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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Body language

  Why Objective-C is Hard

As an active member of "The Internet" and vocal Objective-C coder, I get a lot of questions surrounding the language. They're often framed around thinking about learning the language or trying to write an app, but they also usually involve a phrase like "Objective-C looks really hard" or "what are all those minus signs about?" Both of these are pretty good questions, and I'd like to address why someone might be more hesitant to jump into iOS or OS X development compared to, say, Ruby or J...

   Objective-C,difficult,hard,reason,analysis     2012-03-07 05:11:28

  The hidden risk of passing slice as function parameter

In Go's source code or other open source libraries, there are lots of cases where a slice pointer is passed to function instead of slice itself. This brings up a doubt why not passing slice directly as its internal is backed by an array pointer to point to underlying data? For example, in log package, the formatHeader function takes a parameter buf as type *[]byte instead of []byte. func (l *Logger) formatHeader(buf *[]byte, t time.Time, file string, line int) {} Let's understand the r...

   GOLANG,SLICE,SLICE POINTER     2020-12-13 06:11:14

  A guide on installing and running Clickhouse on macOS

ClickHouse is a high-performance open-source columnar database management system developed by Yandex. Here are some of the key features of ClickHouse: Columnar storage: ClickHouse uses a columnar storage format, which allows it to efficiently store and retrieve data by column, rather than by row. This results in much faster query performance, especially for analytical and aggregate queries. Real-time data processing: ClickHouse is designed to handle real-time data processing and can handle bill...

   CLICKHOUSE,MACOS     2023-02-15 06:04:55

  Program Or Be Programmed

On Thursday night I gave a talk at NYU Poly and in the Q&A a young man asked me for advice for "those who aren't technical". I said he should try to get technical. The next morning I met with a bunch of Sloan Business School students doing a trek through NYC. A young woman asked me the same question. I gave her the same answer.I don't mean that everyone should become a software engineer. I do mean that everyone should understand software engineering (or whatever technical...

   Program,Technical,Basic knowledge     2011-11-10 10:31:02

  Tips of Drafting an R Markdown Document

When presenting the data summary and exploratory analysis, we used to copy a lot of tables, charts from Rstudio to PowerPoint, which makes the presentation preparation painful. It becomes essential for data scientists to make use of better reporting tools, such as R markdown, Jupyter notebook to prepare the analysis presentation in a more efficient and organized way. Of course, we want this to be reproducible! In this post, I would like to share some tips of using the right tools to draw tables,...

   R PROGRAMMING     2020-11-01 23:09:45

  How to draw pentagram in HTML5 canvas

I wrote simple function to this magical symbol I like so much: 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930<!doctype html><html><body>    <canvas id="c" width="500" height="500"></canvas>    <script> var ctx = (document.getElementById("c")).getContext("2d"); // draws rotated pentagram with or without cirlefunction pentagram( ctx, x, y, radius, rotate, circle ){    ctx.beginPath();&nbs...

   Html 5,Canvas,pentagram     2012-04-23 12:56:06

  Update parent window after closing the window opened by

Imagine we have a webpage which has a text field to let user enter a date. Usually, we may create a calendar window to ask the user to pick one date from the calendar window, when the date is picked, the calendar window will close and the date picked will be put into the text field. This way involves the method in JavaScript, and we may think how the opened window knows its parent window and then updates the parent window. I give a simple demo on this.We have two pages, on is the p..., JavaScript,update, return value     2012-06-23 01:36:32

  HTML5 Web Worker

Web Worker is a JavaScript multithreading solution provided by HTML5. we can put some compute intensive codes into Web Worker and it will not hang the user interface. 1. How to use Web Worker Web Worker's basic mechanism is to use Worker to load a JavaScript file to create a new thread in JavaScript's main thread. It will not block other thread's execution and will provide a data exchange interface between main thread and new thread : postMessage() and onmessage. Let's look at an example: //work...

   JavaScript,HTML,Web Worker     2012-12-02 06:25:00

  Will camera be Android's next target after smartphone and tablet?

In Samsung's Mobile Unpack conference, Samsung announced one Android smart camera which supports 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi. This smart camera called Galxy Camera is equipped with the latest Android 4.1 system, 21 times zoom, 23mm ultra-wide-angle lens and 16 megapixel back-illuminated CMOS sensor, along with the OIS image stabilization technology. You can install various Android applications on this smart camera and edit photos and then share, it also comes with voice control function and cloud storage ...

   ILDC,Smart camera,Samsung,Android     2012-08-30 19:52:02

  A mini guide to HTTP referer

In HTTP header, there is a field named Referer which is to provide the referrer of the current accessed page. In this post, we will introduce the usage of HTTP referer field. On the web, when a user visits a webpage, s/he must be from some place. This place is usually referred a s referer. This information is very important to some website operators and server owners as they want to know where they get the traffic from and this helps them provide better service for potential targeted users. In t...

   HTML,HTTP REFERER,REFERRERPOLICY     2019-06-29 02:23:25