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  Top 10 essential Java classes

When we write Java programs, we will frequently use some classes such as java.lang.String. There are some essential Java classes which we may use frequently, there is no strict rules for the selection of essential Java classes, in fact there are no rules followed. It depends on what projects you are doing or what you have done,, so every one may have his own choices about the top essential Java classes in his mind. Here we list the top 10 essential Java classes you may agree with.1. java.lang.St...

   Java,class,essential class,top 10     2012-06-04 09:44:19

  How Java Application Developers Can Build Secure Internet Based Apps?

There are few compiled solution tested by experts to guide Java application development and maintenance team how they can start safe journey on Internet. Strong encryption, wise passwords, secure hardware are few of the tech tools that should be used by Java app development team to secure their Internet based apps.   The Internet is most amazing yet most risky platform where nobody knows either they are doing safe transaction on Internet or there is some dog watching out for data packets t...


  Java API vs Framework

What is the difference between a Java Library and a framework? The two concepts are essentially important for a Java developer. The most important difference between a library and a framework is Inversion of Control. It means that when you call a library you are in control. But with a framework, the control is inverted: the framework calls you. (This is called the Hollywood Principle: Don’t call Us, We’ll call You.) This is pretty much the definition of a framework. Basicall...

   Difference,API,Framework,Library,Java     2011-12-19 13:40:33

  Turn on SecurityManager in Java

SecurityManager in Java is to check whether the application codes can access some restricted resource such as file, socket etc. This can be used in applications which have high security requirements. With this feature turned on, our system resources can be secured with only permitted operations. When JVM starts, it will first check whether the SecurityManager is on by checking the system property, if it's on, then an instance of SecurityManager will be created and it can be...

   SecurityManager,enable,program     2013-12-16 05:03:53

  How many Java programmers are there in the world?

Oracle says its 9,000,000, Wikipedia says its 10 million, gives the exact number of Java programmers, 9007346.But how many Java programmers are there really? We cannot call everyone on the planet to ask whether he/she is a Java programmer or not.So we can only rely on some indirect methods to estimate, such as government statistics (There are around 43 million programmers in the world), TIOBE and Langpop, Employment portals, Eclipse and Tomcat download numbers.Download number of Ecl...

   Java programmer,number     2012-07-20 11:57:19

  Why Use Java?

 Java was developed by Sun Micro-systems back in 1995 to function as high level programming language and serve as a computing platform. This gets regularly updated with new features and better compatibility. The latest version is Java SE 8.0 which released in 2014, March. Java has gained immense popularity while there have been various platforms to match up with the Java configurations like Java SE for Macintosh, Windows and UNIX, Java ME for Mobile Applications and Java EE for Enterpr...


  Java Then, Java Now - Looking at the evolution of Java from EE7 to EE9

Java, the programming language developed at Sun Microsystems in the 90s and later acquired by Oracle, is the most common programming environment used today, by developers across the globe. With the diversification of applicability that accompanied the technological boom, Java updates now come as Standard Editions (SE), Enterprise Edition (EE) and Micro Edition (ME). The Java SE contains the core programming logic and platform, used for relatively smaller-scale tasks and academic purposes. Java E...

   JAVA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY     2017-07-05 01:09:28

  Java Development : Overcomes Challenges of Security, Flexibility, and Performance

While launching any web application, a development company faces a challenge that is choosing the programming language for developing it. Though, there are many options available for companies to deliver app solution to businesses, such as .net, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby, and their derivatives; still many believe that java can be a good choice for development of apps. A java development company can make amazing app solutions by leveraging their development team’s skills and expertise. But the...

   Java development services     2015-05-20 09:05:50

  The several flavors of random in Java

Random number generation is one of most basic features in any programming language. The basic utilization is always the same: generate a random number between 0 and 1. With such a simple resource at hand we sometimes overlook some interesting features. What do we learn from the books? The most obvious and maybe intuitive way to generate random numbers in Java is simply calling: java.lang.Math.random() Random generation is in the Math utility class with abs, pow, floor...

   Java,Random,Thread,Math,Type     2012-03-22 14:17:44

  Run executable jar on double click on Windows

Normally after installing Java, there will be an association between .jar and the javaw.exe. This enables the executable jar to be opened on double click. You can check the association by going to Control Panel -> Programs -> Default Programs -> Associate a file type or protocol with a program. The default program of a file type can be changed in this dialog. However sometimes there are cases where the file association for .jar may be altered after a third party application instal...

   JAVA,WINDOWS,JAR,EXECUTABLE JAR     2016-05-12 03:05:04