Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  malloc/free and new/delete in C++

malloc and free are C++/C language standard library functions, while new/delete are operator of C++. They can be used to allocate dynamic memory and free memory in C++ programs malloc/free can not meet the requirements of dynamic objects creation. Object needs to call the constructor to initialize the object when creating, the object needs to call the destructor before it is destroyed  Since malloc() and free() are library functions rather than operators, the compiler has no control permiss...

   C++,memory,malloc,free,new,delete     2012-06-20 06:52:09

  Algorithm : Delete middle node from singly linked list

Questions about singly linked list are frequently asked during technical interviews. Today we will share with you one algorithm question about singly linked list. Here is the problem description. Assuming the only information you are giving is there is a pointer to a middle node of a singly linked list, no other information about the linked list is given. Please delete this node and don't affect the structure of the linked list. Initially you may think this question is easy if you know the hea...

   ALGORITHM,C,LINKED LIST     2015-10-30 05:21:25

  Algorithm : Reverse singly linked list

Questions about singly linked list are the lovers of interviewers during interviews given the characteristic that singly linked list is one-directional list and it's difficult to get the previous node of one node without some buffering tricks.  In this post, we will demonstrate one of the most frequently asked question about singly linked list -- Reversing the singly list. Given the first node of a singly linked list, reverse the singly linked list. For example : A->B->C->D After ...

   ALGORITHM,INTERVIEW,C     2015-10-31 11:38:35

  C++ 11 Memory Management

Enterprise development and networking specialist Stephen B. Morris illustrates how to handle a classic C/C++ problem by using the new features in C++ 11 in conjunction with more established techniques.Memory management has always been one of the most error-prone areas of C++. The same is true of C. One of the strengths of managed languages, such as Java and C#, is their support for automatic garbage collection. Garbage collection still isn't a feature of C++ 11, so we must still be caref...

   C++ 11,Memory management,GC,Memory leak     2012-01-10 01:14:59

  Never create Ruby strings longer than 23 characters

Looking at things through a microscopesometimes leads to surprising discoveries Obviously this is an utterly preposterous statement: it’s hard to think of a more ridiculous and esoteric coding requirement. I can just imagine all sorts of amusing conversations with designers and business sponsors: “No… the size of this <input> field should be 23… 24 is just too long!” Or: “We need to explain to users that their subject lines should be les...

   Ruby,Specification,String,Interpreter,Optimization,23     2012-01-05 07:58:07

  Significance and use of do{...}while(0)

In some Linux kernel and other open source codes, we can see some codes like below: do{ ... }while(0) This code snippet is not a loop, it seems there is no significance of using do...while this way, then why should we use it? In fact, the significance of do{...}while(0) is better than optimizing your code. After some research, we summarize some benefits of it. 1. Help define complex macro to avoid error #define DOSOMETHING()\ foo1();\ foo2(); The me...

   do{...}while(0), optimization     2012-10-21 21:13:22

  new expression vs operator new in C++

In C++, there is a new mechanism for memory allocation and management. When we want to initialize an object, we can use new expression to get enough memory for storing an object and also initialize the object. When we want to create a new object, we can use new expression, for example: Obj *obj=new Obj; Basically, what the new expression does is to allocate enough memory for storing the obj object, in addition, it will initialize the object with some intial values. Also, there is an operator new...

   C++, new expression, operator new     2012-08-12 11:42:39

  An experience of fixing a memory-corruption bug

During the last 4 months, I was disturbed by a memory-corruption bug, and this bug will cause program crash. Until last Monday, I found the root cause and fixed it. This debug process is a difficult but memorable experience, so I will share it in this article.   My program works as a SMS Hub. When it receives a SMS, it will allocate a structure in heap memory like this: typedef struct { ...... int *a[8]; ...... } info; After processing the SMS, the program will free the m...

   c, debug, unix, solaris, multi-thread     2014-05-04 03:52:43

  The trap of the performance sweet spot

This post is about JavaScript performance but I would like to start it by telling a story that might seem unrelated to JS. Please bear with me if you don’t like C.A story of a C programmer writing JavaScriptMr. C. is a C programmer as you can probably guess from his name. Today he was asked by his boss to write a very simple function: given an array of numbered 2d points calculate vector sum of all even numbered points... He opens his favorite text editor and quickly types somet...

   C,JavaScript,Sweet spot,Memory,Low level,Trap     2011-11-06 14:45:01

  How big are PHP arrays (and values) really? (Hint: BIG!)

Upfront I want to thank Johannes and Tyrael for their help in finding some of the more hidden memory usage. In this post I want to investigate the memory usage of PHP arrays (and values in general) using the following script as an example, which creates 100000 unique integer array elements and measures the resulting memory usage: <?php $startMemory = memory_get_usage(); $array = range(1, 100000); echo memory_get_usage() - $startMemory, ' bytes'; How much would you expect it to ...

   PHP,Array,Memory occupation,Garbage collection     2011-12-16 10:06:04