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  Why Most of us Get Confuse With Data Quality Solutions and Bad Data?

How to fix this misunderstanding is what Big Data professionals will explain in this post. The C-level executives are using data collected by their BI and analytics initiatives to make strategic decisions to offer the company a competitive advantage. The case gets worse if the data is inaccurate or incorrect. It’s because the big data helps the company to make big bets, and it impacts the direction and future together. Bad Data can yield inappropriate results and losses. Some interesting ...

   BIGDATA     2018-02-21 06:01:35

  â€œNative vs Web” Is Total Bullshit

The web is dead. HTML5 is the be-all end-all of the future. Users are spending more time on apps and less time on the web. You can do anything on the web that you can in a native app. Yawn. Here’s how I feel whenever I hear/read anything about the overplayed “Native Versus Web” argument: It’s not an either-or decision Why aren’t we still arguing over “Print vs Digital”? Well, because (most) people understand that each medium has its place in thi...

   Web app,Native app,Comparison     2012-02-24 05:30:03

  Performance is a Feature

We've always put a heavy emphasis on performance at Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange. Not just because we're performance wonks (guilty!), but because we think speed is a competitive advantage. There's plenty of experimental data proving that the slower your website loads and displays, the less people will use it. [Google found that] the page with 10 results took 0.4 seconds to generate. The page with 30 results took 0.9 seconds. Half a second delay caused a 20% drop in traffic. Half a seco...

   Website,Perfomance,Optimization     2011-07-02 01:52:12

  Collection Of Puzzles For Programmers

Did you know that we have a nice collection of puzzles here on less than dot? Some are harder than others so there is something for everyone. You can pic any language you want, you will see that there are solutions in Ruby, Python, Visual Basic, SQL, JavaScript, C++ and other. Here is a partial list of what we have Friday the Thirteenths The goal is to identify all friday the thirteenths for a given timeframe Regular Pentagon Given a grid co-ordinate (x,y) as the centre point of a regu...

   Programming puzzle,Fibonacci,Prime,ASCII     2012-01-04 08:06:18

  Guide to Help Launch Your Startup Faster

You try, you fail you learn you succeed. It is not as easy as it seems to be because startup is not just an idea; it is a series of processes. Turning the idea into a profitable business and leading all the way through cannot be achieved overnight. An astounding 90% of startups fail to lift their business off the ground. While only a few manage to achieve success and survive for many years. The reason for failure is that most of the entrepreneurs do not know how to take business from start to e...


  How Do You Find the Best Password Managers?

Looking for a smart way to protect your range of electronic devices? Most of us access tons of websites and it could be difficult to store our passwords. It is important to not reuse store passwords that are easily identifiable. Keeping your information secure is more important than ever. Data breaches can occur anytime and sometimes takes months to discover. Sometimes, maybe, they aren’t. Target is a data breach, for instance, took months to discover. Information was leaked online from ce...

       2017-05-11 06:33:55

  Understanding the "this" keyword in JavaScript

Many people get tripped up by the this keyword in JavaScript. I think the confusion comes from people reasonably expecting this to work like “this” does in Java or the way people use “self” in Python. Although this is sometimes used to similar effect, it’s nothing like “this” in Java or other languages. And while it’s a little harder to understand, its behavior isn’t magic. In fact, this follows a relatively small set of simple rules. This...

   JavaScript,this,understanding     2012-03-29 13:48:59

  Top rules you can't afford to miss while developing a Magento website

A powerful and attractive website has become a vital necessity of every online entrepreneur. Whether its about boosting the inflow of customers or enhancing the overall profitability of your business, a good website can do all the hardwork. The growing demand and popularity of Magento development services has made online merchants switch to Magento for promoting their business products and services via the internet. As a website creator, it is absolutely essential for you to consider some basic...

   Magento development service, offshore Magento development, outsource Magento development, Magento de     2015-06-19 04:21:55

  How to Ace a Google Interview

Imagine a man named Jim. He's applying for a job at Google. Jim knows that the odds are stacked against him. Google receives a million job applications a year. It's estimated that only about 1 in 130 applications results in a job. By comparison, about 1 in 14 high-school students applying to Harvard gets accepted. Jim's first interviewer is late and sweaty: He's biked to work. He starts with some polite questions about Jim's work history. Jim eagerly explains his short career. The intervi...

   Google,Interview,Questions and answers,Job     2011-12-26 09:17:36

  Python: copying a list the right way

new = old[:] Those proficient in Python know what the previous line do. It copies the list old into new. This is confusing for beginners and should be avoided. Sadly the [:] notation is widely used, probably because most Python programmers don’t know a better way of copying lists.A little bit of pythonic theoryFirst we need to understand how Python manages objects & variables. Python doesn’t have variables like C. In C a variable is not just a name, it ...

   Python,List,Copy,Reference,[:],list()     2011-11-07 08:04:48