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  GitHub Copilot may generate code containing GPL code

GitHub Copilot is a new AI-powered code completion tool that can generate code snippets from natural language descriptions. It is powered by OpenAI Codex, a deep learning system that has been trained on billions of lines of public code. GitHub Copilot claims to be a “copilot, not a pilot”, meaning that it is not intended to write code for you, but rather to help you write code faster and better. However, some developers have raised concerns about the legal and ethical implications of...

   GITHUB COPILOT,GPL     2023-04-21 14:21:29

  The Death of .NET and the Power of Perception

One of my long-standing issues with Microsoft is its inability to control the perceptions surrounding its own products. One of the biggest examples was during the Windows Vista years when, even after the product had been fully patched and worked fine, Apple continued to do a better job to define the image of Windows (compilation of ads here) than Microsoft did, costing Microsoft billions in lost revenue for the millions it saved on a strong advertising campaign. The firm has a history of being p...

   .NET,future,death,bottleneck,development     2011-08-10 03:13:40

  Learn How to Write iOS Apps

My friend contacted me on twitter and asked for advice on different sources on how to learn iOS apps. Since this paragraph will already exceed 140 characters, I'm posting here, instead. (Obviously, reading this blog regularly is a great way to pick up some iOS development tricks) To get started, some people buy a book or find some good online tutorials. I tried both approaches, and the online tutorials were definitely better. I found Stanford's class on iPhone Development, available for free...

   IOS App,Tutorial,Advice,Resource     2011-12-25 00:58:25

  Build RPM package on Linux

1. Check the OS version and core version #uname -a #more /etc/redhat-release 2. Create relative directories /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES    //Store source codes, patches, icons etc /usr/src/redhat/SPECS        //Store specs about the process of building RPM packages /usr/src/redhat/BUILD     //File after uncompressed are stored here /usr/src/redhat/RPMS     //Store the binary files built with rpmbuild /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS&nbs...

   RPM,Linux,Build     2013-03-22 12:44:29

  How to check why Vim is slow

On *nix, some processes may not be able to start up, software runs very slowly suddenly and software's "Segment Fault" are some issues faced by many *nix users. Here we show you how to use truss to trace why Vim becomes slow suddenly. Operating system : FreeBSD-5.2.1-releas vim version is 6.2.154, after typing vim on command line, sometimes we need to wait for a few minutes to get into the edit interface and there is no error output. After carefully checking .vimrc and all vim settings, there ar...

   vim, truss, linux     2012-11-26 11:54:35

  OpenLDAP Proxy -- Tricks and tips

Just like other software configuration, there would be issues encountered during the OpenLDAP proxy setup process. In this post, we would try to summarize some of the tricks and tips for OpenLDAP proxy setup. OpenLDAP Version We would always recommend that you install the latest version of the OpenLDAP because they contain the latest features, bug fixes and security patches. You should always refer to the latest release notes for new changes. In case you have used an earlier version of Open...


  Understanding Slice Behavior in Go

In Go, understanding how slices behave when passed to functions is crucial for writing efficient and bug-free code. This behavior is often a source of confusion for many developers, especially those new to the language. In this article, we'll explore the difference between passing slices by value and by reference, and how it impacts the modification of slices within functions. Introduction In Go, slices are a fundamental data structure used to work with sequences of elements. They are essentiall...


  Why does it take Task Manager longer to appear when you start it from the Ctrl+Alt+Del dialog?

Amit was curious why it takes longer for Task Manager to appear when you start it from the Ctrl+Alt+Del dialog compared to launching it from the taskbar. Well, you can see the reason right there on the screen: You're launching it the long way around. If you launch Task Manager from the taskbar, Explorer just launches taskmgr.exe via the usual Create­Process mechanism, and Task Manager launches under the same credentials on the same desktop. On the other hand, when you use the secure ...

   Windows,Task manager,Start time,Ctrl+Alt+Del     2012-02-02 07:06:56

  Implement struct no copy in GoLang

There is some case where some of the struct in GoLang which is not meant to be copied. For example, sometimes a global configuration which should have only one version passed around the whole application and should not be copied and modified. In GoLang, there is no intuitive solution on preventing copying of struct. But there is still some way which can be leveraged to help prevent this while developing the code. The trick is to define some struct implementing sync.Locker interface and has this ...

   GO VET,NOCOPY,NO COPY     2020-09-04 22:24:58

  Inline IF and CASE statements in MySQL

There are times where running IF statements inside a query can be useful. MySQL provides a simple way to do this through the use of IF and CASE statements. The IF statement takes three arguments; the conditional, the true value and the false value. False and true values may be static values or column values. For example: SELECT IF(score > 100, 100, score) AS score FROM exam_results this will return the value in the score column limited to a maximum value of 100. IF statements can a...

   MySQK,IF,Condition,CASE,SQL     2012-04-22 10:37:01