Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  An experience of fixing a memory-corruption bug

During the last 4 months, I was disturbed by a memory-corruption bug, and this bug will cause program crash. Until last Monday, I found the root cause and fixed it. This debug process is a difficult but memorable experience, so I will share it in this article.   My program works as a SMS Hub. When it receives a SMS, it will allocate a structure in heap memory like this: typedef struct { ...... int *a[8]; ...... } info; After processing the SMS, the program will free the m...

   c, debug, unix, solaris, multi-thread     2014-05-04 03:52:43

  Jackie the smart quadcopter to launch at Robotics Week

Flying security camera synced to smartphone kicks off Kickstarter campaign Entrepreneurs and robotics graduate students Jackie Wu and Ritwik Ummalaneni, in Northwestern University’s Master’s in Robotics program, are launching their new product, Jackie, during the National Robotics Week. The flying security camera quadcopter syncs straight to a smartphone, and is the next evolution in home security platforms that consumers have been waiting for. Jackie’s intuitive and easy co...

   Startup,Quadcopter,Security camera,Jackie Wu     2015-04-05 20:56:11

  NativeScript-Vue 1.0 Is Finally Out!

After a year of hard work and dedication, NativeScript-Vue 1.0 is finally available in the market. For those who are new to NativeScript- Vue, it is all about a plugin that simply allows one to build native iOS and Android apps with the help of Vue.js. NativeScript-Vue 1.0 is ready for use in production! And it may quite interest you to know that blending of NativeScript and Vue makes it even easier when it comes to building mobile apps. This launch comes with a shiny new website and extensive d...


  Save QWidget as image

Qt library is an excellent GUI library for C++ programmers developed by Nokia and now is an open source project. Often, we may use QPainter to draw strings, lines or images on a QWidget. We can override the QWidget's paintEvent() method when we want to use QPianter object to draw something on a QWidget. If we want to save the items drawn on QWidget as image for later reference, what can we do? We can save a QWidget as an image. Here is the code for achieving this: QPixmap pixmap(this->size())...

   Qt,C++,QWidget,Image     2012-08-19 12:01:18

  Understanding PHP's internal function definitions

Welcome to the second part of the “PHP’s Source Code For PHP Developers” series. In the previous part ircmaxell explained where you can find the PHP source code and how it is basically structured and also gave a small introduction to C (as that’s the language PHP is written in). If you missed that post, you probably should read it before starting with this one. What we’ll cover in this article is locating the definitions of internal functions in t...

   PHP,internal function,definition,rationale     2012-03-16 10:46:26

  The latest on Java-on-Java: the Oracle experiment that is gaining momentum

What is Project Metropolis? The not so hush-hush Project Metropolis is all set to implement Java on itself – popularly known in the developer community as Java-on-Java. Oracle has released updates on its progress, and they are very encouraging. The project will focus on building a JIT (just in time) compiler that is written in Java. It is being touted as the experimental clone of JDK (Java Development Kit) 10.  Work on ‘ahead of time’ compiling and Graal compiler is also i...

   HIRE JAVA DEVELOPERS     2017-05-22 08:49:32

  So, just what IS the problem with Windows Phone?

Charlie Kindel (who left Microsoft earlier this year after 21 years, most recently as a Windows Phone General Manager), posted today on an “impedance mismatch” between carriers and device manufacturers, and Windows Phone, where those carriers and OEMs are “reluctant” to push Windows Phone, while Google’s Android has taken an approach that “reduces friction with carriers & device manufacturers at the expense of end users”. Kindel seems to be imply...

   Windows Phone,Trend,Weak market,Analysis     2011-12-27 09:11:19

  How to Encrypt Your Online Conversations

Do you ever get the feeling that somebody might be listening to or reading your private conversations? You're not crazy.  Online platforms don’t hide that they use data from chats, searches, emails, and other places for targeted advertisements. Aside from being a massive invasion of privacy, it also puts your security at risk.  But it is possible to prevent people from snooping on you. All you need is a little encryption. Check out these different ways you can add encryption into...

   DATA SECURITY,VPN     2020-01-30 07:33:29

  The hidden risk of passing slice as function parameter

In Go's source code or other open source libraries, there are lots of cases where a slice pointer is passed to function instead of slice itself. This brings up a doubt why not passing slice directly as its internal is backed by an array pointer to point to underlying data? For example, in log package, the formatHeader function takes a parameter buf as type *[]byte instead of []byte. func (l *Logger) formatHeader(buf *[]byte, t time.Time, file string, line int) {} Let's understand the r...

   GOLANG,SLICE,SLICE POINTER     2020-12-13 06:11:14

  The worst program I ever worked on

Most contract jobs fade pretty quickly in memory after the work is done, but some you remember for the rest of your life. This is one of the latter variety. This happened long ago, at a (fair sized) company that shall remain nameless. The software was a chunk of code that had been maintained by a single guy that had been fired recently and was a core component of a commercial system. So far nothing unusual, companies tend to find out that they have a piece of critical knowledge in one head all ...

   Program,worst     2011-03-17 13:58:36