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  Understand unsafe in GoLang

Before going to understand unsafe package in GoLang, the first thing needs to talk about is the pointer in GoLang. If you have a background of C language, you must know what pointer means and its usage. With pointer, you are free to operate any data at memory level which means you have great power, but this means that you have great responsibility as well. That's why it might be considered unsafe in lots of cases. Take a look at a simple example of doubling an integer. package main import "fmt"...

   GOLANG,UNSAFE,ZERO-COPY     2020-03-14 23:18:00

  Can two new objects point to the same memory address in GoLang?

Do you have any idea what the output will be for below GoLang snippet? package main import ( "fmt" ) type obj struct{} func main() { a := &obj{} fmt.Printf("%p\n", a) c := &obj{} fmt.Printf("%p\n", c) fmt.Println(a == c) } Many people would think that a and c are two different object instances which have different memory addresses. Hence a == c will be false. But if you try to run the above program, you would see below output 0x5781c8 0x5781c8 true To get to know the reason wh...

   GO,GOLANG,VARIABLE ESCAPE,ZEROBASE     2019-04-06 01:19:52

  The Go Pointer Magic

Go is a language with the pointer type, by which we can Pass pointer into a function and update value in-place. Add methods to a struct as (* T) A, which is different from (T) A(). However, the pointer is type-safe in Go, meaning that there are such restrictions of the pointer. Different types of pointers are unconvertible. Pointer type cannot be used for calculation. Pointer types cannot be compared, either == nor !=. No mutual assignment between different pointer-...

   GOLANG,POINTER,UNSAFE     2021-10-03 02:18:57

  Tricks with Direct Memory Access in Java

Java was initially designed as a safe managed environment. Nevertheless, Java HotSpot VM contains a “backdoor” that provides a number of low-level operations to manipulate memory and threads directly. This backdoor – sun.misc.Unsafe â€“ is widely used by JDK itself in packages like java.nio or java.util.concurrent. It is hard to imagine a Java developer that uses this backdoor in any regular development because this API is extremely dangerous...

   Java,Directly memory access,Tricks,JVM     2012-02-13 05:31:19

  The magic of go:linkname

When writing Go program, there is frequent need on using time.Sleep() function to pause the logic for some time. And if jumping to the definition of this function, can see below definition: // Sleep pauses the current goroutine for at least the duration d. // A negative or zero duration causes Sleep to return immediately. func Sleep(d Duration) I's strange that there is no function body defined here. What happened? The actual definition of the function body is residing at runtime/time.go&nb...

   TRICKS,GO:LINKNAME,GOLANG     2022-04-10 08:39:00

  The internals of slice in GoLang

There are 3 components of slice:a) Pointer: Points to the start position of slice in the underlying array;b) length (type is int): the number of the valid elements of the slice;b) capacity (type is int): the total number of slots of the slice. Check the following code: package main import ( "fmt" "unsafe" ) func main() { var s1 []int fmt.Println(unsafe.Sizeof(s1)) } The result is 24 on my 64-bit system (The pointer and int both occupy 8 bytes). In the next example, I will use gdb to poke t...

   GOLANG,SLICE     2019-06-30 02:55:22

  Address of a Java Object

In conventional java programming, you will never need address or location of a java object from memory. When you discuss about this in forums, the first question raised is why do you need to know the address of a java object? Its a valid question. But always, we reserve the right to experiment. Nothing is wrong in exploring uncharted areas.I thought of experimenting using a little known class from sun package. Unsafe is a class that belongs to sun.misc package. For some of you the package might ...

   Java,Object,Address,Memory,Start address     2011-09-29 11:17:46

  Chrome to block mixed content downloads in version 86

Google has announced its plan to block mixed content downloads in Chrome in February 2020 and now the day to block mixed content downloads is coming soon as we are nearing October when Chrome 86 is supposed to be released. What is mixed content downloads? According to Google, it is non-HTTPS downloads started on secure pages. For example, if you access a page called, and in this page, there is a download link to, ...

   CHROME,MIXED CONTENT DOWNLOADS     2020-09-18 21:10:53

  HeartBleed: Should C be blamed for the HeartBleed bug?

There is a discussion about the security of applications written in C on Hacker News recently after the report of HeartBleed bug in OpenSSL. In this discussion, some people are saying that the applications written in C are unsafe. It seems all or most of the faults should be laid on C. I think this is biased. The language itself should not be blamed.Safety is a relative term for programming languages. No language is absolutely safe. We claim some languages like Java and C# are safer than C/C++ b...

   C,HeartBleed,Analysis,Code review     2014-04-14 03:52:55

  Why cannot compare double values directly for equality?

A question in PHP: Get some value from the database and use floatval() to convert it to floatint point value, then compare it with another value which is also converted to floating point value with floatval(). These two values are the same when using var_dump() to output, the two outputs are float(8.87), they are the same. But when comparing them for equality, the result is weird., they are not equal. Why?To analyze this question, we need to start with PHP data types. PHP uses weak types. In PHP...

   PHP,floating, precision,compare,equality     2012-06-27 09:01:36