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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Work experience

  Understanding database, instance and schema in Oracle database

Oracle database is the most popular database system among enterprises. To start working on Oracle database, some concepts must be understood first. They include database, instance, schema and user etc. And among these concepts, some have different meanings from those in other database systems such as MS SQL, MySQL, DB2. On the web, there are already some good posts which explain different concepts such as Ask Tom's database vs instances, Difference between database vs user vs schema. In this pos...


  PaaS vs. SaaS: The Differences And How To Pick The Right Option

Platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) are two kinds of cloud computing products that enable businesses and their clients to deliver and use various services, respectively. Before diving into the differences between the two concepts, it’s important to take a step back and understand what a cloud service really is. Cloud computing primarily refers to large storage of data, programs, and operations that are accessible via the Internet and are not stored on a user&rsquo...

   CLOUD,PAAS,SAAS     2020-04-06 06:30:32

  Why Outsourcing .Net Services is a Growing Trend?

IT companies are focusing more on .net for application development. This is because; the .net platform empowers developers with a wide range of tools and libraries to create diverse applications in an easy and efficient manner. The dot net framework allows users i.e. developers, to design and develop applications that can interact with web services and a range of online devices. .Net programming language is richer than others in many contexts. It has several objects oriented features like proper...

   dot net services, outsourcing, .net, framework     2014-10-23 22:30:43

  How I Became a Programmer

I posted a very brief response to a post on HackerNews yesterday challenging the notion that 8 weeks of guided tutelage on Ruby on Rails is not going to produce someone who you might consider a "junior RoR developer." It did not garner many upvotes so I figured that like most conversation on the Internet it faded into the general ambient chatter. Imagine my surprise when I woke up to couple handfuls' worth of emails from around the world asking me what I did, how I did it, an...

   Programmer,Advice,Method,Study     2011-11-24 09:14:50

  Spurring the Consumer Feedback Loop with Connected Devices

In a press release from earlier this year, Gartner had predicted that by the year 2018 mobile devices would account for initiating 5% of consumer services cases, registering a marginal rise of 0.02% from 2014. Research shows that most businesses lose around a whopping $83 billion owing to poor consumer services (Source: kissmetrics) in the US alone while globally, the average cost of losing a consumer is $243. It is only viable to think of automating support services as a way to lower the costs ...

   Big Data Analytics Solutions, Loyalty Programs for Customers     2015-08-18 07:11:35

  What Sort of Projects Can You Work on Using Web Scraping?

Image Source: Unsplash Web scraping is a technique used to extract large amounts of data from websites and save onto your computer in a database or time table format. There are many reasons businesses would use this information for lead generation, SEO, or to better understand their customers.  However, you can do a lot of fun projects in your free time that doesn’t have to be associated with work or a company. Before you start using your programming skills to find and extract inform...

   WEB SCRAPING     2020-09-10 09:16:44

  Perl Documentation in Terms of Tasks

The core Perl community—if you care to draw lines around a group of people who use Perl seriously and call that a community—is like many other core F/OSS communities. Real work happens on mailing lists and IRC. I unsubscribed from several mailing lists and deliberately spent as little time on IRC as possible this year, for various uninteresting reasons. (I haven't even made it to the Portland Perl Monger...

   Perl,Documentation,Process     2011-12-27 09:40:09

  Let your page be alive

With development of Internet, Web pages lie everywhere. How to design a visually attractive web product is becoming a major concern of designers, A complete webpage consists of the combination of points, lines and layers. If you want to let your page design be alive, you should put your efforts on below 4 aspects. 1. Flexible font use In a webpage, texts are the major information carrier and are what users care mostly about. It's the main element to convey messages to readers. The font size, col...

   UI design,White space,Geometric graph     2013-07-23 03:09:51

  Firefox 18 will adopt IonMonkey as its JS compiler

Tendency would be converse after 30 years. The previous famous Firefox is now forced to change its version number frequently becuase of the rise of Chrome. Last month Mozilla released Firefox 15 and  also released news about Firefox 17, And now Firefox 18 is also ready to come out. According to PCWorld, to keep the promise of bring quicker and smoother experience, Mozzila will adopts new JavaScript technology in Firefox 18. The new Firefox with new JavaScript technology will be 26% qu...

   Firefox 18,IonMonkey,JavaScript     2012-09-17 11:50:02

  Tips for Socializing With Friends During College

The shift from high school to college is a pivotal time in a young adult's life, complete with new responsibilities and the exciting opportunity to forge new relationships. Navigating social life in college can be daunting for many, but with the right tips, it's entirely possible to create a fulfilling social experience while still maintaining academic focus. From joining interest-based campus clubs to managing a healthy balance between studies and socializing, there are several strategies to en...

   SOCIAL NETWORK,COLLEGE     2024-04-16 06:40:55