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  The Art (and Science) of Consumer Experience

According to a new report on e-commerce spending and earning by eMarketer, global retail sales are set to touch $22.492 trillion in 2015, with a forecast for a steady rise over the next 3 years, i.e, until 2018. Over the years, online commerce conducted via the smartphone, tablet or even the desktop devices have steadily increased, owing to the increasing adoption of mobile devices. With more than 80% consumers accessing their mobile devices to compare products, redeem coupons or make purchases, the key to increasing revenues have deviated from quality product or service offerings to enhancing...


  Microsoft will drop support of IE8, IE9 and IE10

Microsoft will push the last set of security updates for IE8, IE9 and IE10 next Tuesday(January 12). Thereafter that Microsoft will drop support of these three versions of IE. These are some other old products given up by Microsoft since Windows 7.  IE11 will be the only Internet Explorer supported and Edge will be another star advocated by Microsoft.The good news is you will not get annoying notification from Microsoft anymore to ask you to upgrade your IE. But the bad news users will be exposed to more and more security vulnerabilities if continuing to use the old versions of ...

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  How To Find a Great Start-Up Idea

Most people believe that the first step to starting a new company is to have a great idea. Back in business school, there were countless “idea brainstorming” sessions where groups of students would try to come up with the next billion dollar idea. None of them ever turned into anything.Great businesses are not built on ideas for marginal improvements or incremental features, they solve real problems and require a deep understanding of what those problems are. So the absolute worst thing to do is to come up with an idea for a product while sitting around a table for 30 minutes.So ho...


  â€œBuild something people want” is not enough

Most people take “Build something people want” to mean “Pick a problem to solve and solve it well.” This is not sufficient to build a world changing company.“Why now?” is the question entrepreneurs really need to answer. “Why now” encompasses two important and closely related concepts:Why have previous attempts at this idea failed?What enabling factors have emerged that enable you to succeed today?The world is full of smart people who have the same ideaThere are a lot of smart people out there. At least five of them have already tried to solve th...


  5 Great Hacks to Learn Before Launching a Startup

Maybe months or years have gone planning for a startup and finally you are ready to enter into the world of small business.  Excited enough to hit the “Launch” button. As the bulk of your business is good, so the rest of it must be the same. You think like that, right? But hey, you are wrong there. You may be selling the next big thing, but it does not matter until you have frozen your brand name in the niche market and gained a decent amount of credibility. But you can do that. And for that, we have 5 hacks that can transform your startup from "good enough" to "ready to go" i...


  Oval engagement rings from MoonOcean: Elegance of form and individual approach

Welcome to the enchanting world of MoonOcean, a premier destination for unparalleled elegance in the heart of London's vibrant jewellery scene. Immerse yourself in our exclusive collection, where the spotlight is on the captivating allure of oval engagement rings, embodying both exquisite craftsmanship and a commitment to individuality.Nestled in the heart of London, MoonOcean stands as an emblem of sophistication, redefining the jewellery experience. Our curated array of oval engagement rings transcends the ordinary, a testament to the harmonious fusion of meticulous design and enduring uniqu...


  Microsoft Edge extension manifest v2 migration to v3

In June 2023, Microsoft Edge would not allow Edge extensions with manifest version before v3 to be listed on Microsoft web stores as v3 extensions add more security privacy related restrictions on some of the functions. Hence all extensions with manifest v2 must migrate to v3. In this post, we would show how we did the migration for one of our extensions and the changes made.There is a checklist provided by Microsoft Edge team on what needs to be updated so that the extension can still work in v3. It can be checked before your migration starts.The first change needs to be made is to ...


  Developing an eCommerce Website? Here are 4 Things to Keep in Mind

 When it comes to Web development, it is a complicated process. There is a plethora of facets to assess, from performance to user experience. As far as building an eCommerce site is concerned, it is quite a challenging task. Most of the users tend to visit the website in order to gather information about and purchase products. For this reason, a Web Application Development Company tries its best to make this process intuitive and effortless. Besides considering usability, there are some points that developers should keep in mind during the development phase of an eCommerce website:Respons...

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