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  Chrome extension to display desktop notification

Have you ever thought about writing extension for web browsers so that we can complete some tasks easily. Do you think writing extension for browsers is very difficult? You have no clue where to begin? On Chrome, this isn't any problem now as long as you know how to write HTML,CSS and JavaScript.We will show one example of Chrome extension today. The extension will display a desktop notification on your desktop. You need to create two files here, one is the notification.json which is the configuration file for the extension, it contains the name and version and some initialization information ...


  C++ and Java over Python in Google products

In Google, most of the products are written in C++ and Java. They usually don't choose Python to write their product stack. What's behind the decision to choose one language over the other in Google? Let's get to read some opinions from Robert Love, a Google software engineer.Love said he couldn't imagine writing let alone maintaining a large software stack in Python. They use C++, Go, and Java for production software systems, with Python employed for scripting, testing, and tooling.There are a bunch of reasons for the primacy of C++ and Java:Familiarity. Early Googlers were well-versed in C++...

17,416 2       JAVA GOOGLE PYTHON

  Welcome the new Google logo

Google today changed their logo, the new logo adopts the flat design with a lighter color scheme. Apart from these, there are no major changes on the font style, character color etc.Old logoNew logoAlong with the new logo, Google also released a new navigation menu that sits next to the Share and account info. The launcher, which looks just like the app launcher on Chrome OS, brings up an App grid with your favorite Google services.Actually, Google wanted to replace the top black navigation bar back in 2011. But they just did some small scale testings for the new change until recently. ...


  The 9 lines of code of Google

Are you still remembering the then hot debated news about Oracle suing Google allegedly copying a small portion of codes from Oracle's Java in 2010. At that time, Oracle experts estimated that Google owes Oracle between $1.4 billion and $6 billion in damages if liable. But the court thought Oracle was eligible only for statutory damages for that copying, which were not expected to exceed a few hundred thousand dollars. At last, Oracle agreed the zero damage result.Are you curious about which portion of codes Oracle claimed were stolen? Actually, it's only a really small portion of it, aro...


  Google+ doesn't support Firefox 23?

Mozilla just released a new version of Firefox--Firefox 23, but after upgrading to the new version. We cannot login to Google+ anymore, instead it will show a page which says "Your browser is no longer supported" and it gives some choices to download new web browsers.It also allows to download Firefox. But the thing is we have updated to the latest version. Also when clicking on the "Download Firefox" link, it is redirected to the download Firefox for Android page, is it weird?Is this because the Google+ code detects the browser version wrongly? Or is it because the new version of Firefox chan...

14,034 9       GOOGLE+ FIREFOX 23

  Certificate is invalid for localhost in Chrome



  An ex-Mozilla employee's view about Chrome

Chrome now becomes the most popular web browser on the planet because it provides excellent user experience. As a general user, we think it's fast and easy to use. How about those who develop web browsers? How do they think about Chrome? Abhinav Sharma ,an ex-Mozilla employee and now Facebook employee, shared his opinion about Chrome.Mozilla fights an uphill battle given Google's advertising budget and capacity to have some incredibly good engineers and designers work on Chrome. They also came along later when open source was a lot more prevalent and could get off the ground quicker using WebK...


  Why doesn't Google copy successful startup ideas?

Google is definitely one of the largest players in Internet world. It owns the most popular search engine, mobile operating system and mapping service. It not only has huge user base but also is extremely rich. It can copy and create any product that is proven to be successful with its talent pool and money. But why doesn't Google copy those successful startup ideas?Based on the current status quo and culture gene of Google, there are several reasons Google doesn't copy startup ideas.First, Google has challenges that startups don't necessarily have early on. For example, Google must launch its...

12,112 4       GOOGLE STARTUP COPY