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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Code skill

  Coding skill and the decline of stagnation

I am a decent programmer. I know a decent amount of computer science theory, I can type correct code fairly easy. I don’t let my classes expand too much. But I still struggle some with math, and I have a tendency to have too many cross-dependencies in my code. I used to think I was an awesome programmer. One of the best. After I made a game in the first programming lesson in school, I got told to don’t bother showing up for the rest. I was the one who taught all my friends wh...

   Coding style,SOPA,Stagnation,Decline     2012-01-14 12:05:10

  Do designers need code?

So many problems in software occur because programmers and designers don't communicate well all the time. Why don't more designers learn to code themselves or have engineers build abstractions better suited to them? People's minds work in different ways, they can process thoughts differently, solve problems in completely different but equally valid ways. It's a mistake to assume everyone should possess the same skill set.  Also not everyone should be a full stack engineer although full stac...

   Design,Coding     2014-01-07 06:22:52

  Investing in myself: Realizing my value as a programmer

Being a programmer, you have an invaluable skill that you need to learn to harness. Investors realize this already which is why they’ll spend stacks of cash to have you build them something that’ll someday be profitable. Large corporations realize the value in good developers and sometimes bend over backwards trying to retain their top talent. To be able to program well is a skill that people clearly value but why do programmers tend to place such little value on their own ta...

   Career,Inverstment,Self,Software,Developer     2012-01-11 04:36:16

  Looking for a Job? Learn Ruby, Python and be a Team Player!

What makes a great software engineer and perhaps more importantly, what skills will most likely land you a sweet job?  Mixtent and KISSMetrics analyzed LinkedIn data and surveyed users on perceptions of candidate skill levels based on their profiles and purported skill sets. The key findings? Python engineers are perceived as better engineersEngineers with teamwork, dedication and a solid work ethic are perceived as better engineers.  Creativity and communication skills are...

   Job seeking,Skills,Python,Ruby,Teamwork     2011-12-06 09:03:29

  Computer skills one can learn within one day

Computer related technical skills are usually thought as complicated and difficult to understand. It's very difficult for one to get hands on one skill or master one skill. But if you really do want to learn something useful within one day, there are some good choices which will not take too long to get to know and use.. Version control:- Git, GitHub and SVN Regular expressions AWK sed Grep Learn how to do things with Vim that you never knew could be done. Set up a crawler that can scrape some ...

   Computer skills,Learn     2013-09-16 08:51:35

  Do you have this kind of comments in your source code?

Writing runnable code is the essential skill of a programmer, writing understandable comment is also a skill a programmer should acquire. There is some famous saying that bad comment is worth than no comment. Usually your code will be maintained by other people, if you provide them some difficult to understand or misguided comments, this will be nightmare to them. While at some other time, programmers may put some funny comments in their codes which may make others laugh. Today we...

   COMMENT,HUMOR     2016-08-01 10:25:14

  How to praise yourself in resume

When finding a job, we first need to send our CV and resume to the employer. Among many candidates, how do we make our resume prominent and noticed by the employer. We need some impressive information. We can praise ourselves in the resume so that the employer can have a good impression on me. Here we summarized a list about how to praise ourselves in our resume.Mature, dynamic and honest.Excellent, ability of systematical management.Ability to work independently, mature and resourceful.A person...

   Resume,Career,Job,Content     2012-06-09 00:27:14

  Why no max/min function for integer in GoLang

You may notice that there is no max/min function provided to compare the maximum/minimum of two or more integers if you are a GoLang developer with some experience . In other languages, these functions are provided as part of the core lib functions. Have you wondered why?  Indeed GoLang provides max/min function in math package, but they are used for comparing float64 data type. The signature of these two functions are math.Min(float64, float64) float64 math.Max(float64, float64) float...

   GOLANG,MAX,INT,INT64     2019-06-08 07:00:55

  Round Peg, Square Hole: How to Know If a Developer is a Good Fit for Your Team

Over the last few months, we have been recruiting developers, and we’ve started to get a sense for the type of developer who is a good fit for our team.  These attributes probably apply for developers at most web startups, so I wanted to share them with you. Before I get into it, the most important thing to know is that technical skill is a threshold requirement.  The assumption is that any person who is a fit for our team will have the relevant technical experience t...

   Recruitment,Gire ,Employee,Skill     2011-07-09 09:50:54

  8 Step Guide to Rewrite Articles

Crafting an eye-catching article may be god-gifted talent, for many people. But anyone can learn the skill of article rewriting. You can find articles all around, newspapers, websites, and magazine even at the back of different products. These articles will give a basic understanding of what readers look into articles and what they expect. It will help you to craft an appealing article according to readers demand. For beginners, below you will find a list of four types of articles. Description...

   ARTICLE WRITE,TOOL     2019-05-15 07:58:52