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  trim() in JavaScript

In the past, JavaScript didn't define the trim() function for String object. This makes web programmers frustrated since they often need to implement this function themselves if they want to handle user inputs. The new version of ECMA-262 introduces the trim() function.   String.prototype.trim ( )     The following steps are taken:     1.   Call CheckObjectCoercible passing the this value as its argument.   2.   Let S...

   JavaScript,trim(),implementation     2012-07-19 10:58:01

  Hash Tables in Javascript

IntroductionHash tables are a permutation of associative arrays (i.e. name => value pairs). If you use PHP, then you are very familiar with this type of data structure already since all PHP arrays are associative.The Javascript language implements very loose and somewhat limited support for associative arrays. Any JavaScript array can use other objects as keys, making it a hash, but there exists no formal constructor for initializing them and it is more or less unweildy to work with. A short ...

   JavaScript,Hashtable,Implementation,Array     2011-11-26 02:43:40

  PHP to Objective C, where the f**k are parameters?

Javascript, PHP, Ruby functionsI assume you are very familiar with declaring functions in any of the languages above, if not, you should not be reading this. Let’s begin with a simple function to send email in these languages:// PHP or Javascript do_send_email (recipient, cc, subject, body); // Ruby do_send_email (recipient, cc, subject, body)So it’s clear by looking at the function’s signature that it takes 4 parameters and they could be optional, depends on your imple...

   Objective-C,PHP,JavaScript,Parameter,Function name     2012-01-16 09:46:09

  Simple Animation in the HTML5 Canvas Element

HTML5 is generating all kinds of buzz these days. Some of the buzz is about HTML5 being a replacement for Adobe’s Flash. I don’t think it’s there yet but it’s certainly on the way to changing the way content is presented on the web. This is a description of a very simple animation in an HTML5 canvas element. It is coded for readability and not for optimized operation. We’ll add a canvas element to a web page and then use javascript to draw on it. We will...

   HTML5,Canvas,Animation,Sample code     2011-07-01 10:20:08

  Never create Ruby strings longer than 23 characters

Looking at things through a microscopesometimes leads to surprising discoveries Obviously this is an utterly preposterous statement: it’s hard to think of a more ridiculous and esoteric coding requirement. I can just imagine all sorts of amusing conversations with designers and business sponsors: “No… the size of this <input> field should be 23… 24 is just too long!” Or: “We need to explain to users that their subject lines should be les...

   Ruby,Specification,String,Interpreter,Optimization,23     2012-01-05 07:58:07

  Resolve high CPU usage issue caused by file_get_contents in PHP

Sometimes a Linux server which runs Nginx + PHP-CGI(php-fpm) web service may experience sudden system load increase and the CPU usage is around 100% for many php-cgi processes when checking with top command. If this happens, file_get_contents may be the cause if it's used in the PHP script. In lots of web applications, normally there are lots of API requests based on HTTP. Many PHP developers like to use file_get_contents("") to get the API response because it's simple to...

   PHP,FILE_GET_CONTENTS,PHP-CGI     2018-11-09 21:35:00

  What is goroutine?

Casual Talk Golang is quite enjoyable to write, aside from the tedious if err != nil checks. One of the fundamental reasons for the joy is goroutine, a core feature of Golang. Understanding goroutines in detail is worthwhile, as they contribute significantly to the pleasure of working with Golang. So, let's talk about goroutines, hoping to provide some insights to the readers. TL;DR: We'll start by talking about assembling a computer, then delve into some concepts of the operating system, such ...

   EXPLANATION,GOLANG,GOROUTINE     2024-01-21 03:26:10

  Generate certificate in Java -- Store certificate in KeyStore

In previous post, we have explained how to create a certificate chain in Java. After generating the chain, we need to store it somewhere so that it can be used later when we are doing the actual SSL communication, either in a key store or trust store. This post will show you how to store the private key and its associated certificate chain in a keystore file. There are different types of keystore in Java, in this post, we will choose the JKS to demonstrate how to store the certificate chain. Whe...

   Java,Certificate chain,Keystore     2014-08-20 03:56:39

  Fix issue docker-credential-desktop not installed or not available in PATH on Mac

Sometimes you may encounter below issue while running docker-compose on MacOS. Traceback (most recent call last): File "docker-compose", line 6, in <module> File "compose/cli/", line 71, in main File "compose/cli/", line 127, in perform_command File "compose/cli/", line 1085, in up File "compose/cli/", line 1081, in up File "compose/", line 527, in up File "compose/", line 354, in ensure_image_exists File "compose/",...

   MACOS,DOCKER,DOCKER-COMPOSE     2020-06-23 03:25:16

  Wireframing: Is it Helpful in Converting PSD to HTML in Web Design?

The brilliance of your website is solely marked by the way you've got it designed. Many a times, you might have heard the term “wireframing” while discussing about a new website design or redesign project. Well, today in this post, I'll be offering you useful information about wireframing and why it has such a vital role to play in the creation of a perfect-looking and fully-functional website alongwith creative design to convert psd to html. Stick to this write-up and you'll get to ...

   wireframing, psd to html, web design     2015-07-21 07:50:37