Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Interesting program comments

With Google Code Search, we can search some interesting code snippets comments. Some of them are interesting. Programming is not a boring task if you have a good attitude. Lets see some funny comments. Have fun.Not very confident :Dragon everywhere :One more angry comment :I told them earlier:F**K:Don't look following programs:Author :  陈皓 Source :

   Programming,comment,interesting     2012-04-23 06:51:05

  Shortcut keys in Sublime Text 3(Animated demo)

Sublime Text 3 is a light weight code editor which supports lots of languages. It has lots of shortcuts and plugins easing work of programmers. In this post, we will introduce some shortcuts supported in Sublime Text 3 and show how powerful they are. 1. Select sibling matching(equal) word (Ctrl + D) Put the cursor on one word, press Ctrl + D to select the word, then press Ctrl and following by pressing D, it will select next matching word. The number of Ds pressed will mean number of matching wo...

   TIPS,SHORTCUT KEY,SUBLIME TEXT     2016-04-28 02:41:28

  GIF’s - Effective Engagement Tool Of Elearning

Elearning has been continuously facing the challenge of keeping the learners engaged. Many methods are being used to ensure that the learner understands the concepts even without an instructor. The inclusion of various multimedia modes like informative audios, videos, games, animations, etc. has become almost necessary to include as these are considered to make the concepts easier to understand.  In a nutshell, there are many advantages of using multimedia in an eLearning program, however, ...

   GIF,ELEARNING     2021-09-23 07:17:52

  Display GIF animation while submitting the web form

Internet appears everywhere in our life. Form as a data gathering component is the must have component in a web app. When the page is submitting data to the server, if it takes a relative long time for the backend server to process the data, then the client users will feel lost while waiting for this if he cannot get any indication about what's happening. They may even reclick the button which will cause the data resubmission. This affects the user experience and also the system performance and ...

   HTML,Spin,Submit,Form     2013-05-17 11:47:07

  Free jQuery UI themes

jQuery UI is a jQuery User Interface library, it provides many frequently used components and functions. It consists of datepicker, slider, progress bar and drag and drop support etc. Also it has many themes, you can use ThemeRoller to customize your own theme. But with ThemeRoller, we can still find the shadow of jQuery UI. If you want some highly customized, free and high quality jQuery themes such as Bootstrap, Windows-Metro, then the following themes may suit you. 1. jQuery UI Bootstrap jQu...

   jQuery UI, Theme     2012-10-20 10:59:20

  TIOBE: PHP is coming back

TIOBE released the programming language index for July 2013. The highlight of this month is that PHP is coming back. It ranks the fifth and has an increase of 1.54% compared to January. There are no changes in the ranking for the top 4 languages. The reason why PHP is back may be attributed to the new PHP Zend Framework that was released in September 2012, but this reason is not very convincing. PositionJul 2013PositionJul 2012Delta in PositionProgramming LanguageRatingsJul 2013Delta Jul...

   TIOBE,PHP,Zend framework,July     2013-07-09 05:22:50

  Chrome extension to display desktop notification

Have you ever thought about writing extension for web browsers so that we can complete some tasks easily. Do you think writing extension for browsers is very difficult? You have no clue where to begin? On Chrome, this isn't any problem now as long as you know how to write HTML,CSS and JavaScript. We will show one example of Chrome extension today. The extension will display a desktop notification on your desktop. You need to create two files here, one is the notification.json which is the config...

   Chrome extension,Desktop notification,Example     2013-06-29 22:23:51

  Create rounded corner buttons in photoshop using gradient

Hi People,I should rather call you photoshop lovers, right ? We are going to create a very simply yet eye catching but sober buttons in photoshop. They are simple light in weight and can be used the way you want. You can also add some glossy look if you wish to. But these days not many people like website with those glossy looks. Here is the final output which you will get after reading this tutorial.However many web-developers, webmasters, designers do not like to use images as buttons, but the...

   PhotoShop,Rounded button,Design,Gradient     2011-10-10 14:04:33

  Source code for sharing webpage to facebook

Copy and paste the following code blocks into your site and replace '<url>' with the link you want to Share.Text link:<script>function fbs_click() {u=location.href;t=document.title;''+encodeURIComponent(u)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(t),'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,height=436');return false;}</script><a rel="nofollow" href="<;url>" onclick="return fbs_click()" target="_blank...

   Source code,Facebook,Share,Webpage     2011-07-23 06:52:07

  Why PHP is (so much) better than Ruby?

I attended this weekend my first Ruby conference, Ruby Lugdunum in Lyon. Besides cool talks and the fun of meeting people like Nick, Blake, or Laetitia, my friend Camille & I did a surprise lightning talk about how PHP is better than Ruby. Here are the slides and a more detailed transcript: A lot of free hosts: it’s easy to find a PHP host, you just have to google “free php host” and you find a ton of free PHP/MySQL hostsBigger community: The PHP community is really huge,...

   PHP,Ruby,Comparism,Difference,Advantage     2011-06-29 08:34:12