Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  9 Outstanding Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Transform Retail

Artificial intelligence has been around for quite some time. However, Amazon was the first company to apply it in the retail industry. Now, it automates most processes on the platform, replaces the people's’ work, and increases the productivity in every possible field. Here are nine useful ideas for you to start using AI in retail. 1. Tracking the Overstock and Out-of-Stock Items It is necessary to know exactly how many items are left in stock (or whether there are any left at all). Selle...


  Some tips for writing proper emails

Email is now becoming one necessity of working. We may receive hundreds of emails everyday, they may from our colleagues, friends or clients. We need to exchange ideas, arrange meetings , asking for help etc though email in our work. A proper email can help us achieve what we want to achieve. Here we share some tips for writing a proper email.At the beginning of an email : Thank the reader is a good way to start the email, thank the reader may make the reader feel happy, especially when you ask ...

   EMAIL,TIP,FORMAT,TEMPLATE     2012-07-02 12:26:32

  The Death Of The Spec

Earlier today, my colleague Matt Burns wrote a post noting that most tablet makers may be largely failing because they’ve sold their soul to Android and are now just in the middle of a spec war, which no one can win. I’m gonna go one step further in that line of thinking: the spec is dead.There have been a few key stories from the past couple of weeks that highlight this new reality. Barnes & Noble unveiled the new Nook Tablet. Consumer Reports looked at the...

   Specification,Android,Platform,Software design     2011-11-15 08:20:22

  The Role of Coding Skills in Advancing Tech Careers

In the fast-changing technical landscape of today, coding is not a unique advantage; it's a basic necessity. From a software engineer to a data analyst or digital marketer, being able to code will greatly expand the opportunities one has for their careers and how effective they can be in their jobs. This essay discusses how coding skills help one's career in the tech field and gives the basic concept of coding: objects, a building block for any modern programming language. 1. Creates Employment ...

   CODING,OOP,OBJECT     2024-05-04 14:27:42

  Java vs F#

Dr Cliff Click of Azul Systems, specialists in manycore JVM systems, recently published a blog post about the performance of Java compared primarily to C and C++ but also discussing C# and .NET. Three of Cliff's comments are of particular interest:Under the heading "Places where C/C++ beats Java for obvious reasons":"Value Types, such as a 'Complex' type require a full object in Java." - Dr Cliff ClickWhat Cliff forgot to mention is that .NET also provides value types and a far more compell...

   Java,F#,Performance,JVM     2012-03-07 05:07:31

  the Performance Golden Rule

Yesterday I did a workshop at Google Ventures for some of their portfolio companies. I didn’t know how much performance background the audience would have, so I did an overview of everything performance-related starting with my first presentations back in 2007. It was very nostalgic. It has been years since I talked about the best practices from High Performance Web Sites. I reviewed some of those early tips, like Make Fewer HTTP Requests, Add an Expires Header, and Gzip Components. ...

   Web design,Golden rule,Performance     2012-02-17 07:51:09

  noConflict mechanism in jQuery

Many JavaScript frameworks like to use $ as function or variable name, jQuery is one of them. In jQuery, $ is just a reference to window.jQuery, so even if $ is deleted, window.jQuery will still be available to ensure the whole library can work normally. jQuery API design takes fully consideration of multiple frameworks conflicts, we can use jQuery.noConflict function to easily handle control. jQuery.noConflict accepts one optional boolean parameter[1] to determine whether to hand jQuery object ...

   jQuery,noConflict,$     2013-03-14 19:40:36

  About HTML semantics and front-end architecture

A collection of thoughts, experiences, ideas that I like, and ideas that I have been experimenting with over the last year. It covers HTML semantics, components and approaches to front-end architecture, class naming patterns, and HTTP compression. We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. T.S. Eliot — “Little Gidding” About semantics Semantics is the study of the relationshi...

   HTML,SemanticsCSS,OO CSS     2012-03-16 08:42:55

  Tom Uglow from Google : 5 steps to innovation

Google has been known for its innovation In Google there is a "welfare": each employee can spare 20% of his/her time to do what he/she likes to do so that any idea has a chance to be turned into reality. Perhaps this freedom makes Google capable of introducing new products and new ideas continuously. Google China held a small discussion session in its office in Tsinghua Science Park recently, Google Creative Director Tom Uglow shared some experience and cases of Google in production and innovat...

   Innovation,Technology,Google     2012-10-10 20:00:47

  Kicking ass together: How to improve coding skills as a group

Over the last year and a half, I have worked with a small group of students and staff to create an excellent online learning community at Mendicant University. Unfortunately, because Mendicant is something that we’re intentionally scaling at a very slow pace, we won’t directly reach as many people as we’d like to any time soon. In this post, I’ve collected some of the things that I think contribute to making Mendicant University a great place to learn. I’d love...

   Code skill,Group,Improvement,Efficiency     2012-01-31 23:59:33