-06 01:19:52

  Implement struct no copy in GoLang

There is some case where some of the struct in GoLang which is not meant to be copied. For example, sometimes a global configuration which should have only one version passed around the whole application and should not be copied and modified. In GoLang, there is no intuitive solution on preventing copying of struct. But there is still some way which can be leveraged to help prevent this while developing the code. The trick is to define some struct implementing sync.Locker interface and has this ...

   GO VET,NOCOPY,NO COPY     2020-09-04 22:24:58

  What is the use of empty struct in GoLang

In Go, an empty struct struct{} is a struct with no fields that may appear to be of little use, but in reality, it can be useful in certain situations and become a simple and efficient solution in code. As a semaphore or lock Because the empty struct has no fields, it can be conveniently used to implement some concurrency control functions, such as mutex locks, read-write locks. We can use chan struct{} to implement an unbuffered channel for controlling concurrent access. package main import ( ...

   GOLANG,EMPTY STRUCT     2024-04-05 23:54:03

  Ensuring Go Interface Implementation: A Quick Guide

Introduction Go's simplicity and power shine in its interface system, offering a clean way to define contracts between types. However, when it comes to checking whether a struct satisfies an interface, Go's static typing philosophy means there isn't a direct runtime check. In this concise guide, we'll explore practical methods, including some lesser-known tricks, to verify whether a struct implements an interface. Method 1: Type Assertion and a Dummy Method package main import "fmt" type MyInt...

   INTERFACE,GOLANG,IMPLEMENTS     2023-11-25 21:36:01

  How to Understand and Use nil in Golang Correctly?

In Golang, nil is a predefined identifier that carries different meanings in various contexts, but typically represents "none", "empty" or "zero value". It can be assigned to variables of pointer, slice, map, channel, function, and interface types. Understanding the significance of nil is crucial for writing robust Go programs, as mishandling nil can lead to unexpected issues. nil in Pointers In Go, pointers are a fundamental type that stores the memory address of a variable. When a pointer is d...

   FUNCTION,SLICE,MAP,CHANNEL,GOLANG,NIL     2024-01-05 05:19:40

  Understand unsafe in GoLang

Before going to understand unsafe package in GoLang, the first thing needs to talk about is the pointer in GoLang. If you have a background of C language, you must know what pointer means and its usage. With pointer, you are free to operate any data at memory level which means you have great power, but this means that you have great responsibility as well. That's why it might be considered unsafe in lots of cases. Take a look at a simple example of doubling an integer. package main import "fmt"...

   GOLANG,UNSAFE,ZERO-COPY     2020-03-14 23:18:00