Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  10 reasons why I "hate" working in Facebook

To me, the past two years in Facebook is simply a nightmare, To celebrate the upcoming 2 year anniversary, I decided to jump out of it. Facebook, I have so many reasons to hate you. However, for fear that readers find me too annoying, I take my complaints to be condensed into the top ten reasons.1. Why should submit so much code?In the past two years, the number of Facebook engineers is doubled, and the amount of code submitted by each engineer is also increased with the increase of the number of engineers. This is clearly contrary to the rule established forty years ago by Fred Brooks in his ...


  Text editor vs IDE

A meaningless editor warMany people like to debate which editor is the best. The biggest controversy is between Emacs and vi. vi supporters like to say: "Look it's very fast to type in vi, our fingers no need to leave the keyboard, we even no need to use the up,down,left and right keys" Emacs supporters often downplayed this and said: "What's the use of typing fast if I just need to press one key and it equals to dozens keys you type in vi?"In fact, there is another group of people who like to say: "About the war between Emacs and vi, my answer is {jEdit Geany, TextMate, Sublime ..." These peo...


  What’s making Drupal gain momentum among government organizations?

Drupal has come up as a big splash in the world of Website development. Whether it’s an informative website or an e-commerce store, Drupal has been successfully utilized for meeting customized web requirements. It’s not surprising to find entrepreneurs, hailing from different business verticals, choosing Drupal for powering their websites. Joining this group of elite Drupal users are the representatives of government organizations. The noticeable popularity of Drupal has indeed made it one of the most desirable web development platforms for global merchants. In this blog, I’l...

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  Make Magento 2 Faster: Five Quick tips

In this post, you will learn from Magento development company experts about speeding up the Magento 2. We hope these tips will help you in making Magento 2 faster than before.Magento 2 is a powerful platform. Once installed and with no customization it is a fully functional store. They even give you a well-designed, responsive storefront. However as you add products and your own content things will incrementally begin to slow down. To combat that there are some things you can do to increase speed thus improving the customer experience.As part of a prelaunch checklist add these five things to g...


  How does computer boot up?

The whole boot process of computer can be summarized in 4 phases.1. BIOSIn the 70's  read-only memory(ROM) was invented. The boot program is written into ROM, the first thing the computer does is to read and execute this program when it's powered on.The program in this chip is called "Basic Input/Output System" (BIOS).1.1 Power-On Self-TestThe BIOS will first check whether the computer hardware can fulfill the basic conditions for booting up, this process is called Power-On Self-Test, simplified as POST.If the hardware has problems, the mother board will produce different beeps and the bo...


  What is an HTC File?

Question: What is an HTC File?Did you find an HTC file on your computer and wonder what program should open it? Maybe someone emailed you an HTC file but you're not sure how to use it. Perhaps you tried to open the HTC file but Windows told you that it could not open it.Before you can open an HTC file (assuming it's even a file format that's intended to be viewed or edited), you'll need to determine what kind of file the HTC file extension refers to.Answer: A file with the HTC file extension is a HTML Component file.Other types of files may also use the HTC file extension. If you know of any a...


  $40 million per year to keep Wikipedia running

Wikipedia is an incredibly frugal and efficient nonprofit organization. It serves half a billion visits per month. But do you know how much it costs to keep this huge website running? According to 2012-13 Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan, the expected spending is around $40 million. Some may argue that Wikipedia is just a site with "just text", why does it cost so much? Oliver Emberton shared his view.To keep Wikipedia running and serve 500 million visits per month. First, you're going to need hosting. This isn't a service you can pick up from GoDaddy (this pic is 3 years old but you get the i...


  Frequently used explanations of programmers

As a programmer, I think many of us have something like these below in our daily work. From these explanations, we may get to know different programmer's characteristics. Below are something we may say frequently. Don't be too serious about them.It's working on my computerI never heard about this beforeIt was working normally yesterdayOk, this is a bugHow is it possible?This must be the problem of the machine or the environmentDo you update your operating system?Must be the problems of clientThere are must be some problems with your test dataI never touched those codesYes, yes, I am going to f...