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SEARCH KEYWORD -- File upload

  JavaScript showModalDialog method

In JavaScript, showModalDialog()  method creates a simple modal dialog box which is a simple html page but when a modal dialog opens, user can't switch to another page until it closes the modal dialog box. Syntax:  window.showModalDialog( url, arguments, feature options); Where url is the URL of page which is to be opened in modal window and arguments are those arguments which we are passing to the modal window and feature options are the attributes set for the modal windo...

   JavaScript,JS,showModalDialog,Example     2011-07-27 10:51:47

  Big file transfer in Linux

It's very common that we need to transfer files between two different hosts such as backups. It is also an very simple task, we can use scp or rsync to complete the task well. But what if the file is very big, it may take some time to transfer it. How can we transfer a big file with high speed? Here we propose one solution. Copy file If we copy one uncompressed file, then we should follow below steps: Compress data Send it to another host Uncompress the data Verify the data integrity This will...

   Linux, SCP,ZIP     2013-01-10 05:55:50

  Will PHP __autoload() function really affect performance?

IntroductionRegarding to PHP performance, the most frequently discussed is the __autoload() function. Many people say that this function will affect the performance very much, some other people say that opcode will affect __autoload() as well. So we will have some tests on these two.EnvironmentPHP 5.3.9 -- Launch under fastcgi modeNginx 1.1.12eAccelerator pageeAccelerator(In php.ini) configurationFile structure(each Test file has over 6000 lines of code)Testing With e...

   PHP,__autoload(),opcode,performance     2012-05-09 11:25:26

  A guide on installing and setting up GitLab server on Ubuntu

GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket are the three most famous code hosting platform in the world. They have different features which allow teams or individuals to share code with others remotely. In case you want to build your own code hosting server so that you can host and share the code by yourself, you can install and set up your own server. In this post, we will walk you through a guide on installing and setting up GitLab server on Linux environment. gitlab is a web based code hosting tool which i...

   UBUNTU,TUTORIAL,GITLAB     2020-04-25 07:05:33

  String.length() vs String.getBytes().length in Java

In Java, String.length() is to return the number of characters in the string, while String.getBytes().length is to return the number of bytes to represent the string with the specified encoding. By default, the encoding will be the value of system property file.encoding, the encoding name can be set manually as well by calling System.setProperty("file.encoding", "XXX"). For example, UTF-8, Cp1252. In many cases, String.length() will return the same value as String.getBytes().length, but in some ...

   Java,UTF8,String,Encoding,Sample     2015-04-01 22:22:23

  Introducing LocalDB, an improved SQL Express

Updated 2011-11-28: Added reference to the walkthrough of using LocalDB in Visual Studio 2010 and to the new LocalDB Installer. Updated 2011-11-02: Added reference to .NET Framework 4 support for LocalDB in the Q&A section. Introduction It gives me great pleasure to introduce a new version of SQL Express called SQL Express LocalDB. LocalDB is created specifically for developers. It is very easy to install and requires no management, yet it offers the same T-SQL language, programming surfac...

   LocalDB,Microsoft,SQL Express     2012-03-31 00:13:43

  6 necessary WordPress plugins for personal blogs

WordPress is now adopted by most bloggers, it has various themes and powerful plugins. There are lots of amazing plugins can be chosen such as spam comment filers and sitemap generators. For novice WordPress users, you may be confused about which plugin to choose, here we share with you 6 necessary WordPress plugins. Akismet Akismet is a built-in WordPress comment plugin. It checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they look like spam or not and lets you review the spam it ...

   WordPress plugin,Comment,Sitemap     2013-08-05 03:18:40

  Android Tutorial: Creating and Using an SD Card in the Emulator

In a previous post, I mentioned how user-friendly Android is for developers. There’s extensive documentation and information on the architecture, the different components and best practices. However, the documentation has a few blind spots. Many of the tools have little documentation and no usage examples. The information is there, it’s just hidden behind a few layers of Android theory.So I’m going to try and document a few of the basic things that you’ll probabl...

   Android,Emulator,SDCard,Load,Create     2011-04-13 12:08:41

  Check whether a remote server port is open on Linux

As a system administrator or network engineer or application developer, there is a need to check whether a port on remote server is open so that you can tell whether the service under check is running or not. In this post, we would cover a few methods to check whether a remote server port is open or not on Linux. telnet telnet is the most frequently used command on both Windows and Linux to check port. The simple usage for this command is  telnet [host] [port] When the port is open, the o...

   LINUX,TELNET,PORT,NC,NMAP     2017-12-23 11:45:20

  Highly efficient PHP code writing

Next are some tips for writing highly efficient PHP codes. They are described below: 0. Use single quote to replace double quote, this will be better since PHP will serach for variables in double quoted strings. Note, only echo can do this; 1. If we can define methods of a class as static, then do it. It will increase access speed by 4 times; 2. $row["id"] is 7 times faster than $row[id]; 3. echo is faster than print, and also use echo's multiple parameter format such as echo $str1,$str2 inst...

   PHP,Code writing,High efficient,Tips     2011-07-23 12:35:50