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  How long does the heuristic cache of the browser actually cache?

Heuristic cache Heuristic caching is the default behavior of browser caching (i.e., for responses without Cache-Control), which is not simply "not caching", but implicitly caching based on the so-called "heuristic cache". HTTP is designed to cache as much as possible, so even if Cache-Control is not specified, the response will be stored and reused if certain conditions are met. This is called heuristic caching. HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 1024 Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2022 ...

   HEURISTIC CACHE,WEB DESIGN     2023-05-26 08:40:13

  About C++ comma operator precedence

When learning programming language, we will always have one topic about the operator precedence. Since there are many operators can be used in one expression, there should be some rules regarding which operation can happen first so that the compiler or interpreter can handle them correctly. One rule of programming with expression is using as much as brackets as you can to avoid unexpected results. Here we refer one problem we see online about the comma operator in C++. The following program has ...

   comma,precedence     2012-11-12 10:25:00

  Hurry up!Upgrade your Windows 8 before February 1

Microsoft announced on its official blog the price to upgrade to Windows 8 Pro would increase from $40 to $200 starting from February 1.According to the data released by Microsoft at the CES conference, since on sales in October last year, 60 million copies of Windows 8 licenses are sold, but they did not disclose the specific amount of activation. In order to attract users to upgrade to Windows 8, Microsoft set the upgrade fee to $39.99.Microsoft said that the price would change as follows fro...

   Windows 8, Upgrade     2013-01-18 20:57:01

  Google will launch new rendering engine Blink

Google announced new rendering engine Blink derived from the open source WebKit on Chromium project's official blog. This is to speed up the innovation and development process. It will take some time for Chrome to switch from Webkit to Blink.Opera has just switched to WebKit, what will they think about Google's move? Opera's Bruce Lawson said in a blog that Opera browser would use Blink engine and contribute to Blink community.For Google, a powerful rendering engine means that Chrome OS ca...

   Google,Blink,,Webkit,Render engine     2013-04-04 04:11:23

  Microsoft announces new Microsoft Band

Microsoft just announced a new Microsoft Band on a new product release event held in New York today. This new device is the second generation of the smart wearable device since the first generation announced around 1 year back(29 October, 2014). The biggest change of the new Microsoft Band is that it has a whole new design with curved screen. It now can be better adept to our body structure. In addition to this, there are a few other features as well. Below is a list of the features this new Mi...

   MICROSOFT BAND 2,MICROSOFT     2015-10-06 09:51:41

  10 advice from Jack Ma on success

Jack Ma, the founder and executive chairman of the biggest e-commerce website in China, started his business with $20,000 that his wife and friends helped him raise. He is the first mainland Chinese entrepreneur to appear on the cover of Forbes. He is the richest man in mainland China with net worth of $22.5 billion.  During these years of running Alibaba Group, Jack Ma summarized 10 advice for success, these advice are coming from his experience and mistakes he made. ...

   Jack Ma, Alibaba, Advice, China     2015-08-30 03:53:53

  Google's new pirate penalty doesn't affect YouTube

Google has just announced a new policy: sites with high numbers of removal notices may appear lower in our results. However, this new policy may not affect the company's video site YouTube. In fact, they themselves clearly know that there are copyright protected contents on YouTube.According to a report published by Search Engine Land, through the "Removing Content From Google" page, users can remove content from the Google services with valid reasons, the services including Google Play, Google+...

   Google,Privacy,YouTube,Rank     2012-08-12 12:35:29

  Beauty of front end--List of front end tools used by GitHub

I did this summarization when I added Lirate_CoffeeScript support for GitHub-Linguist, i.e how does GitHub do Marjdown render and code highlight in its front end. Lots of font end tools used by GitHub are open sourced. They are: 1. HTML/CSS/JavaScript 1.1 HTML template GitHub markup and template styleguide : 1.2 Style and CSS GitHub uses replacement of CSS: SCSS: KSS: GitHub CSS styleguide ...

   GitHub, front end,Tool     2013-03-07 03:46:42

  Nielsen : Google ranks No.1 web brand

Nielsen released the 2012 digital industry rankings report, The report said Google continued to rank No.1. for web brand From January 2012 to October 2012, the average monthly unique visitors reached 172 million. Followed by Facebook which has 153 million average monthly unique visitors. In 2012, the online video service continues to grow, YouTube is still the largest online video site, an average annual 132 million unique visitors. Top 10 U.S. Web Brands of 2012 For the details of other ranks ...

   Nielsen, Web brand,2012     2012-12-22 10:02:05

  Free jQuery UI themes

jQuery UI is a jQuery User Interface library, it provides many frequently used components and functions. It consists of datepicker, slider, progress bar and drag and drop support etc. Also it has many themes, you can use ThemeRoller to customize your own theme. But with ThemeRoller, we can still find the shadow of jQuery UI. If you want some highly customized, free and high quality jQuery themes such as Bootstrap, Windows-Metro, then the following themes may suit you. 1. jQuery UI Bootstrap jQu...

   jQuery UI, Theme     2012-10-20 10:59:20