Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Thoughts on Running an Open Source Project

I spoke in the unconference at PHPUK last week, on running an open source project. I thought I would collect together my thoughts into one place before I lose the scratty piece of paper I wrote them down on. I'm not sure I'm the right person to be giving advice exactly, but these are the things that, having been project lead on for a while, I think are important. Community I love it when people share their code, just make something and publish it, but to my mind it isn't an open...

   Open source,Management,Readme,Community     2012-03-06 05:25:27

  What Sort of Projects Can You Work on Using Web Scraping?

Image Source: Unsplash Web scraping is a technique used to extract large amounts of data from websites and save onto your computer in a database or time table format. There are many reasons businesses would use this information for lead generation, SEO, or to better understand their customers.  However, you can do a lot of fun projects in your free time that doesn’t have to be associated with work or a company. Before you start using your programming skills to find and extract inform...

   WEB SCRAPING     2020-09-10 09:16:44

  10 habits of 10x developers

Last week, I discovered The Rise of Developeronomics via Brad Feld. As long as I’ve lived, it has always been a great time to be a software developer. The economics keep getting better for us. My favorite quote: The one absolutely solid place to store your capital today — if you know how to do it –  is in software developers’ wallets. If the world survives looming financial apocalypse dangers at all, this is the one investment that will weather the storms. ...

   Developer,Efficiency,Advice,Rest,Focus     2011-12-26 02:54:06

  A journey to investigate a goroutine leakage case

In Go, creating goroutines is straightforward, but improper usage may result in a large number of goroutines unable to terminate, leading to resource leakage and memory leaks over time. The key to avoiding goroutine leaks is to manage the lifecycle of goroutines properly. By exporting runtime metrics and utilizing pprof, one can detect and resolve goroutine leakage issues. This post will go through one real case encountered by the author. The author maintains a service that connects to a targe...


  Building an iPhone application.

One of my New Years resolutions was to finally learn the iOS SDK and build a 'real' application.I am happy to report that progress is going really well and wanted to share something that I have noticed about iOS programming.It only looks scary... it's not. It's actually very easy.Now, I am not building Mail, Angry Birds or Photosynth or anything, but the core concepts of the SDK are not that bad once you spend some time learning delegation. If you don't understand delegation, iOS programmi...

   Apple,iOS,Application development     2012-01-28 07:03:36

  One of the Best Bits of Programming Advice I ever Got

Years ago (early 1992), I attached myself to this crazy skunkworks project that was using this weird language called Smalltalk. "Object Oriented" was in its infancy as a "hot" item. High paid consultants. Lots of people laying claim to what this new object religion was all about. This was 5 years before Alan Kay would make the statement "I invented the term 'Object Oriented Programming' and this {Java and C++} is not what I had in mind."Shortly after hooking up with this whacky group with t...

   Programming advice,OOP,Smalltalk,Better design     2011-11-28 03:14:25

  Ubuntu and GNOME jump the shark

I upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 a week or so back in order to get a more recent version of SCons. 11.04 dropped me into the new “Unity” GNOME interface. There may be people in the world for whom Unity is a good idea, but none of them are me. The look is garish and ugly, and it takes twice as many clicks as it did before to get to an application through their supposedly “friendly” interface as it did in GNOME Classic. No, dammit, I do not want to text-search my applic...

   Ubuntu,GNOME,Open source,Unity     2011-10-17 11:19:00

  Concise bash programming skills

The following are some concise bash programming skills which we may need in our daily programming work. 1. Check status of command execution The usual way: echo abcdee | grep -q abcd   if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Found" else echo "Not found" fi Concise way: if echo abcdee | grep -q abc; then echo "Found" else echo "Not found" fi Of course you can remove if...else with following code [Sun Nov 04 05:58 AM] [kodango@devops] ~/workspace $ echo abcdee | grep -q ...

   bash, skill,tip     2012-11-06 10:38:42

  Kicking ass together: How to improve coding skills as a group

Over the last year and a half, I have worked with a small group of students and staff to create an excellent online learning community at Mendicant University. Unfortunately, because Mendicant is something that we’re intentionally scaling at a very slow pace, we won’t directly reach as many people as we’d like to any time soon. In this post, I’ve collected some of the things that I think contribute to making Mendicant University a great place to learn. I’d love...

   Code skill,Group,Improvement,Efficiency     2012-01-31 23:59:33

  UDP vs. TCP

Introduction Hi, I’m Glenn Fiedler and welcome to the first article in my online book Networking for Game Programmers In this article we start with the most basic aspect of network programming, sending and receiving data over the network. This is just the beginning – the simplest and most basic part of what network programmers do, but still it is quite intricate and non-obvious as to what the best course of action is. Take care because if you get this part wrong it will have ...

   Game design,Networking,Communication,TCP,UDP,Design     2012-02-27 04:49:53