Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  How to Prevent a Data Breach: Guide For Businesses

The consequences of a data breach are nothing to joke about. From reputation damage to regulatory fines, it is a disaster for any business. So you should always strive to do your best to prevent it. But with so many steps to take, where do you even begin? Businesses of all shapes and sizes should follow this 8-step approach: 1. Outline Your Assets Your assets, whether digital or physical, should always remain in your sight. It should be the very first step you take. Picture anything that might r...

   DATA SECURITY     2020-03-04 08:16:44

  Beginners guide to Linux directory structure

Have you ever looked in your / directory, you’ll see a lot of directories. Here we are presenting beginners guide to linux directory structure explaining what they mean and what are the contents of these directories.Screenshot of contents of root directory: /This is called root partition. All files and directories start with root partition. Write privileges under this directory are avaible with root user only. Not to confuse it with root user’s home directory, know the ...

   Linux,File system structure,Beginner's guide     2012-04-20 12:19:32

  We need a programming language for the rest of us

Recently I took on the enormous task of learning Objective-C from the bottom up and I was struck by something I couldn’t shake: this is too hard. An experienced developer might scoff at me for saying that, but it’s true. I’ll be honest about my education, Calculus II was the most math I ever took, I have an advanced degree from Berkeley in Journalism. I am a proficient HTML/CSS developer and can glue enough javascript together to solve almost any problem that has presen...

   Code.Programming,Expectation,Easy-to-use     2011-07-22 02:20:09

  10 modern technologies we will still use in 2030

Although there is rapid revolution for new technology, some technologies can survive with the passage of time. Here are 10 modern technologies which may continue to exist in 2030. 1. QWERTY keyboard Speech recognition, handwriting recognition and gesture control input will become the trend for the next two decades. Nonetheless QWERTY keyboard input is still one of the most accurate way - although not necessarily the most convenient. Although physical keyboard disappear on phones and tablet PCs, ...

   New technology,Trend     2012-11-12 11:02:02

  17 Best Practices One Must Follow While Using Mobile Apps

      It is no secret that we use mobile applications everyday but we don't know how to use them optimally. As a result, we face plenty of problems with our mobile phones as well as the installed applications. Here are some best practices you can follow to avoid to any mobile phone and application anomalies.  Over the past several years, smartphones have started to dominate the technology scene.  These phones have installed mobile applications installed that can complete...

   mobile apps, best practices, iphone, android     2015-01-27 20:12:25

  Examples of bad design

Good designs always help users solve their problems in a convenient and familiar way. It takes little or no time for users getting used to the product with a good design. In contrast, bad designs frequently introduce confusion and complexity to users. Before we design any product, we should think carefully about every aspect of the product. We share some really bad design here to show how they can affect people's life. 1. USB Connector Have you ever put one in right on the first try? We frequen...

   Bad design,Usability,Web design     2013-09-25 22:57:49

  Will We Need Teachers Or Algorithms?

Editor’s note: This is Part III of a guest post written by legendary Silicon Valley investor Vinod Khosla, the founder of Khosla Ventures. In Part I, he laid the groundwork by describing how artificial intelligence is a combination of human and computer capabilities In Part II, he discussed how software and mobile technologies can augment and even replace doctors. Now, in Part III, he talks about how technology will sweep through education. In my last post, I ...

   Teacher,Algorithm,Development     2012-01-16 10:17:45

  I hate cut-and-paste

Me, I blame the IDE's.Coding used to be hard. Not because programming itself was overly hard, but mostly because editors absolutely sucked. How much the typical development environment in the 70's and 80's sucked is hard to convey (except for a very lucky few, and those would have likely been using DEC and WANG gear). I got in on the tail end of the punch card era. Punching your own program is lots of fun. Once. And if you drop a deck you get to play with the sorter, which is also lots of fun (o...

   IDE,Editor,Cut and paste,Shortcut,Blame     2011-10-24 11:33:46

  My ten development principles

After several years developing software, I have acquired a very a strong opinion on how software should be developed, I actually have come to the conclusion that everything boils down to 10 principles, that if well implemented, will make any software development successful. 1.- Customer first. “If we don’t take care of the customer… somebody else will.” Customer first means focusing from a customer perspective on real value for the product being developed,...

   Principle,Software,Development,Communica     2011-08-15 07:28:55

  Surprising applications of math

The comments in the previous post touched on surprising applications of math, so I thought I’d expand this theme into it’s own post. Below I’ll give a couple general examples of surprising applications and then I’ll give a couple more personal applications I found surprising.Number theory has traditionally been the purest of pure mathematics. People study number theory for the joy of doing so, not to make money. At least that was largely true until the ...

   Math,Number theory,Algorithms,Differential euqation     2011-11-18 09:24:19