Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Is coding going to die?

There is always a voice recent years saying that coding will gradually die, software development is more like an assembly job. i.e, programmer will be more and more like IT engineers. They seldom build something from scratch, instead they achieve the goal by assemble different components. There are people who have similar views around me. From the book "Clean code" written by Robert C Martin-- "One might argue that a book about code is somehow behind the times—that code is no longer...

   Coding,Clean code,Disappear,Analysis     2012-03-15 14:37:35

  Check if query string variable exists ASP.NET C#/VB

One of the problems I encountered when I started programming ASP.NET websites was to do with the Request.QueryString function. The first projects I was worked on were built with VB.NET and I used the following code to check the existence of a query string variable:VB.NET Codeview plaincopy to clipboardprint?If Request.QueryString("[VARIABLE]") <> Nothing Then        'CODE HERE  End If  This code check...

   ASP.NET,Query string,Request,Empty,NULL,Check     2011-11-05 15:29:50

  A trap about PHP random number

The method to get random number in PHP is very simple, we only need to use rand() function. int rand ( int $min , int $max ) One function call can return the random number in a specified range. But in fact, the random number in computer is actually pseudorandomness, generally to increase the randomness, we may set a random seed before calling rand(). void srand ([ int $seed ] ) According to other language features, we should pass a time value as a parameter to the srand() function, generally...

   PHP,rand,srand,mt_rand     2013-06-07 09:10:10

  On Programming Deadlines

There are a lot of differences between programming, and programming professionally. The most notorious of which, is deadlines.DeadlinesWhen you're writing code for yourself, you can spend as much (or as little time) on it as you please--but when you're writing code for other people, you've got only a limited amount of time and resources to get the job done. In my experience, this typically leads to one of two situations:You've got to extend the deadline to finish the job properly.You've got to w...

   Programming,Deadline,Transparent,Test,TODO     2011-11-01 07:10:21

  Install and remote access phpMyAdmin on CentOS

phpMyAdmin is a free and open source tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL with the use of a Web browser. It can perform various tasks such as creating, modifying or deleting databases, tables, fields or rows; executing SQL statements; or managing users and permissions.Today I walk through you the steps to install phpMyAdmin on CentOS. Actually, these steps are applicable to other Linux systems as well. 1. Download the phpMyAdmin from Run command:wge...

   phpMyAdmin,linux,installation,demo     2012-06-21 07:30:29

  Learning Is More Important Than Knowing

Although DuckDuckGo's success is based more on ideology than technology, you'd have to be a pretty arrogant technologist to not appreciate and be impressed with what this small team (for a long time, 1 person) has accomplished. And while DuckDuckGo teaches us a number of valuable lessons (about business, and privacy), to me, the most important, is that good programmers should be measured by what they can learn, not what they already know. Gabriel Weinberg, DuckDuckGo's creator, has been wo...

   Learning,Knowing,Google,DuckDuckGo     2012-04-18 07:17:53

  Why we don’t hire .NET programmers

Skip my post and read this one instead.  It says the same thing, but less offensively.  (Or, rather, more offensively to Facebook and Google employees, less offensive to .NET developers, though the underlying message is the same.) Tuesday midnight edit: After >500 comments, >1000 tweets, and >1000 Facebook likes, I’m closing comments on this thread so we can all get back to work.  The very last comment takes the cake, however, and is a fitting close.  Th...

   ASP.NET,High level,Low flexibility,Weakness     2011-12-20 08:43:28

  jQuery 2.0 will drop support for some IE6/7/8 oddities

jQuery official website releases its road map for the future jQuery development. This road map reveals that jQuery 1.8 will be released within a month and other consecutive versions will follow the following release plan:jQuery 1.9 (early 2013): many of the interfaces already deprecated in version 1.8 will be removed; some of them will be available as plugins or alternative APIs supported by the jQuery project. IE 6/7/8 will be supported as today.jQuery 1.9.x (ongoing in 2013 and beyond): This v...

   jQuery 2.0,jQuery,IE support     2012-06-29 05:20:27

  20 free fonts for web design

1.Comfortaa2.Quicksand3.Fertigo Pro4.Telegrafico5.Forque6.Romeral7.Sling8.League Gothic9.Molot10.Junction11.Tertre12.Nevis13.Existence Light14.Mentone15.Walkaway16.Jalane Light17.Insolent18.Kaffeesatz19.Vollkorn20.Gnuolane原文出自:ITeye...

   Web design,Fonts,Comfortaa,Quicksand     2011-04-20 00:30:24

  Microsoft forms a new subsidiary focused on open source called Microsoft Open Technologies

Microsoft once again changes its attitude and intends to set up an open technology subsidiaries in order to promote the formulation of open-source projects and standards.The new company name is Microsoft Open Technologies and Jean Paoli, Microsoft executives will be the president of the new company. The company will also form interoperability strategy team in the future. The newly established company will have about 50-75 employees.Over the years, Microsoft has been considered to be the rival of...

   Microsft,Open source,Microsoft Open Technologies     2012-04-13 06:10:45