Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  10 principles to start your own business

Guy Kawasaki is a Silicon Valley venture capitalist, bestselling author, and Apple Fellow. He was one of the Apple employees originally responsible for marketing the Macintosh in 1984. He is currently a Managing Director of Garage Technology Ventures, and has been involved in the rumor reporting site Truemors and the RSS aggregation Alltop. He is also a well-known blogger.We summarized 10 principles to start a new business from one of his presentations. 1. Make meaning in your companyThe most important purpose of starting a new company is to do something meaningful, not to earn money. If you m...


  Is Facebook becoming Tencent like?

Recently there is news that Facebook is developing a Reader application which is to compete with Flipboard and Pulse. This reminds me a few movements of Facebook in the past few months. First they built a copy of Snapchat named Poke which failed badly at last. Then they launched a new feature on Instagram named Video on Instagram which allows users to shoot and share short videos up to 15 seconds. This feature is to compete with Vine from Twitter. It seems Instagram wins over Vine on this. You can find this from Vine video sharing drops significantly. Now they are developing a Reader to compet...


  Emotion analysis on Twitter for past 5 years

Emotion analysis is a new research direction in computer science in these years, what it does is expressing emotions and feelings of people with data. The means to do emotion analysis include natural language processing, statistical and signal processing. The platforms which are most suitable for emotion analysis are also microblogging like social networking platform, Twitter is one good example.Computing Laboratory of the University of Vermont project Hedonometer conducted emotion analysis for the tens of millions tweets every day in the past five years and recorded the results. Hedonome...


  Chrome extension to display desktop notification

Have you ever thought about writing extension for web browsers so that we can complete some tasks easily. Do you think writing extension for browsers is very difficult? You have no clue where to begin? On Chrome, this isn't any problem now as long as you know how to write HTML,CSS and JavaScript.We will show one example of Chrome extension today. The extension will display a desktop notification on your desktop. You need to create two files here, one is the notification.json which is the configuration file for the extension, it contains the name and version and some initialization information ...


  C++ and Java over Python in Google products

In Google, most of the products are written in C++ and Java. They usually don't choose Python to write their product stack. What's behind the decision to choose one language over the other in Google? Let's get to read some opinions from Robert Love, a Google software engineer.Love said he couldn't imagine writing let alone maintaining a large software stack in Python. They use C++, Go, and Java for production software systems, with Python employed for scripting, testing, and tooling.There are a bunch of reasons for the primacy of C++ and Java:Familiarity. Early Googlers were well-versed in C++...

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  Welcome the new Google logo

Google today changed their logo, the new logo adopts the flat design with a lighter color scheme. Apart from these, there are no major changes on the font style, character color etc.Old logoNew logoAlong with the new logo, Google also released a new navigation menu that sits next to the Share and account info. The launcher, which looks just like the app launcher on Chrome OS, brings up an App grid with your favorite Google services.Actually, Google wanted to replace the top black navigation bar back in 2011. But they just did some small scale testings for the new change until recently. ...


  The 9 lines of code of Google

Are you still remembering the then hot debated news about Oracle suing Google allegedly copying a small portion of codes from Oracle's Java in 2010. At that time, Oracle experts estimated that Google owes Oracle between $1.4 billion and $6 billion in damages if liable. But the court thought Oracle was eligible only for statutory damages for that copying, which were not expected to exceed a few hundred thousand dollars. At last, Oracle agreed the zero damage result.Are you curious about which portion of codes Oracle claimed were stolen? Actually, it's only a really small portion of it, aro...


  Facebook fires a few Chinese employees

There is a big news happening in the Silicon Valley in past few days. Facebook fired a few Chinese employees for bringing outsiders into Facebook's campus and canteen on a charged basis.It's well known that tech companies in Silicon Valley provide attractive welfare to their employees. We often heard about the news that lots of free service(including free food, free laundry, free massage etc) are provided to employees to encourage them to stay effective when working. This is good news and welcomed as the companies are caring about the welfare of employees. This also becomes a very powerful bra...