Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  How GitHub Works: Be Asynchronous

This is — by far — my favorite aspect of working at GitHub. Everything is asynchronous. Chat GitHub didn’t have an office for the first two years. Chat rooms (in our case, Campfire) is where things got done. Today we’ve moved into our second office, and Campfire is still where we get things done. There’s a reason for that: chat is asynchronous. Asynchronous communication means I can take a step out for lunch and catch up on transcripts when I get back. Async...

   GitHub,Work,Style,Asynchronous,Efficienc     2011-08-19 07:44:20

  Going Simple with JavaScript

I was making a change to a page that needed to pull from a remote API and make changes to various parts of the page. Sounds like the time to pull out jQuery and Ajax, doesn't it? Instead, I just used old fashioned JavaScript. Actually, I used new fashioned JavaScript. Browsers haven't stood still in the advent of libraries and frameworks. As a result, we can take advantage of those features when we need to bake in a little extra. Some JSONP The first step was to get the JSONP call execu...

   JavaScript,new version,new addition,JSONP,querySelectorAll     2012-03-06 05:22:59

  How much money do you *really* need to start your company?

I keep hearing startup entrepreneurs tell me “We need funding. If we just had $XXXk of investment, we’d be killing it right now.” I press them with one question: what would you do with the money if you had it? Inevitably the question is met with a blank stare. Most of the time people haven’t thought about it. The answers that do come feel a little half-baked:“Buy a bunch of ad words to get people to our site – that’s all we need”“Build th...

   Business,Startup,Investment,Money,Ad     2011-09-26 11:16:35

  The world's first HTML5 SIP client

This is the world's first open source HTML5 SIP client (May 12, 2012) entirely written in javascript for integration in social networks (FaceBook, Twitter, Google+), online games, e-commerce sites... No extension, plugin or gateway is needed. The media stack rely on WebRTC. The client can be used to connect to any SIP or IMS network from your preferred browser to make and receive audio/video calls and instant messages. The protocol parsers (SIP, SDP...) are highly optimized using Ragel loo...

   HTML5,SIP,CLient,Google     2012-05-21 06:18:34

  Is ERP on Cards? - Here is a Comprehensive Buying Guide for the Solution

2015 is around the corners, knocking at the doors!!And it usually happens; with year coming to a closure; a lot of speculations are already under way for the next year!  As a matter of fact, with a constant technological progress, the business world has been set abuzz with numerous theories about the possible and path-breaking trends which might change the course of action. And customized ERP software solution has not been left out of these speculations. It is usually seen that implementati...

   erp, enterprise, erp software solution, erp system     2015-01-20 04:50:51

  New function signal.NotifyContext in GoLang 1.16

os/signal package in GoLang may not be frequently used but it provides some good features like Shutdown() which can be used to gracefully shutdown a running HTTP server. func (srv *Server) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error With this function, there is no need to use third party library to gracefully shutdown HTTP server. How is it being used? package main import ( "context" "fmt" "net/http" "os" "os/signal" "time" ) func main() { server := http.Server{ Addr: ":8080", } http.Handl...


  Why cannot Renren be China's Facebook?

Yizhou Chen, CEO of China's SNS community Renren, shouted "one war, three battles". We do not know now how the battle progresses. Currently Renren's net market value is $1.3 billion where 900 million of them are in cash, it means the market values Renren 400 million US dollars only which is far lower than Facebook. Why cannot Renren be China's Facebook? This is a very interesting topic, many users share their opinions, Some of the main points are summarized as follows:Facebook pay more attentio...

   Renren, Facebook,SNS     2012-11-22 11:44:33

  Bytes Matter

I love to profile applications, because I always learn something that surprises me. Initial Profiler Surprise: Client Side Case in point, I was recently profiling our Android application, the Famigo Sandbox. This app sends a lot of data back and forth with our API, as we try to determine which of the apps on your phone are safe for your kids. I always assumed that, if app performance suffered during some of the ...

   Byte,Low level,Operation,Importance     2012-02-28 08:07:22

  4 Things Every Great Online Teacher Knows

Virtual classrooms have become the new norm for education during the pandemic. Teachers from every school have to adjust to this new reality to ensure students keep learning even in the absence of a physical classroom setup.  Thankfully, there are various digital solutions to help teachers conduct online classes without much hassle. One such tool that has revolutionized the online learning market is a Learning Management System (LMS). For schools, the in-house learning management department...

   EDUCATION,ELEARNING,ILEARNING     2021-02-12 03:23:43

  What is blocking and how would you troubleshoot it?

Blocking is a common occurrence in an SQL server context, but if you are new to the world of database management you might not know what this issue entails and perhaps even fear that it is a sign of serious underlying problems. To allay your fears and clear up the mystery, here is a brief overview of blocking and the steps you can take to tackle it. Image Source: Pixabay SQL blocking explained SQL blocking according to SentryOne is an offshoot of the way that concurrent databases operate. Becau...

   SQL,DEADLOCK     2020-09-17 08:50:55