Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Why do people hate Windows?

Windows brought us into PC era, it becomes the most widely used OS in the past 20 or so years. But unfortunately there are still many people hate Windows. Is it because we may encounter the notorious blue screen issue now and then?  People hate Microsoft Windows for the same reason they hate Comcast, United Airlines, or Paypal.Once Microsoft gained a dominant market position, it completely and utterly took its customers for granted. It became arrogant and complacent, causing customers to fe...

   Windows,Hate     2013-08-02 21:13:53

  The golden age of the developer

There’s never been a better time to be a developer, says The Kernel’s technical editor. But in exchange for all the resources laid out in front of you, what are you doing to give back? There’s never been a better time to be a developer. Thanks to an unprecedented range of open-source software, learning resources and useful web services at our disposal, we can learn new languages, get help, collaborate with others and, if our ideas win traction, there...

   Developer,Golden age,New idea,Angel investor     2011-12-22 08:23:12

  True Scala complexity

Update 2: Sorry for the downtime. Leave it to the distributed systems guy to make his blog unavailable. Nginx saves the day.It’s always frustrating reading rants about Scala because they never articulate the actual complexities in the core language.Understandable—this post is intended fill that gap, and it wasn’t exactly easy to put together. But there’s been so much resistance to the very thought that the complexity exists at all, even from on up high, that I thou...

   Scala,Complexity     2012-01-10 07:17:07

  What is Hystrix and How does Hystrix work

Background In distributed systems, there is one effect where the unavailability of one service or some services will lead to the service unavailability of the whole system, this is called service avalanche effect. A common way to prevent service avalanche is do manual service fallback, in fact Hystrix also provides another option beside this. Definition of Service Avalanche Effect Service avalanche effect is a kind of effect where the service provider fails to provide service which causes t...


  Capture video stream with WebRTC

WebRTC(Web Real-Time Communication) is an API supporting real time audio and video communication through a browser. It is now a recommended W3C standard. This post is to show you how to capture video stream and screenshot with WebRTC. Capture video stream To play video stream from the video camera, we first need to put a video tag in our code: <video id="video"></video> The main function to get the video stream is the navigator.getUserMedia, as of now only few of the browsers support...

   WebRTC,Video,Screenshot     2013-10-24 21:04:41

  Today on history : Twitter cofounder Evan Williams was born

Evan Williams, born March 31, 1972. American entrepreneurs, has created a number of Internet companies, including Pyra Labs, (operational blog, Blogger) and Twitter. He was Twitter, CEO from October 2008 to October 2010. Twitter former CEO Evan WilliamsEvan Williams grew up on a farm in Nebraska Clark Village. At the University of Nebraska, he studied a year and a half, then he started to work. He did different technologies work in some tech start-ups in Key West, Dallas, Austin, Texas. In 1996...

   Twitter,Cofounder,Evan Williams,Introduction     2012-03-31 08:49:18

  Build a Kubectl Plugin from Scratch

by author The command-line tool kubectl is indispensable when using Kubernetes. You need it to query related Pod and Service information both in developing or performing some maintenance operations, such as events, scale, rolling update, etc. However, when using kubectl, there are many inconveniences. Though Kubernetes is officially maintaining kubectl¹, and you can submit the problems, improvement, and even PR in its Github Issues, you still have to wait long before its release. The m...

   KUBENETES,KUBECTL,PLUGIN,GOLANG     2020-12-02 03:43:16

  Silicon Valley won’t dominate the tech world forever

Yesterday  I published a piece about Newry in Northern Ireland, which is looking to help boost its economy by encouraging a startup ecosystem. A little later, a post entitled ‘You will not be the next Silicon Valley, please stop trying‘ appeared over on Pando Daily, in which the author decided pull a bunch of Irish stereotypes out of the bag to attack the idea. Now, I could detail everything that’s wrong with the article, but the comments there do a perfect job of rippi...

   Silicon Valley,Domination,Technology,Startup,Trend     2012-02-13 05:21:57

  Speed Hashing

A given hash uniquely represents a file, or any arbitrary collection of data. At least in theory. This is a 128-bit MD5 hash you're looking at above, so it can represent at most 2128 unique items, or 340 trillion trillion trillion. In reality the usable space is substantially less; you can start seeing significant collisions once you've filled half the space, but half of an impossibly large number is still impossibly large. Back in 2005, I wondered about the difference between a checksum and...

   Speed hashing,Security,MD5     2012-04-07 10:35:15

  How to password protect a Winzip file

Winzip files are great ways of sharing documents and images of large sizes over the web or through email, since their reduced size makes it possible for them to be sent and received. Also, it is easier to manage one attachment than multiple. But what if the file contains sensitive information you don’t want snoopers to see? Simply add a password protection in Winzip. Adding a password will ensure more security and reliability of the transported files. How to add a Password to your Zip Fil...

   DATA SECURITY,WINZIP     2019-08-29 11:42:41