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  What is Deep Web- all you need to know about it?

Deep web is the most nefarious out of sight underground area that exists and not accessible to the public domain. The deep web sites cannot be accessed through standard search engines. Many experts believe to have compared this part of the internet hidden from paywalls and forms. The truth is that deep web is a hidden iceberg while the usual internet available to the public domain is just the tip of the iceberg. That part of what is available from search engines such as Bing or Google ...

   DEEP WEB,DARK WEB     2018-07-05 08:26:58

  Windows Security Improvements

Traenk is still upset by his recent dive into Windows security.  So much more was promised when the merger of Windows 9x and NT lines was announced, so long ago. I honestly expected better.Long ago, Microsoft announced that it would merge the then NT and Windows 9x lines of products.  Wow!  That means a file access control system, logging, different accounts and filespaces for accounts!  Finally!  We would have a secure version of Windows for our homes!And we do hav...

   Windows,Security,Improvement,Windows NT     2011-09-02 11:54:50

  Behind Start Screen of Windows Phone 8

Last week, Microsoft unveiled Windows Phone 8, in addition to some new features, the biggest difference between WP8 and iOS, Android is that it has a start screen consisting of abundant live tiles. Senior product manager of Microsoft Josh Phillips published an article on Microsoft official blog. He talks about the story behind start screen of Windows Phone 8. "How can we make Start even more personal" is the question Phillips and his team is always thinking about. Windows Phone makes the static ...

   Windows Phone 8,Start Screen,Live Tile     2012-11-03 02:27:22

  How to find which process a file is being written by in Linux?

Some people ask a file is being written by one process and they want to check this process, but they cannot find the process even with sof. This question is very common and there are many solutions, here we introduce a straightforward method. In Linux, each file will be stored on one device and of course there will be a relative inode, then we can use vfs.write to know who is writing the inode on one specified device continuously. Luckily there is inodewatch.stp in the installation package of s...

   Linux,process,file write     2013-03-16 21:44:35

  Click and Drag on xkcd

xkcd is a webcomic created by Randall Munroe. The comic's tagline describes it as "a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language." Also some webcomics about IT may frequently appear on it. For example, the following one-- People who know Unix will understand it easily. In fact, xkcd is a Geek culture, many comics inside this site can only understood by some specified group of people. The comic began in September 2005 when Munroe decided to scan doodles from hi...

   xkcd, 1110,Click and Drag     2012-11-05 11:23:19

  Twenty Years of Linux according to Linus Torvalds

Summary: In an interview, Linus Torvalds talks about Linux’s multiple 20th birthdays and life with Linux.The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux, started the celebration of Linux’s 20th anniversary at the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit, but when is Linux’s real birthday? Is it August 25th, when Linus announced the project? October 5th 1991, when 0.02, the first public release was made? I decided to go st...

   Linux,Linus Tonalds,Interview,Developmen     2011-09-28 09:39:10

  Why do I need a debugger?

  When I begin to learn a new programming language, I will try and master the debugger for it as early as possible. For example, in 2013, while I touched the Go, there seems only gdb for use. Although gdb itself is not a good choice (From Debugging Go Code with GDB): As a consequence, although GDB can be useful in some situations, it is not a reliable debugger for Go programs, particularly heavily concurrent ones. But at that time there was no other choice. So after delve&nb...

       2017-07-21 22:53:16

  How to ask questions as an interviewee

Many people think that interview is a single side selection, in fact, interview is a two sides selection process. Not only the company selects you, but also you select the company. Interview provides a chance for both the company and you to know about each other. While the company is assessing you, you should also assess the company. The interviewers also know this, so they have the mental preparation and look forward to your questions and they are prepared to answer your questions. So do not w...

   Interview,Question,Interviewee     2012-09-02 08:24:51

  Workaround size limit of phpMyAdmin import sql file

When doing website development with MySQL, we often need to do database backup and restore. For website, the data in database will grow quickly, so when we back up the database, the size of the generated sql file may be over 80MB which is the max allowed size when we want to import a sql file for restoring our database using phpMyAdmin. To workaround this limit, we need to review the documentation of phpMyAdmin. Fortunately, I found an online article written by David Pratt  which gave us a ...

   MySQL,phpMySQLAdmin,80M,import,solution,limit     2014-08-14 09:59:27

  It’s Not Too Late to Learn How to Code

Coding is sort of like a superpower; with it you can create things that millions of people see. You can change the way people behave, the way they think, and the way they interact with others. This is beyond awesome, but I’ve also met a lot of people that think that this ability is inaccessible to them. I’ve met a lot of “non-technical” people who seem to think that this superpower is only bestowed on those fortunate enough to have it come easily to them at a very early...

   Tips,Coding,Preparation,Interest     2011-10-17 11:26:38