Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Different types of keystore in Java -- PKCS11

PKCS11 keystore is designed for hardware storage modules(HSM). It's an interface to talk to the HSMs. It doesn't actually store any keys but provide a set of classes to communicate with the underlying HSM. The actual keys and certificates are stored on the HSMs. The reason for storing the keys and materials is to ensure security and efficiency. Since the keys are on the HSMs, they are safe to be stolen. All encryption/decryption operations are performed on the HSMs as well, this incre...

   PKCS11,keystore,HSM,Java     2015-01-08 00:39:12

  Advice From An Old Programmer

You've finished this book and have decided to continue with programming. Maybe it will be a career for you, or maybe it will be a hobby. You'll need some advice to make sure you continue on the right path, and get the most enjoyment out of your newly chosen activity. I've been programming for a very long time. So long that it's incredibly boring to me. At the time that I wrote this book, I knew about 20 programming languages and could learn new ones in about a day to a week depending on how w...

   Advice,Programming,Python,Old programmer     2012-03-08 13:51:11

  Work with MySQL character set and collation

For non-English websites, they often have to deal with character set and collation if they want to store data to and read data from databases with other languages. Character set tells the database which kind of character encoding scheme to use to store or read data, collation can be simply understood as a subset of character set, it tells the database how to sort data. We talk about working with character set and collation of MySQL today.  In MySQL, if we want to store Chinese, Japanese or ...

   MySQL,character set,collation,Chinese,question mark     2012-06-17 07:07:28

  How does PHP session work?

This article is about how PHP session works internally. Below are the steps : 1. Session in PHP is loaded into PHP core as an extension, we can understand it as an extension. When session extension is loaded, PHP will call core functions to get the session save_handler, i.e interface or functions for reading and writing session data. By default, PHP will handle session data by writing and reading files on the server. But PHP also supplies custom methods for handling session data, we can use sess...

   PHP, session, mechanism     2012-12-28 13:36:49

  Make a directory using C++ for windows

If you want to create a folder at windows using c++/cpp language, there is an easy way for make a folder. You can do it just including the <windows.h> header file. To make a folder at C:\ drive named "deadman"#include<windows.h>int main(){   CreateDirectory ("C:\\deadman", NULL);   return 0;}If you want to delete a fodler from the C:\ directory.#include<windows.h>int main(){   RemoveDirectory("C:\\deadman");   retur...

   C++,Directory,Windows,CreateDirectory,Example     2012-02-25 04:26:16

  Custom C++ exception class creation

In standard C++, we can use try catch to catch and exception when something goes wrong. These are some built in exception support in C++. By including the #include , we can now catch exceptions in C++ programs. This actually helps us on debugging our code and reduce the maintenance work.However sometimes if we want to create our own custom exception class. What should we do?We should include the #include line and then extend the exception class and implement some methods as you like. The genera...

   C++,std,exception,custom exception,implementation     2012-03-04 09:58:18

  String intern in Java

In Java, == is used to compare whether two objects have the same memory location, equals() is usually used to compare whether two objects have the same time and the same state.  When comparing two strings, normally we just want to know whether they have same content, so we can choose equals(). But since String comparison is so frequently needed, Java has worked on the String class to make == workable when comparing two String literals. The String class maintains a pool of emp...

   JAVA,STRING     2016-04-10 03:35:25

  Frequently used Git commands

Git configuration git config --global "robbin" git config --global "" git config --global color.ui true git config --global checkout git config --global commit git config --global status git config --global branch git config --global core.editor "mate -w" # Configure Editor to use textmate git config -l #List all configurations User's git configuration file : ~/.gitconfig Frequently used Git commands Check、add...

   Git,Command     2013-03-11 19:41:06

  static nested and non-static nested class in Java

Nested classes are divided into two categories: static and non-static(inner). Nested classes that are declared static are simply called static nested classes. Non-static nested classes are called inner classes. Static class can be defined as : class OuterClass{ static class StaticNestedClass{ //OTHER STUFF } } Static nested classes are accessed using the enclosing class name: OuterClass.StaticNestedClass For example, to create an object for the static nested class, use this synta...

   Java,static nested class,inner class     2014-04-23 07:11:44

  A JS1K competition demo for 2012

JS1K is a website which hosts some competitions to attract geeks from the world to create  JS apps which are less than 1K (1024 bytes). The object of this competition is to create a cool JavaScript "application" no larger than 1k. Starting out as a joke, the first version ended with a serious amount of submissions, prizes and quality.Recently, I revised a previous project of mine and compressed it to 1018 bytes and submitted it. It is an analog clock. The code is shown below:w=c.width;h=c...

   JS1K,HTML5,Competition,Analog clock,Love     2012-03-13 12:17:40