Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  CSS Animation vs. JavaScript: Which One Is Better?

You know that there are two ways of creating animations on the web: with CSS and JavaScript. And, their selection completely depends on the dependencies of the project. But many web developers hold a wrong perception that CSS is the only way of creating the animations. In fact, CSS has established as the most pampered system of the web development industry and most of the developers recommend it because it is mobile-friendly and powerful system. No doubt CSS is good, but JavaScript is the best....

   CSS animation, JS animation     2015-07-24 02:45:01

  Browse OpenJDK Java source code in Eclipse

Java 8 was recently released, many developers are now trying to extract the source code of Java 8 to find out how the new added features such as Lambda expressions, default method in interfaces, new Time API are implemented. How do you manage to download and browse the source code? Today we are going to show how to extract OpenJDK Java source code to Eclipse. Since OpenJDK is adopting Mercurial as its distributed version control system, you need to install Mercurial on your computer first before...

   OpenJDK,Java 8,Source code,Eclipse     2014-06-16 00:53:34

  Use of Erlang in WhatsApp

After many years, people are still discussing whether Erlang is a small language. People have all sorts of doubt about it, but with the appearance of WhatsApp, we may change our mind. What is WhatsApp, from its official website: WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. The more funny thing is the main developer of WhatsApp Rick Reed worked in Yahoo and SGI before he joined WhatsApp and he didn't have any know...

   Erlang,WhatsApp,Architecture     2013-06-16 03:03:46

  Are You a Good Programmer?

If someone asks you to recommend a good programmer, who comes to mind? Do you consider yourself a good programmer? What criteria do you use to judge? In thinking about this, I realized that there are different ways that a programmer can be good. So I present to you The Four Kinds of Good Programmers. And in celebration of Whyday, I include quirky Why-styled illustrations* for your viewing pleasure! The Philosopher The PhilosopherThe philosopher loves to write well-defined, well-structured...

   Programmer,Inventor,Philosopher,Conquero     2011-08-23 07:56:26

  Management Myth #1: The Myth of 100% Utilization

A manager took me aside at a recent engagement. “You know, Johanna, there’s something I just don’t understand about this agile thing. It sure doesn’t look like everyone is being used at 100 percent.”“And what if they aren’t being used at 100 percent? Is that a problem for you?”“Heck, yes. I’m paying their salaries! I want to know I’m getting their full value for what I’m paying them!”“What if I told you...

   Management,Utilization,Efficiency,Innovation     2012-01-05 08:13:41

  What should video website do besides buying copyright?

Several major video sites in China seem to be designed by the same team, they look the same from the main interface to advertising scheme. The question is whether video sites really do not need to improve their products and user experience in addition to smashing the money to buy the copyright to attract users, is there no other choice? After reading this article, perhaps we can somehow have different views.The Web 2.0 era's video siteIn Web 1.0 era, the main way for users to obtain information...

   Video site, Copyright,User experience     2013-03-06 03:15:39

  Macro vs. Micro Optimisation

So there's recently been a bit of hype about another Colebourne article: I'd like to respond to a few points he makes. First - You should evaluate Scala and pay attention to its benefits and flaws before adopting it.  Yes, there are flaws to Scala.   Working at typesafe makes you more aware of some of them.  We're actively working to reduce/minimize/get rid of these.   In my opinion, the negat...

   Optimization,Performance,Micro,Macro,Software     2011-11-30 12:04:25

  Microsoft forms a new subsidiary focused on open source called Microsoft Open Technologies

Microsoft once again changes its attitude and intends to set up an open technology subsidiaries in order to promote the formulation of open-source projects and standards.The new company name is Microsoft Open Technologies and Jean Paoli, Microsoft executives will be the president of the new company. The company will also form interoperability strategy team in the future. The newly established company will have about 50-75 employees.Over the years, Microsoft has been considered to be the rival of...

   Microsft,Open source,Microsoft Open Technologies     2012-04-13 06:10:45

  Jackie the smart quadcopter to launch at Robotics Week

Flying security camera synced to smartphone kicks off Kickstarter campaign Entrepreneurs and robotics graduate students Jackie Wu and Ritwik Ummalaneni, in Northwestern University’s Master’s in Robotics program, are launching their new product, Jackie, during the National Robotics Week. The flying security camera quadcopter syncs straight to a smartphone, and is the next evolution in home security platforms that consumers have been waiting for. Jackie’s intuitive and easy co...

   Startup,Quadcopter,Security camera,Jackie Wu     2015-04-05 20:56:11

  In-depth Exploration of Direct and Indirect Dependency Management in GoLang

The dependency management in Golang is handled using go mod. go mod is the official dependency management tool introduced by the Golang team. It assists developers in managing project dependencies to ensure the stability and maintainability of the project code. In go mod, dependencies are categorized into two types based on how packages are imported in the code: direct dependencies and indirect dependencies. Direct dependencies are explicitly referenced in the project code, while indirect depend...