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  Case sensitivity in PHP

Case sensitivity in PHP is a bit messy. We recommend that you stick to the case sensitive rule in any language. Here we share some case sensitivity cases in PHP.1. Case sensitive1.1 Variable name is case sensitiveAll variables names are case sensitive, these include normal variables and superglobals such as $_GET,$_POST,$_REQUEST,$_COOKIE,$_SESSION,$_GLOBALS etc.<?php$abc = 'abcd';echo $abc; //Output 'abcd'echo $aBc; //No outputecho $ABC; //No output1.2 Constant name by default is case sensit...

   PHP,Case sensitivity,Summary     2012-06-25 05:48:17

  Are older people better programmers?

Peter Knego states something interesting: “It's official: developers get better with age. And scarcer.”. He uses reputation and other metrics from StackOverflow to corroborate his point. His summary is: Number of coders drops significantly with age. Top developer numbers, at age 27, drop by half every 6-7 years.Developers in their 40s answer roughly twice as much and ask half the questions compared to colleagues in their 20s. It seems younger generation learns and older generatio...

   Programming,Age,Experience,Skill,Advanta     2011-07-28 09:02:23

  Qualities of a great business presentation

When it comes to business, every day in the industry is spent trying to convince someone into buying your brand, your product or services, no doubt you will find yourself making a lot of pitches and presentations for new products, partners and stakeholders among other things. Having great presentation skills is essential to running a successful business and getting as many people believing in your brand as possible. Great presentations have the following qualities Killer slides PowerPoint slides...

       2015-12-03 23:58:41

  Bill Gates to return as Microsoft's white knight?

Summary: Could and should Bill Gates return to day-to-day responsibilities at Microsoft? Fortune is reporting there’s a rumor to that effect. Fortune reported on December 8 that there’s talk Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates might be mulling a comeback, largely to help boost Microsoft’s stagnant stock price and employee morale. I have to say I am very, very, very skeptical on this one. First, it seems this is a single-sourced report....

   Microsoft,Change,Bill Gates,Return,White Knight     2011-12-09 07:39:39

  How to handle ES6 modules in NodeJS

In modern JavaScript, there are two types of modules: ES6 module and CommonJS module used by NodeJS. These two types of module are not compatible. Many people would wonder how to load ES6 modules in their NodeJS project. This post will show how this can be done. Difference The syntax of the module being loaded is different. CommonJS modules are loaded with require() and exported with module.exports. ES6 modules are loaded and exported using import and export respectively. Merchanismwise require(...

   NODEJS,COMMONJS,ES6     2020-08-28 22:01:33

  Strict mode in JavaScript

1. Introduction In addition to normal mode, ECMAScript 5 includes the other mode : strict mode. It means it will make JavaScript codes execute in a more strict environment. The purposes to have strict mode are: Remove some unreasonable and parts of JavaScript syntax. Reduce some of the quirk behaviors. Remove some insecure parts of code execution. Make the execution environment more secure Improve interpret efficiency and increase the execution speed Build foundation for future JavaScript versi...

   JavaScript, Strict mode. Introduction     2013-01-17 05:00:26

  CSS Tools: Reset CSS

The goal of a reset stylesheet is to reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings, and so on. The general reasoning behind this was discussed in a May 2007 post, if you're interested. Reset styles quite often appear in CSS frameworks, and the original "meyerweb reset" found its way into Blueprint, among others. The reset styles given here are intentionally very generic. There isn't any default color or background set for the bod...

   CSS,Cross browser compatibility,Reset,Partial reset     2011-12-05 02:44:11

  What is the use of empty struct in GoLang

In Go, an empty struct struct{} is a struct with no fields that may appear to be of little use, but in reality, it can be useful in certain situations and become a simple and efficient solution in code. As a semaphore or lock Because the empty struct has no fields, it can be conveniently used to implement some concurrency control functions, such as mutex locks, read-write locks. We can use chan struct{} to implement an unbuffered channel for controlling concurrent access. package main import ( ...

   GOLANG,EMPTY STRUCT     2024-04-05 23:54:03

  IDC lists top 6 myths, realities about open source

Summary: What are the top 6 myths? That open source software will enter every market, is inherently innovative, it improves faster than commercial software, that it has less lock-in, that it’s free and that it has little benefit if one is not involved in the community. IDC calls these ideas “myths” but acknowledges there’s more than a grain of truth to all of them At its Directions 2012 conference in Boston today, IDC rev...

   IDC,Open source,Reality,Free,Contribution     2012-03-16 08:47:53

  Disposable Email address

There is one statement which says Giving out your email address is like starting a relationship. What happens when you want to break up?Once you gave out your email address, you may take the risk of receiving big amount of junk emails. However, when we register on some websites, we must provide our Email address to receive authentication emails. If we cannot receive the authentication email, we cannot finish the registration process. Is there any alternative way?We can use disposable email, i.e,...

   Disposable email,Website,Summary     2012-05-19 12:27:14