Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  WireGuard VPN Troubleshooting

When you are working as a network/cluster admin for you team to config the WireGuard VPN for other members, you may meet some of the problems below and these are the solution you can try to fix them.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Problem [1]: The WireGuard handshake request send from the client can be received from the server but the server's response was blocked at some where so the client can not receive server's response after you config multi layers of routing.Test Network Config (setup WireGuard on EXSI VM) :Solut...


  How to Encrypt Your Online Conversations

Do you ever get the feeling that somebody might be listening to or reading your private conversations? You're not crazy. Online platforms don’t hide that they use data from chats, searches, emails, and other places for targeted advertisements. Aside from being a massive invasion of privacy, it also puts your security at risk. But it is possible to prevent people from snooping on you. All you need is a little encryption. Check out these different ways you can add encryption into your life right now. TextingOn average, people send and receive 94 text messages per day. It inc...

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  How key-based cache expiration works

There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things — Phil Karlton Doing cache invalidation by hand is an incredibly frustrating and error-prone process. You’re very likely to forget a spot and let stale data get served. That’s enough to turn most people off russian-doll caching structures, like the one we’re using for Basecamp Next. Thankfully there’s a better way. A much better way. It’s called key-based cache expiration and it works like this: The cache key is the fluid part and the cache content is the fixed ...


  Mozilla releases a web identity system : Persona

Now almost every website requires the user to register, there are many benefits of registration for a website, such as retaining users, accommodating discussions, providing customized content and so on.But there is too much trouble if each site requires registration, right?Of course, users can also have their own way, for those less important sites, for example, using a unified user name, password and email so that you only need to remember one account. Then, we also see some advanced methods emerging, such as Facebook Connect, Twitter login, Google OAuth, etc., this indeed eliminates some tro...



I'm so tired of passwords. So, so, so tired.Most people don't understand this. Most people use the same password everywhere. Most people can just mechanically type out password3 in every password box, smirking to themselves at how clever they are, because who would ever guess 3 instead of 1?I don't do that. Let me tell you what i do.I generate a different password for every service, based on a convoluted master password and the name of the thing. I do this because it's what you're supposed to do; it's what security nerds (including myself for the purposes of this post) tell everyone e...


  How to password protect a Winzip file

Winzip files are great ways of sharing documents and images of large sizes over the web or through email, since their reduced size makes it possible for them to be sent and received. Also, it is easier to manage one attachment than multiple. But what if the file contains sensitive information you don’t want snoopers to see? Simply add a password protection in Winzip. Adding a password will ensure more security and reliability of the transported files.How to add a Password to your Zip FilesBelow are some methods of creating a password to protect the confidentiality of a zip file:Make use ...


  HeartBleed: Inside the heart, what happens to a normal WEB user?

To be brief, our email, IM, facebook etc. are at the risk, so try to minimize the access in these few days. Especially we should try to avoid log into our internet-banking, because we may expose our user id and password. Also later when the service providers fix the bug, we would better to change a new password for all the web accounts that are important to us.Here comes the technical explanation.You might notice before that a lot of websites use URL starting with "https". For example, HTTPS literally means secure HTTP, as the "s" stands for secure. Both HTTP and HTT...


  HeartBleed: OpenBSD now starts to clean up OpenSSL

Since the disclosure of HeartBleed bug in OpenSSL, some arguments emerge around the safety of OpenSSL, the largest open source SSL/TLS library used by large number of servers, applications. Some people are even starting to create their own version of SSL library. This includes OpenBSD, a famous Unix like open source operating system.Just a few days after the HeartBleed bug, OpenBSD forked a new branch of OpenSSL and started to clean up the forked branch and plans to merge it to its own code base. So far these changes done on the forked OpenSSL library include:Splitting up libcrypto and li...