Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  CSS3 & HTML5 Support in Browsers

Last week we launched, a simple app which reveals your browsers' support for CSS3 and HTML5 features in an easy to read format using Modernizr.We've had a great response and we're going to be implementing some of your feedbackin the near future.UPDATE: Check out our Web Designers' HTML5 & CSS3 ChecklistFor now though I thought people mind find it useful to know the state of support in the current browser market.  I've taken all the A-Gra...

   CSS,HTML5,Web browser,Support     2011-05-14 11:26:45

  Command line todo list manager-- Taskwarrior

What is Taskwarrior? Taskwarrior is a task management tool in a terminal environment, it has powerful functions. Here is a short description about it from its official website: It maintains a task list, allowing you to add/remove, and otherwise manipulate your tasks. Task has a rich set of subcommands that allow you to do sophisticated things. You'll find it has customizable reports, charts, GTD features, device synching, documentation, extensions, themes, holiday files and much more. Installa...

   Taskwarrior,Task management     2013-08-12 23:44:20

  Alibaba IPO Live

Alibaba is going to launch its IPO at NYSE on 19th September. This will be the largest IPO in the history of US stock exchange. The opening price of Alibaba share will be $68 and its trade code is "BABA", in Chinese it means father. Alibaba is expected to get around $22 billion investment in its IPO. Want to witness this historic moment? Please join us for the live video from NYSE. Note this live stream is broadcasted with Chinese. We don't find the English source yet. We believe something is ...

   Alibaba,IPO,NYSE,Live     2014-09-19 06:51:25

  Why Programmers don’t have a High Social Status?

Up to date there is No single street name for a top programmer or computer scientist in any of the Top 20 most developed countries in the world during the last 60 years. There is no statue built in the center of a major city for a renown programmer or computer scientists. No “Presidential Medal” or “Congressional Gold Medal” has been awarded to a computer scientists or programmer. There is no nationally televised social reward ceremony for computer programmers and scie...

   Propgrammer,Social status,Remember,Achievement     2012-01-04 02:43:05

  Google is developing advanced programming technology to simplify Web application development

Beijing, March 28. According to foreign media reports, Google engineer Alex Russell this week at EclipseCon meeting said the company is now developing lots of advanced programming techniques to simplify Web application development.Russell said, "Web development has come to a critical point, it is becoming a run-time library integration platform." Although Web is very popular compared to some platforms such as Java or Windows, it provides only a relatively original programming capability. A ...

   Google,Web,Dart,Scalability     2012-03-30 06:22:13

  No support of $.browser in jQuery 1.9

Starting from jQuery 1.9, $.browser is no longer supported to detect the nrpwser type and version. The substitute is $.support. In the newer jQuery 2.x versions, IE 6/7/8 are also not supported. If users want to support IE 6/7/8, they must use jQuery 1.9. If you want to fully support IE and want to use jQuery 1.9 and jQuery 2.0, the official solution is: <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src='jquery-1.9.0.js'></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte IE 9]> <script src=...

   jQuery,$.browser,$.browser.version     2013-08-27 03:10:12

  Noteworthy Aspects of PSD to Markup Conversion

Are you a great designer but can't code to turn your pixel-perfect design into a mark-up language? You will certainly begin scrolling the web to seek out an expert PSD to mark-up conversion service provider. But before venturing out for a credible service partner, it's very important to decide the right platform for your website. Especially, when you're thinking about converting your photoshop document into a CMS (content management system), you will get a plenty of choices. However, WordPress, ...

   PSD to WordPress, Convert PSD to Wordpress, Convert PSD to Wordpress Theme, PSD to Wordpress Service     2014-08-04 08:46:36

  Testing is not a Feature

I pointed out to someone at work today that PyDev 2.5.0 now offers really cool TDD support. I’m not a huge TDD proponent or anything, but this stirred up a discussion. This guy, let’s call him John, said that â€œTDD may shorten the time it takes to develop a feature, but sometimes a feature is so urgent we may want to deliver it as quickly as possible and test it later”.Sentences like that make me weep. I tried to explain that without testing, the...

   Testing,Feature,Software testing     2012-04-24 06:30:09

  Best Rich Text Editors ready to use in web projects

This post illustrates five interesting rich text editors ready to use in your web projects. I also provided some guidelines regarding how to implement them on your pages using a few lines of HTML code. Try them!1. Yahoo! UI Library: Rich Text EditorThe Yahoo! Rich Text Editor is a UI control that replaces a standard HTML textarea and is based on Yahoo! UI Library; it allows for the rich formatting of text content, including common structural treatments like lists, formatting treatments like...

   RTE,Example,Project,Open Source,Best,Sim     2011-07-27 10:57:33

  this in JavaScript

this is a keyword in JavaScript. It refers to an internal object created automatically when a function executes, it can only be used in a function. For example:        function test(){     this.x = 1;   }The this keyword will change when a function is called in different situations. However, the general rule is : this refers to the object which calls the function.Next we discuss the use of this in 4 different situatio...

   this,keyword,use,JavaScript     2012-05-05 12:47:37