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  Mutli-inheritance bug between python 2.7 and 3.7

When we have run a py3.7 code under py2.x or a py2.x code under 3.x ,if a class do mutli-inheritance from 2 parent and the 2 parents also got inheritance from same parent, the different way to handle inheritance chain between python 2 and 3 will cause some running time bug: Assume we got this sample program : # Purpose: Test mutli-inheritance different between python2 and 3 # Author: Yuancheng Liu # Created: 2019/05/16 class A: def getVal(self): print("cal...

   PYTHON,PYTHON 3,INHERITANCE     2019-05-16 08:33:52

  Three ways to define class in JavaScript

In object oriented programming, class is the template of object, it defines the properties and methods of a group of objects. Unfortunately, JavaScript doesn't support class, but we can have some workarounds to simulate class.1. Constructor functionThis is the classical approach, it is also the approach mentioned in many text books. It uses the constructor function to simulate class and it uses the keyword this to represent the object internally.function Cat() { = "Kelly...

   JavaScript,Class,Method,Private,Inheritance     2012-07-09 11:59:51

  Should we use Abstract class or Interface?

When we write programs, we may often get into a situation where we don't know whether we should use Abstract class or Interface when we want to define an abstract object. These two are very similar and they are interchangeable in many cases. On Stackoverflow, this question is asked lots of times and it's related to many programming languages. Also in the official documentation of PHP regarding the Abstract class and Interface, people are arguing about this. To understand this question, their dif...


  JavaScript as a First Language

At Khan Academy we've been investigating teaching Computer Science to students in some new and interesting ways. The most interesting aspect of which is that we're likely going to be teaching them JavaScript as their first language. We're in a very unique position as we're primarily aiming to teach students who've been through our previous math and science-centric curriculum. Because of this we can create some rather compelling exercises and projects that never would've been feasible other...

   JavaScript,Learning,First language,Inheritence,Prototype     2011-12-23 07:53:45

  Language Complexity?

Some languages are complex, others are simple … right?  C++ versus just about anything else is a good example here.  But, it begs the question: what makes a language complex? So, I’ve just been reading Bruce Eckel’s Artima article on Scala.  It’s actually a nice article, and I enjoyed it.  But, one thing bugged me — and, it’s nicely summarised in this quote: But you can see from the code above that learning Scala should be a lot eas...

   Programming language,complexity     2011-06-15 02:16:05

  Prototypes and Inheritance in JavaScript

Forget everything you know about object-oriented programming. Instead, I want you to think about race cars. Yes – race cars. Recently I was watching the 24 Hours of Le Mans –a popular racing event in France. The fastest cars in the race are the Le Mans Prototypes. Although these cars are built by car manufacturers like Audi and Peugeot, they are not cars you’ll see on the streets and highways of your home town. They are built exclusively for high-speed endurance ra...

   JavaScript,Prototype,Inheritance     2012-02-27 04:55:22

  C++, Ruby and CoffeeScript complexity comparison

There are many programming languages around the world, they all designed to help programmer solve some problems, finish some tasks. These languages are often divided into different types, there are structural, object-oriented, functional, scripting languages etc. Some are easy to pick up such as Java, while some are thought to be difficult to learn such as C++. So how do we understand complexities of different programming languages?Many people agree that C++ is very complex languages, it has poi...

   Complexity, languages, C++,Ruby,CoffeeScript     2012-06-12 04:46:01

  Understand JavaScript prototype

For an front end programming language like JavaScript, if we want to understand its OOP feature, we need to understand its objects, prototype chain, execution context, closure and this keyword in deep. If you have a good understanding on these concepts, you should be confident that you can handle this language well. The inheritance in JavaScript is not class inheritance like Java, but it adopts another mechanism-- prototype inheritance. The key to prototype inheritance is the prototype chain mec...

   JavaScript, prototype, __proto__     2013-02-02 02:34:09

  Why would I learn C++11, having known C and C++?

I am a programmer in C and C++, although I don't stick to either language and write a mixture of the two. Sometimes having code in classes, possibly with operator overloading, or templates and the oh so great STL is obviously a better way. Sometimes use of a simple C function pointer is much much more readable and clear. So I find beauty and practicality in both languages. I don't want to get into the discussion of "If you mix them and compile with a C++ compiler, it's not a mix ...

   C++11,New feature,Study     2012-03-16 08:44:38

  Game Development Essentials #1 - Don’t use inheritance for your game objects

I recently released my first game, X Fleet, available now in Android Market. It’s a fast paced space shooter / rpg riddled with awesomeness and you should get it now. The reason you should avoid hierarchies/inheritance is your objects will be far too varied and complicated in form to be accurately represented as such. More on this below.  The alternative is a component model. This is very basic. Instead of having everything inheriting (e.g. Object -> MovableObject -> Animat...

   Game design,OOP,Inheritence,Game object     2012-02-07 06:26:40