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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Common knowledge

  Getting started with C++ TR1 regular expressions

Overview This article is written for the benefit of someone familiar with regular expressions but not with the use of regular expressions in C++ via the TR1 (C++ Standards Committee Technical Report 1) extensions. Comparisons will be made with Perl for those familiar with Perl, though no knowledge of Perl is required. The focus is not on the syntax of regular expressions per se but rather how to use regular expressions to search for patterns and make replacements. Support for TR1 ext...

   Regular expression,Replace,TR1,Extension     2011-08-14 07:25:20

  Code Refurbishment

Within our industry we use a huge range of terminology.  Unfortunately we don’t all agree on what individual terms actually mean.  I so often hear people misuse the term “Refactoring” which has come to make the business in many organisations recoil in fear.  The reason for this fear I’ve observed is because of what people often mean when misusing this term.I feel we are holding back our industry by not being disciplined in our use of terminology.  If...

   Code Refurbishment,Code design,terminolo     2011-09-05 08:17:14

  Spending Too Much on Your Streaming Services? Read This

Remember the times when we thought ditching the cable TV might be a good idea to save time as well as all that money? Little did we know that platforms like Netflix, Hotstar, Hulu, HBO, Paramount, Disney Plus, and Apple TV Plus together cost more than the cable alone.  On the brighter side, there are ways to curb your streaming costs without much sacrifice. Do you want to binge-watch all your favorite shows at much fewer costs? Read on some great tips to save all that streaming costs to wa...

   NETFLIX,STREAMING     2022-06-13 07:20:37

  Welcome To The Latest Technology Of This ERA

In the era of 70’s, Hollywood showed us a glimpse of gadgets that we would be having in the 21st century. Here we are! Driving cars without a driver, having one phone in our wrists and another one in our pockets, and what not!? The promises that Hollywood made are eventually coming true. Here is a list of some latest technologies that we have never thought of if we go back to the 70’s and now they are so common. Waterproof Phone Now-a-days people are so addicted to phones that they ...


  Let's talk about JavaScript deep clone

In JavaScript, deep clone means creating a brand new object that includes all nested objects, with all properties being completely independent copies. This is different from shallow copying, which only copies the first-level properties, with nested objects being referenced rather than copied. There are multiple ways to perform deep copying in JavaScript, but the best one to use depends on the specific use case. Can use JSON.parse & JSON.stringify? ❌ JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) is a dep...

   JAVASCRIPT,DEEP CLONE     2023-02-25 08:57:11

  The future smells like JavaScript

Of course I am only repeating what others are preaching about the recent rise of JavaScript. But I think the movement is significant and can't be overstated. And recent developments are really even making it more and more interesting. Nobody can deny hat JavaScript is the de facto programming language of Html5. Every other language trying to bolt itself onto Html5 looks like pure friction so far. And Html5 is looking upon a prospering future. Today we are used to some established JavaScri...

   JavaScript,Future,Node.js,Client-side     2012-02-03 08:06:43

  Emacs adventures

I have been using Emacs for over a year now. I actually didn’t learn a lot when I started using it (just the basics to get going and then some relatively common keyboard shortcuts), but lately I have been reading and learning much more about it. I’m so grateful by everything I’ve learned from different people on the net that I wanted to share a couple of things I’ve learned, and a simple major mode for editing AsciiDoc documents. As a long-time VIM user, I f...

   Editor,Linux,Emacx,VIM,Shortcuts     2011-11-30 11:56:49

  Could coding be the next mass profession?

Like farming was in the 17th century, factory work during the industrial revolution, construction during the Great Depression, and manufacturing after World War II. Better, because writing code is a creative act which can be done with or without a traditional (antiquated?) office-based job, and can create enormous personal and economic value. Most young people start in jobs that don’t have much of a future. Most don’t get higher education – only a third get a...

   Coder,Learning,Training,Profession     2012-01-05 08:02:50

  Python internals: how callables work

[The Python version described in this article is 3.x, more specifically - the 3.3 alpha release of CPython.] The concept of a callable is fundamental in Python. When thinking about what can be "called", the immediately obvious answer is functions. Whether it’s user defined functions (written by you), or builtin functions (most probably implemented in C inside the CPython interpreter), functions were meant to be called, right? Well, there are also methods, but they’re not very ...

   Python,Callable work,Rationale     2012-03-24 05:20:27

  Lessons from the Trenches

I believe that making a game is part art and part science, so it's no wonder that managing a game project is also part art and part science. Clearly if it was all science then the industry would get a collective F for not having made any significant progress over the last decade - all one has to do is just glance at the published postmortems to see that the same patterns are repeated over and over.A game has to be fun, engaging, grab users in the first two minutes and also keep their a...

   Game,Trenches,Tips,Game design,pattern     2011-10-10 05:08:50