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SEARCH KEYWORD -- iphone app

  Using Fabric to deploy web app

Many people may use FTP and rsync to synchronize codes to server, this way is fine but it may be troublesome when you need to deploy many times a day, actually there is a simple way if you can spend time on finding the fast way. We introduce Fabric today for deploying web app to remote server. Fabric is a deployment tool written with Python, the biggest feature if it is you no need to login to remote server, you can execute remote commands locally. Here is s simple deployment script written with...

   Fabric, Web deployment,SSH,Python     2012-12-08 03:16:00

  5 Exemplary Material Design Frameworks That Are Worth Knowing

Google unveiled Material design last year, and it has inevitably created a great buzz among the designers' community, including both web and mobile designers across the globe. Today, you can observe many mobile and web applications are steadily deploying this design approach and overhauling their UI designs. Material design undoubtedly offers a refined and best approach to create a modern UI design. It embraces polished design principles that have been comprehensively described by Google in its ...

   material design, mobile app     2015-06-18 04:35:20

  Google Chrome to support sync clipboard data among devices

Google has been working very hard to make it possible for syncing clipboard data among PC and Android devices through Chrome. This feature is finally available in Chrome Canary 79 and is going to be released in future version of Chrome although it only supports sync data from PC to Android but not vice versa. But before getting to that day, users can start to explore this feature in latest Chrome Canary version 79.  There are three flags(chrome://flags) to control enablement of the feature...


  Australian software engineer got asked algorithm question when entering US

The whole world knows that security and background checks get tighten for people to enter US since Donald Trump took office. But have you ever heard about getting algorithm question asked during the immigration check interview while entering United States? Recently an Australian software engineer David Thornton had such an experience when he tried to enter US. (Image from David is a software engineer from Sydney and he is a 24-year-old studied computer sci...

   NEWS,DONALD TRUMP,UNITED STATES     2017-03-04 12:07:54

  How to handle ES6 modules in NodeJS

In modern JavaScript, there are two types of modules: ES6 module and CommonJS module used by NodeJS. These two types of module are not compatible. Many people would wonder how to load ES6 modules in their NodeJS project. This post will show how this can be done. Difference The syntax of the module being loaded is different. CommonJS modules are loaded with require() and exported with module.exports. ES6 modules are loaded and exported using import and export respectively. Merchanismwise require(...

   NODEJS,COMMONJS,ES6     2020-08-28 22:01:33

  Best “must know” open sources to build the new Web

Here the dump of my ultimate collection of online Web development resources and directory, oriented for the Front-End user Interface (UI). HTML5 and all related open standards are moving fast, but for now, building a whole Website/WebApp on top of that can be very inconsistent, especially across various browsers experiences.   So… how to embrace new awesome web technologies ? Now, as Web Developers and Designers, we have to build on top of more stable framework. It’s her...

   Open source,Wbesite,Web application,HTML     2011-06-09 03:10:24

  PaaS vs. SaaS: The Differences And How To Pick The Right Option

Platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) are two kinds of cloud computing products that enable businesses and their clients to deliver and use various services, respectively. Before diving into the differences between the two concepts, it’s important to take a step back and understand what a cloud service really is. Cloud computing primarily refers to large storage of data, programs, and operations that are accessible via the Internet and are not stored on a user&rsquo...

   CLOUD,PAAS,SAAS     2020-04-06 06:30:32

  What to Know About Windows 11

Windows 11 launched in October, with Microsoft bringing some changes to the operating system. It was the first name change in six years, and the rollout began on October 5. The rollout is being phased on eligible devices.  You can download it if you don’t want to wait for it to be your device’s turn.  Some businesses are opting to defer upgrades to Windows 11, as are some individuals. Others are excited to take advantage. The following are some things to know about impleme...

   MICROSOFT,WINDOWS 11     2021-12-06 10:41:04

  Programming Achievements: How to Level Up as a Developer

How does a good developer become a great developer?Forget greatness for a moment: How does a decent developer become a good developer?There is no definitive path from Step 1 to Step n. Heck, it's not even clear what Step n is. And as logically-minded developer types, the lack of a well-defined route can make for a daunting journey from novice to master.I've spent a fair bit of time over the last few years bumping up against this conundrum. What's next? How do I go from being a goo...

   Good developer,Great developer,Comparison,Knowledge,Skill,Platform     2011-11-09 02:12:58

  A Programmer’s Greatest Enemy

A programmer’s greatest enemy is getting stuck. A crucial skill in programming—and one that many of my beginning game programming students lack—is the ability to recognize when they’re stuck, to get out of being stuck, and to avoid getting stuck in the first place.Indeed, it’s a skill I’m still learning myself, although the contexts in which I still get stuck are shrinking with time, study, and experience.This morning, as I downloaded crash reports ...

   Programming,Enemy,Stuck,Game design,Crash     2011-10-15 15:06:46