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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Database programming

  Understanding database, instance and schema in Oracle database

Oracle database is the most popular database system among enterprises. To start working on Oracle database, some concepts must be understood first. They include database, instance, schema and user etc. And among these concepts, some have different meanings from those in other database systems such as MS SQL, MySQL, DB2. On the web, there are already some good posts which explain different concepts such as Ask Tom's database vs instances, Difference between database vs user vs schema. In this pos...


  Application vs Database Programming

A few years ago, I had a problem.  A database routine for processing bulk payments for LedgerSMB that was humming along in my test cases was failing when tested under load with real data prior to implementation.  Some testing showed that while it ran fine with small numbers of inputs, it eventually slowed way down as the number of inputs rose.  Andrew Sullivan, who was also on the project through a different company, suggested it was something called a "cache miss" because I...

   Application Programming,Database programming,Comparison,Difference     2012-03-04 12:08:35

  What are your list of must know programming proverbs?

It is in fact a good list of proverbs and here are some of the frequently seen programming proverbs. Keep It Simple Stupid Don’t Repeat Yourself A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it – Einstein Silence is construed as approval  ( Picked from Kevin blog ) There is no smoke without fire Think first, Program later Never assume the computer assumes anything Don't trust anything from the user input Do you have any favorite of the programming proverbs? ...

   PROGRAMMING,TIPS     2011-07-01 07:00:56

  Work with MySQL character set and collation

For non-English websites, they often have to deal with character set and collation if they want to store data to and read data from databases with other languages. Character set tells the database which kind of character encoding scheme to use to store or read data, collation can be simply understood as a subset of character set, it tells the database how to sort data. We talk about working with character set and collation of MySQL today.  In MySQL, if we want to store Chinese, Japanese or ...

   MySQL,character set,collation,Chinese,question mark     2012-06-17 07:07:28

  Oracle database to execute multiple statements at command line

Oracle database is now a mature and popular RDBMS which is used by lots of enterprises. With its evolution, many utilities and applications are developed around it as well. Now Oracle database also provides cloud support. As a DBA, managing Oracle database is daily routine work and some tools may be used frequently. One of them is sqlplus, the command line tool for executing SQL command. sqlplus is installed while the Oracle database is installed. To start sqlplus, one just needs to open a termi...

   ORACLE,ORACLE DATABASE,SQLPLUS     2016-12-09 20:11:28

  Top 20 programming languages in April 2011

Next picture shows the Top 20 programming languages in April 2011 from TIOBE. From the picture, we can find the most popular programming languages are the different representatives of programming language styles. And some of them are popular because the platforms which use this programming language is very popular.For example C#, because of Microsoft, this language is used in .Net platform. Many users are using this programming language.Also, Java, C and C+ are the top 3 languages in he world. T...

   TIOBE,Ranking,Programming language. C,C+     2011-04-05 14:20:03

  System programming is still there

System programming is the practice of writing system software. System software lives at a low level, interfacing directly with the kernel and core system libraries. Your shell and your text editor, your compiler and your debugger, your core utilities and system daemons are all system software. But so are the network server, the web server, and the database. These components are entirely system software, primarily if not exclusively interfacing with the kernel and the C library. But nowadays more...

   System programming     2014-02-27 05:46:48

  Unknown system variable 'query_cache_size' in DbVisualizer while accessing MySQL

DbVisualizer is a very popular GUI application to view the data stored on a database. It supports various databases such as Oracle, MySQL etc. It relies on different database drivers to connect to the database server and access the data stored there.  In this post, we will try to solve one problem when accessing the latest MySQL database(8.0+) through DbVisualizer. MySQL database starting from 8.0 has lots of changes which may not be compatible with old version of software or libraries whic...


  All Programmers Are Self-Taught

When I was a teenager I played high caliber baseball. I’m competitive to a fault and when I decide I want to be good at something, results usually follow. Now I’m a third year undergrad studying computer science. There’s something critically different between programming and sports though: A pitching coach teaches you how to pitch, but a CS professor doesn’t teach you how to code. I was surprised that neither my TAs nor professors critiqued my code during my firs...

   Programming,Style,Habit,Self learning     2011-12-21 10:25:50

  Useful functions to provide secure PHP application

Security is a very important aspect of programming. There are many functions or modules in any kind of real programming language providing security functionalities  In modern websites, we may often get inputs form users all around the world.There is a famous saying which says that never trust user input. So in web programming languages, we will often see functions which will guarantee the security of the data input from users. Today we will cover some of these functions in the most famous o...

   PHP,security,SQL Injection,XSS,AJAX     2014-10-30 04:21:59