Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Webinar Best Practices For A Webinar Experience Your Audience Will Love

The web conferencing technology has been getting a lot of attention lately, and for good reason. With global lockdowns and social distancing norms in effect, video conferencing has emerged as an economical way of staying in touch with office colleagues, friends, and family members.However, if that’s all you are using this technology for, you may not fully understand what is web conferencing and its immense potential.For instance, lately, web conferencing technology is being used to deliver webinars. From education to sales, webinars have proven to be a great solution for a number of busi...


  Things to consider when purchasing a standby emergency generator

Generators come in many forms these days and portable generators, in particular, are proving to be very popular. However, there is still a strong pull for the more conventional home standby generator, after all, no other kind of generator can really offer the same power, can it?But what do you need to consider when buying a home standby generator? Reading home standby generator reviews is always a good first step to help educate yourself about standby emergency generators but I can go a little further.Below I’ve compiled a list of all the things you need to consider when buying a home st...


  The Best Laptops for Freelancers

Whether you’re answering emails, beating a deadline, or looking for even more freelance gigs, many professionals simply can’t imagine their career without a laptop. It has become the ultimate work gadget of the 21st century, which many laptops now powerful enough to be used like a PC. However, not all freelancers are the same—and as such, require different tools to get the job done.That being said, here are some of the best laptops for every kind of freelancer imaginable.Best CPU: Apple MacBook Pro (Image Credit: CNet)If you're in the tech field and often deal with multiple p...


  Online Branding Tips for Small Businesses

Although an aspect ignored by many people who venture into the business sector, building a brand with a strong online presence may be one of the small details which can improve your performance significantly in the long run. Having said that, in this article, we’ll explore a few different online marketing and branding strategies and tips to help you build a stronger brand online.       #1 Build an identityWhen people hear about the name of your business, they should instantly figure out the nature of your activity, niche, and products or services you're offe...


  Leveraging Dedicated Server Hosting for Data Analytics Firms

In the age of data-driven decision making, data analytics firms require powerful and reliable computing resources to extract insights from massive data sets. A dedicated server is a type of server that is solely allocated to a single user or organization. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using a dedicated server for data analytics firms.Enhanced PerformanceA dedicated server offers enhanced performance that cannot be matched by other types of servers. Here are some of the benefits:High-Speed Data TransferDedicated servers are equipped with high-speed internet connections that e...


  GIF’s - Effective Engagement Tool Of Elearning

Elearning has been continuously facing the challenge of keeping the learners engaged. Many methods are being used to ensure that the learner understands the concepts even without an instructor. The inclusion of various multimedia modes like informative audios, videos, games, animations, etc. has become almost necessary to include as these are considered to make the concepts easier to understand. In a nutshell, there are many advantages of using multimedia in an eLearning program, however, there are few drawbacks as well. Too much of the inclusion of multimedia makes the curriculum heavier...

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