Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Handle ”cannot modify header information – headers already sent by”

Man PHP developers should encounter ”Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by ….” error before when executing a PHP script. Here are some solutions to this error. 1. Blank line Check whether there is any blank line after , especially in the files which are used in include() and require(0, some problems are caused by blank lines. 2. Add exit() after head() header (“Location: xxx”); exit(); 3. Use output cache <?php ob_start(); ...

   header sent, PHP error handle     2012-11-17 08:45:22

  Introducing Google JS Test

Google JS Test is a JavaScript unit testing framework that runs on the V8 JavaScript Engine, the same open source project that is responsible for Google Chrome’s super-fast JS execution speed. Google JS Test is used internally by several Google projects, and we’re pleased to announce that it has been released as an open source project.Features of Google JS Test include:Extremely fast startup and execution time, without needing to run a browser.Clean, readable output in th...

   Google,JavaScript,Test tool,Open source     2011-10-07 23:35:48

  Why there is white/blank space instead of AdSense ad on my website?

Usually if you see on your website a white/blank space instead of Adsense ads, this means that Adsense cannot show adds in that unit for some reasons (we are going to talk about possible reasons below) and also you have enabled the “Fill space with a solid color” feature (in the “Choose what to display if no relevant ads are available” settings of this ad unit). I probably should also say that if you set “Show public service ads” instead of the “F...

   AdSense,Ads,Blank,Reason,Solution     2011-07-25 12:52:29

  Run MySQL on Command Line in Windows

Sometimes if we want to run MySQL but we don't have phpMyAdmin installed. What should we do?On Windows we can run MySQL in following steps:Open Console Window->Type "mysqld -u root". This means we start the mysql server with username root. This program will handle all the communications between our console window and the actual data;After starting the server, we need to use a client to connect to the server and communicate with it. the mysql program is right for this. Next in the command cons...

   mysql,console,command line,windows,defau     2011-08-21 04:14:58

  How to Create Custom Textures using Filters & Layers?

Textures are an important and integral part of the design world. You would find textures in every nook and corner of your life, in every space across your home. For a long time people have looked at Photoshop as a tool to manipulate photos and make them look the way you want it to appear. But, that’s not all to Photoshop. You can create interesting textures, and create amazing design works using Photoshop too. All you need is a design hand, and some basic understanding of how to use it. He...

   Photoshop     2014-08-01 05:46:07

  Load html content properly in iframe

When loading content in an ifrasme, there are normally two ways: loading with src or creating iframe dynamically and set content dynamically. In this post, we will talk about how to properly load content in a dynamically created iframe element, especially on how to fix some issue we faced while in Firefox. To create an iframe dynamically, we would normally use JavaScript and with below piece of cod: let iframe = document.createElement("ifrasme"); iframe.innerHTML = "this is some text"; document...

   IFRAME,HTML,BLANK,FIREFOX,FIX     2021-04-10 02:17:27

  PHP buffer: output_buffering and ob_start

buffer is one piece of memory section, it is usually 4Kb in Linux. It is mainly used between different devices with different speed or different priorities. With buffer, the waiting time between different processes will be reduced. Here is one simple example, when you type something in a text editor, every time when you type a character, the operating system will not write it to the disk directly, instead it will write it to buffer first When the buffer is full, the data in the buffer will be wr...

   PHP buffer,output_buffering,ob_start     2013-06-20 22:54:15

  Understand diff in Unix

diff is an important tool program in Unix. It is used to compare differences of two files, it is the foundation for code version control. If you type : $ diff <file_before_change> <file_after_change> diff will tell you what's the difference between these two files. The result may not be so easy to understand, so now I will show you how to understand diff. 1. 3 formats of diff diff has 3 formats due to historic reasons. normal diff context diff unified diff 2. Demo files For easy d...

   diff,Unix,version control,git     2012-09-03 10:49:36

  Creativity requires isolation

How many times have you tried to get something done that needed some touch of originality and creativity and yet got that annoying mind block which is manifested by blank stares, scratching and biting on anything in reach? “all the damn time” I hear? As preconditions to be creative, one should know something well while having the utmost focus on it. Someone who knows little about aerodynamics can’t come up with the idea for next concord. And focus has two aspects: kno...

   Creativity,Isolation,Quiet,Paper,Pen     2011-11-28 09:33:57

  What does a contemporary web developer need to know?

The early ages of web era mainly consisted of webpages of text and links. At that time,Netscape was the still dominant of web browser market. As a web developer, you could develop web apps(or better to call web pages) easily with knowledge of HTML only. But with the evolution of web, new technologies came out, we can see more robust web apps around us everywhere. Today as a web developer, the ability to run and configure a web server and edit HTML to create some simple web pages has lost almost ...

   Web design,Advice     2013-12-20 06:31:51