Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Haskell’s effect on my C++: exploit the type system

Like most programmers, I was attracted to Scheme by the promise that it would make me a better programmer. I came to appreciate the functional style, but swapped to Haskell, a more developed language with a rapidly developing standard library. Unfortunately, for me, Haskell can’t yet replace C++ on a day to day basis, so I reluctantly spend my days tapping away at C++. So, were the promises true? has functional programming made me a better programmer? Better is a tough question,...

   Haskell,C++,Type system,Comparison     2012-02-06 07:44:35

  The most stupid C bug ever

I have been programming for a number of years already. I have seen others introduce bugs, and I have also introduced (and solved!) many bugs while coding. Off-by-one, buffer-overflow, treating pointers as pointees, different behaviors or the same function (this is specially true for cross-platform applications), race conditions, deadlocks, threading issues. I think I have seen quite a few of the typical issues. Yet recently I lost a lot of time to what I would call the most stupid C bug in my ca...

   C,Bug,Stupid,Bug code,All     2011-08-26 02:37:29

  Google open sources its Collaborative IDE

July 9, 2012 news, Google engineer Scott Blum published an article on Google+ which revealed that Google would open source the Collaborative IDE. The project was named "Collide" (collaborative IDE), which is a Web collaborative code editor. Google hopes that Collide can serve as a catalyst for improving the state of web-based IDEs.Caution Collide does not have any proper auth, SSL support, or user account management just yet. Please consider that fact when running instances that expose important...

   Google,Open source,Collide IDE     2012-07-09 10:55:20

  Engineer mindset in internet companies

This post tries to list down how we keep engineer mindset while doing development work. We engineers are the ones deliver the actual product by writing each and every line of the code, in order to deliver high quality and less buggy code, we should keep reminding ourselves what needs to be paid attention to during our daily development work.  So what is engineer mindset? Engineer mindset is that we should keep in mind that each and every line of code we write should serve the purpose well a...

   ENGINEER MINDSET,INTERNET COMPANY     2021-10-07 04:09:08

  Let's talk about JSON.stringify()

JSON has been used in lots of places to exchange data among different services/systems. Nowadays all mainstream programming languages have built-in library support of JSON data parse and stringify. In this post, let's talk about JSON.stringify() in JavaScript. Let's first take a small example of Object conversion handling. There is a requirement to convert below object const todayILearn = { _id: 1, content: '今天学习 JSON.stringify(),我很开心!', ...

   JAVASCIPT,JSON,JSON.STRINGIFY     2020-02-22 04:25:08

  HTML Page Slide Without a Framework

The HTML5 Microzone is presented by DZone and Microsoft to bring you the most interesting and relevant content on emerging web standards.  Experience all that the HTML5 Microzone has to offer on our homepage and check out the cutting edge web development tutorials on Script Junkie, Build My Pinned Site, and the HTML5 DevCenter. I'm working on a little demo mobile application for an upcoming project, and I wanted to add sliding transitions between pag...

   HTML,Slide show,No framework,JavaScript     2012-04-17 06:51:40

  Fix could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled

Recently was working on a project which needed to build a docker image, but unfortunately it kept failing as below error was seen. fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled Based on the error, it looked like it was trying to pull code from remote Gitlab repository but failed as the terminal prompt is disabled. At first glance, have a doubt why it needs terminal prompt to be enabled? It should just succeed and without prompting for anything. The only reason...


  Coding skill and the decline of stagnation

I am a decent programmer. I know a decent amount of computer science theory, I can type correct code fairly easy. I don’t let my classes expand too much. But I still struggle some with math, and I have a tendency to have too many cross-dependencies in my code. I used to think I was an awesome programmer. One of the best. After I made a game in the first programming lesson in school, I got told to don’t bother showing up for the rest. I was the one who taught all my friends wh...

   Coding style,SOPA,Stagnation,Decline     2012-01-14 12:05:10

  Are You a Good Programmer?

If someone asks you to recommend a good programmer, who comes to mind? Do you consider yourself a good programmer? What criteria do you use to judge? In thinking about this, I realized that there are different ways that a programmer can be good. So I present to you The Four Kinds of Good Programmers. And in celebration of Whyday, I include quirky Why-styled illustrations* for your viewing pleasure! The Philosopher The PhilosopherThe philosopher loves to write well-defined, well-structured...

   Programmer,Inventor,Philosopher,Conquero     2011-08-23 07:56:26

  Using C for a specialized data store

Pixenomics stores and transports 1.2 million pixels from the server to the client. During development we played with various methods to store and process this. Our ultimate goal was to send the entire board in under 1 second. During the stages of prototyping we used a MySQL database without thinking too much about performance. With a mere 2,000 pixels we quickly realised this wasn’t even usable as a demo. Changing the storage engine to memory was much better but still obviously unu...

   C,Data store,Efficiency,Performance     2012-03-07 05:09:38