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  China has blocked Wikipedia again

Recently lots of Chinese found they experienced problems while trying to access Wikipedia, the world's largest and most well-known free encyclopedia. It turns out that the notorious Chinese GFW(Great Firewall) is playing the critical role here. It blocks the Chinese version of Wikipedia.The reason why the Chinese version of Wikipedia is blocked is said to be that Wikipedia has changed its default protocol from HTTP to HTTPS. This change made it difficult for the GFW to filter some sensitive information the Chinese government doesn't want their people to read. Speaking at the Leadersh...


  Chinese Developers Release CEC-IDE, Claimed as First Independently Developed IDE

China witnessed the recent launch of a new IDE called CEC-IDE, which boldly claims to be the first IDE independently developed by Chinese developers. Initially, this release was anticipated to be a moment of pride for the country, as it marked the availability of a homegrown IDE. However, the situation quickly took an embarrassing turn, and the entire narrative soon became a subject of ridicule.It has come to light that the so-called independently developed IDE, CEC-IDE, is actually built upon the renowned VSCode IDE. The developers merely made superficial changes to the software, such as modi...

9,382 1       CHINA CECIDE CEC-IDE

  Google is returning back to China

It has been five years since Google announced its difficult decision to leave China in 2010. The well known reason was that Google didn't want to conform to China's censorship request on sensitive information. During these five years, many stories happened bbetween these two sides. Things may turn around now as there are a few indications where Google may return back to China at an appropriate time soon.The most convincing indication is that a customized Google play -- Google online shop may appear on some smartphones sold in China. These smartphones will be released later this year in China. ...


  Will China surpass United States on innovation?

I had some discussions on whether China would surpass United States on innovation with some entrepreneurs during last weekend's APEC. The conclusion is United Stats has advantages on innovation today, but in the future, China's innovation will be more widespread and successful. For the next 10 years, what advantages do United States and China have?Actually United States has obvious advantages, especially on innovation structure and innovation culture.Technology -- It's undoubted that United States has technology advantage. Besides technology, Unites States has maturer research funding sys...


  China's search engine war becomes tough

According to CNZZ, the new search engine market share report for August shows that the war of search engine is becoming tough in China. In August, four major players took almost all the search engine market share. Among these four, Baidu still tops the market share with 63.16 percent, but it experienced a 1.09 percent drop compared to July. In contrast, its main competitor Qihoo continued to inch upwards, Qihoo's market share increased by around one percent compared to July. In the third place and fourth place, they are Sogou and Soso, the reason why we combine them together is that Tence...


  A Chinese Programmer Accused of Circumventing Great Firewall Faces Confiscation of RMB 1.05 Million

Recently, a programmer posted an article on Weibo claiming that he was working for an overseas company while accessing the international internet. He was subsequently accused by the Shuangqiao Public Security Sub-bureau in Chengde, Hebei of "illegally establishing and using non-official channels for international networking" and received an administrative penalty of a fine of RMB 200 and the confiscation of "illegal gains" totaling RMB 1.05 million.This is the most severe punishment reported so far for the offense of "illegally establishing and using non-official channels for international net...

3,674 0       CHINESE GITHUB

  Former Microsoft Executive Vice President Qi Lu joins Baidu

Former Microsoft Executive Vice President Qi Lu joined Baidu(The largest search engine in China) on January 1, 2017. Qi will be group president and COO at Baidu. He will be in charge of Baidu's products, technology, sales and marketing and operations. And he will be the second most powerful person in Baidu just behind Robin Li, the founder and CEO of Baidu. At the same time, Robin Li will step away from daily operation of Baidu.In a statement, Robin Li said “Dr. Lu possesses a wealth of leadership and management experience, and is a leading authority in the area of artificial i...


  Huateng Ma becomes the richest person in China

On 22 July, Licai Zhoubao, a famous wealth management media in China, released a ranking about Chinese most richest people. In this ranking, Tencent CEO, Huateng Ma for the first time becomes the richest person in China with 46.7 billion RMB(around  $7.6 billion), his wealth was 35.4 billion RMB(around $5.76 billion) last year. That means his wealth increases 11.3 billion RMB($1.84 billion) in one year.In 2012, Tencent Corp had a revenue of 43.9 billion RMB(around $7.15 billion), which increased by 54% compared to previous year. Its net profit was 12.7 billion RMB(around $2.07 billion), w...